Becoming a God!

[Congratulations on being one of the lucky 100 to be chosen as a Universal Creator!]





Tristan, who was usually a calm levelheaded man, couldn't help but yell in astonishment once the sentence had registered in his brain

"What the hell is a universal creator!"

"And where the hell am I!"


It seemed like Tristan snapped again.

This time it took around twenty minutes for him to calm down.

"Oh, you're done, great, now, can I finally explain why you are here, or are you going to have another breakdown?" said the figure laughing

"Yes, please explain what the hell is going on."

"Great, now let's see, where should I start?"

While the figure stood there thinking, Tristan used this as an opportunity to look around at his surroundings in more detail.

At first, he had thought he was in a dark room, but the more he looked around the clearer it became.

He truly is in an empty part of space!

All he could see around him was a black, empty, lifeless void.

This greatly confused Tristan, as far as he knows, the only place like this would be outside of the known universe and that was too crazy to believe!

Another few minutes went by before the figure finally looked up at Tristan.

"I guess this should suffice."

"So, Tristan Aldrich, once again I would like to congratulate you on being one of the lucky 100 to be chosen." said the figure clasping his hands

"What do you mean by chosen though, and what did the message mean by the universal creator?"

"You see, there exists the multiverse and every 1,000 multiverse years, 100 lucky mortals are chosen to become Origin Gods, or more simply, Gods of Creation."

"Did you just say God?" asked Tristan wide-eyed

"Yes, yes I did"

When Tristan heard the response, only one word came out of his mouth.


"Haha, I knew that's how you were going to react, someone like you who loved those so-called "God games" was a sure-fire perfect fit for the job."

"Now what this entails is simple, you are tasked with creating and managing your universe!"

"Who gave me this task though?" asked Tristan

"That would be the multiversal creator."


Tristan just "stood" rooted to the spot when he heard that last part.

"W-w-what do you mean by "multiversal creator"?"

"Just like how there are those like you who create universes, there are the multiversal creators who ranked up from where you are and were given permission by the omniversal creator to make their own multiverse."

Tristan's brain short-circuited after that explanation.

After 10 minutes of Tristan standing there like an idiot, he woke out of his stupor.

"So, you mean to tell me, there are multiple multiverses, and all of reality is ruled by one creator?"

"Technically, yes." said the figure awkwardly

"What do you mean by "technically"

"Sigh, I probably shouldn't tell you this but, screw it, there exist multiple omniverses or in other terms "realities" and each omniverse has one creator at the helm."

"How many are there."

"Excuse me?" asked the figure

"How many omniverses are there?" said Tristan excitedly

"An infinite amount."




10 minutes later...


"Alright that's enough, we're getting to of topic here."

"Fine," said Tristan with a downtrodden look

"Thank you, now, as I said before, you are tasked with creating a universe of your own."

"Whether it's one filled with live, or death, it matters naught."

"But how am I supposed to go about this, don't tell me I have to use a type of currency to buy planets and systems and stuff and waste my time doing needless side stories," said Tristan *wink* *wink*

"Oh god no, nothing like that."

"You are now a genuine God of Creation."

"With just a thought, you could wipe whole galaxies away and replace them with new ones."

"Of course, that's only once you've mastered your power of creation."

"Hmm, okay, then how will I create my first solar system, I mean, I can't just create one realm and be done with it right?" asked Tristan

"Correct, for the first one million years, you will have access to a creation panel of sorts."

"This panel will simplify everything to where you just need to say create a template of what you want using your imagination and once that idea is recorded on the panel, you can create whatever that template is at any time."

"Why don't you try it out for yourself, go ahead and create your first solar system, and you don't have to worry about creating the galaxy around it, once the first solar system comes into being, a galaxy will naturally form around it."

"Over time new solar systems and planets will form within your galaxies, but you are also able to create a solar system yourself to speed up the process."

"Now go ahead and say, "open creation panel"

Once the figure was done with the explanation, Tristan said those faithful words that would send him down the path of greatness.

"Open panel!"

[Creation Panel]

- Stars

- Planets

- Moons

- Flora

- Fauna

- Sapient Races

- Custom Creations

When Tristan saw the options, he was quite surprised, that's when the figure chimed in.

"You see all of the options above the Custom Creations tab?"


"Those are all tabs for you to see some pre-made models, all of these models were made by other universal creators like yourself."

"However, I can tell you're the type of person who likes making things from scratch, so go ahead and look at the pre-made models anytime you need inspiration."

When Tristan heard that he just nodded his head and went straight to the Custom Creations tab.

[Please input a mental idea or image you want for your creation]

Although it was a little basic, Tristan chose to make a star that was the same color as the sun but was also 10 times bigger.

