Daddy Issues--Split Chapter

(William's P.O.V)

"Why did you hit him?!" I hear Nerina yell, my head pounding.

"Because he left us and left my mother to raise us on her own with no help or support." My son yells back at her.

I hear someone slapping someone, followed by a grunt and another slap.

"You're lucky you're family, or I would run you through with my sword." Nerina hisses out.

"Both of you knock it off, he's coming around." Charlotte practically yells, I can hear the annoyance in her voice.

My eyes open and I'm looking at the sky, which is now inky black, stars painting the sky and the full moon casting an ethereal glow on my love.

"Glad you're back William," Selene says with a smile.

"Oh, William. When we get back to the Lunar Realm, I will have someone heal you. Now, Will, apologize to your father for hitting him. You should have let him explain himself before resorting to violence." She lectures.

"Sorry," William mutters out.

"It's okay son, truly it is. I understand your anger and hurt as well as the hurt and anger your mother and sister felt with my absence. You need to know though, while it was my choice to leave, I NEEDED to. I NEEDED to end the curse placed upon our family. I couldn't let our families continue to suffer." I say, pleading with my eyes for him to understand.

"So that's why we are still alive! I was wondering what kind of craziness was going on." Lottie laughs.

I finally get a good look at her. She looks exactly like Charlotte, though taller and with paler skin.

"What the hell are you wearing!?" I yell out.

She's wearing some tiny shorts and some little top that is practically a bra like Nerina! These women are going to put me in my grave by dressing like this. She has the audacity to snort and roll her eyes at me.

"It's called clothes, dad." She replies coolly.

"That's underwear!" I exclaim.

"Dad, I'm over 100 years old now, so you really have no reason to be concerned with what I'm wearing," She states.

"You're over 100!? You don't look a day over 30." Nerina states.

You'd think she would be used to this considering I'm over 200 years old, just like the rest of the men.

"Charlotte, you don't look a day over 40 either! Seriously, what is your secret?" Corie asks.

"Being a hybrid sea nymph," Charlotte says with a laugh.

Everyone looks at her questioningly.

"We are immortal." She says, rolling her eyes at us.

"Wow, that's so cool!" Elizabeth squeals out.

"Okay, can we please get this show on the road? I would like to be able to enjoy the rest of my vacation and birthday." Nerina huffs.

"Yes, okay darling children. Your decisions please." Selene says, clapping her hands together.

"I want to go back to the future with Kailani." Arthur states quickly, tugging Kailani to him.

"I will be going back with Nerina," John says, causing Nerina to gasp and tears to well in her eyes.

Harry and Edward decided to go back with John and Arthur.

"Will Lottie and William be able to come with us to the Lunar Realm since they are our children?" I ask, I want my family together. I NEED my family together.

"Yes, if that is what they choose to do," Selene nods.

William and Lottie are silent for a while, the seconds feeling like hours before they finally respond.

"We're coming with you guys." They say together.

Charlotte's face brightens and again, tears begin to fall again, and I couldn't help the tears welling in my own. I will finally have my family, and we will finally be together like I have always wanted to be.

(Nerina's P.O.V)

I was shocked, John was coming back with me, and my grandfather and grandmother were going to be living in the Lunar Realm together with their kids. I couldn't believe it, but I was ready to get back to my vacation and continue my tree climbing activities with John.

"I'm so glad that we met Nerina. Thank you for bringing an end to the curse and bringing back my family." William senior says, pulling me into a tight hug.

"You're welcome gramps. Take care of grams for me." I whisper.

"Of course." He whispers back, squeezing me for a final time.

Charlotte, William Junior, and Lottie come over and each wrap me in a hug; all saying that they wished they could have had more time with me but are happy to know that our family is thriving. Selene tells them to hold hands so she can transport them back to Charlotte's home in the Lunar Realm, and with a snap of her fingers they're gone.

"Alright everyone, ready to head back?" Selene asks.

"Yes please. Oh wait, how much of our vacation is left?" I ask.

"Oh, you still have a week left of vacation." Selene answers with a smile.

"Okay that's awesome and all but Moon Goddess, can you please put a cannon at the capital in California for me?" Nikita interrupts, giving Selene puppy dog eyes.

"That may work on others, Nikita, but unfortunately for you, it doesn't work on me. So, the answer is no." She states.

Nikita pouts her way over to our group, arms folded like a toddler throwing a tantrum because they just had their favorite toy taken from them.

"Now, all of you hold hands and I will send you back to the villa." Selene tells us.

We do as she says, John and I interlocking our fingers and I know that I have little hearts in my eyes staring at him. Selene snaps her fingers, and we go tumbling through space for what seems like mere seconds before our feet touch solid ground again in front of the villa. The sun is just beginning to peak over the horizon, casting a pink and orange glow onto everything. We all walk in silence into the villa and trudge up the stairs. We all go our separate ways, Kailani taking Arthur to her bedroom, all of us wiggling our eyebrows at her and cheering her on. She flips us off before slamming the door to her room.

"Harry and Edward, you are welcome to stay in the living room if you'd like. I would offer one of you to stay in Nikita's room, but she snores." I tell them.

"Bitch!! You did NOT need to tell them that!" She yells.

"It's okay Nerina, I'll room with Kita. If she'll have me," Edward says with a smirk.

Nikita's cheeks turn pink.

"Oof, is it getting hot in here or what? I think I need some fresh air." She says, sprinting back down the stairs and out of the villa.

"Oh Nikita! Where did you go!?" Edward calls out in a sing-song manner and skips down the stairs after her.

"Well, I'm thoroughly exhausted, John, you're coming with me. Night bitches!" I say, grabbing John's hand and walking down the hall to my room.

Time to climb my tree again.