When Tristan clicked the create button, he felt a rush of information enter his head.

It turns out that once you are ready to create your template, the information needed to create it using your power will flow into your mind.

And so, armed with this new knowledge, Tristan began the process of creating the star.

First, he would gather various gases into his palm, namely hydrogen, helium, oxygen, calcium, and sodium.

He would then combine them into a tennis ball shape.

However, this wasn't enough.

Next, he would infuse plasma and the element of fire into the ball of gas.

Once the elements were mixed, Tristan noticed that the plasma and fire elements were used as a sort of glue to hold together all of the gases and various other elements he mixed in.

Now for the final touch, the information instructed him on not only how to create a star from scratch but also how to harness and use his new power of creation.

So, using this method, Tristan spread out his power of creation all across the then basketball-sized orb and watched as the flames came to life after a few hours the orb finally looked like a bonified star.

The star he had created burned a bright lively blue, at first, he was confused because he originally went for a yellow star like the sun.

Almost as if he could read Tristan's thoughts, the figure who Tristan had forgotten was standing behind him interjected.

"The reason your star burns a bright blue is because of the excess amount of fire element and plasma you used."

"Due to the high concentration of the elements, the sun now burns hotter which in turn makes it a beautiful azure blue color."

Nodding his head in understanding, Tristan soon felt that the process was coming to a close.

After a few more moments of Tristan stabilizing the new star with his power, he tossed the ball forward and as soon as it left his hands, the star rapidly expanded.

Panicked, Tristan tried his hardest to move out of the way, but he wasn't used to floating in space so all he could do was watch in despair.

"Is this the end of my story, destined to end before it even starts, sigh, so be it."

Just as Tristan had resolved himself, he soon heard a burst of uncontrollable laughter erupt behind him.

"Y-you t-thought you were going to d-d-die! HAHA!"

"Oh-oh my god how stupid can you be, I me- I mean, HAHAHA!"

As the figure was engulfed in a laughing fit, all Tristan could do was stand there embarrassed.

Deciding he wasn't going to stand there and wait, Tristan wrapped himself around with his power of creation.

For the first few minutes, he kept failing in trying to move with his power alone, but after the tenth try, he finally got it!

Although it was still a little awkward, Tristan was flying around the inside of the star feeling no heat at all!

When he was done inspecting the inside of the star, Tristan then flew out to the edge and left the inside, now he was looking down at this beautiful creation of his.

"Wow, I can't believe I created a star, cool."

While he was admiring his creation, the figure finally stopped laughing and wiped the tears from his... face, I guess?

"Huh, where did he go?"

It only took a moment for the figure to find out the direction Tristan went so in a flash he appeared right beside Tristan, startling him in the process.

"Jesus, oh it's you," said Tristan in an annoyed tone

"Oh, speaking of Jesus, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." shrugged the figure

"So, which religion was right?"

In life Tristan wasn't a very pious man to say the least he didn't believe in any of the religions, he was purely agnostic, he believed there was some higher power, but all of the religions of earth got it wrong.

"Hmm, that's a good question, well technically Christianity got it semi-right."

"What do you mean by semi?"

"You see, the god they believed in was in fact the true god, but so were all of the others."

After hearing that, Tristan just stood there with a stupid look on his face.

"Please elaborate further," said Tristan with a complicated expression

"How should I explain this, hmm."

"Alright here goes nothing, in simple terms, the god Christians, Jews, and Muslims believe in, is the universal creator of your old universe, Jesunium."

"And all of the other gods that people believed in whether ancient or modern, were gods created by the creator to help him manage the universe."

"And as you can infer, Jesus got his name from the universe."

"But why did the creator interfere on earth then?" asked Tristan intrigued

"Earth was special, to the creator, earth was an experiment in which he would create a world and let it naturally develop until he saw fit to intervene personally."

"However, once he did descend as Jesus, that all changed."

"Although the scripture says Jesus's death was by design to forgive you of your "sins" in reality it was a scapegoat for the creator to use to where he could abandon the world."

"If Earth was so special, then why to abandon it?" asked Tristan

"At first that wasn't the plan, however, once Jesus aka him, was executed, he became a little furious at humans, however against his better judgment he stuck around for a few more centuries."

"Over time though, he became disillusioned with humans, sure he was used to mortals killing each other over petty squabbles, the main reason he left, was because he got annoyed at the Catholics and especially the pope abusing his name for their debauchery."

"So, he decided to up and leave and watch Earth progress naturally until he felt like either introducing mana, killing everyone off and restarting, or just leaving them until the sun naturally exploded."


"Wow indeed." responded the figure shaking his head

"Whatever, that's all in the past, I think it's time for me to create my first planet, don't you?" said Tristan smiling