The messenger of God (4)

"Our battle will be legendary!"

And with those words, the two bitter rivals and sworn enemies launched at each other and their weapons clashed.

The two were constantly exchanging blows, one after another, Zandrek would aim for an arm with his mighty "Blood Axe" only to get deflected by Dreikr who would follow up with a counterattack of his own towards the emperor's chest.

This went on for half an hour before Zandrek decided to switch it up and start launching ranged ice magic attacks toward Dreikr.

Zandrek was extremely frustrated by the fact that he wasn't gaining any ground in a melee battle against Dreikr who was only a 7th-tier aura user, while different to a mage was still a whole two tiers lower.

However, what Zandrek didn't know, was that it wasn't his fault due to not gaining the upper hand on Dreikr.

It was actually Tristan's fault, one day he was sitting in his office designing new creatures when he got bored, so he decided to bless a random Terran child, and in a weird twist of fate, that child just so happened to be Dreikr.

The blessing Tristan had given Dreikr was the blessing of amplified aura conductivity.

This blessing was the root cause of Dreikr's unprecedented strength, the blessing he received in short allowed his body to hold and utilize aura twice as effectively as a normal Terrans would.

Combined with his natural body strength and giant size, he became an unstoppable tank on the battlefield, in reality, Dreikr could fight someone who was a peak 9th tier, and he would still have a chance at winning.

Unfortunately, Zandrek wasn't even a peak 9th tier.

So towards the end of the melee exchange, Zandrek was slowly getting overwhelmed, so he opted to switch to a ranged strategy.

Using his new connection to ice mana all around him, Zandrek was able to conjure ice spells that were twice maybe even three times stronger than before.

So, for the next hour, Zandrek was bombarding Dreikr with as many ice spells as possible.

He would send hundreds of ice spears in one wave just to follow it up with another couple hundred the next second.

Despite dodging the tens of ice spikes coming from the ground on top of the ice spears, Dreikr was defending relatively well.

That is, as good as anyone who was within an inch of losing their life every second.

After another hour of this, Dreikr was finally slowing down and getting exhausted.

Every additional minute that Dreikr was defending, was another minute closer to his death, by now he had scratches and full-on wounds all across his body.

"What's wrong Dreikr, I thought you barbarian savages were stronger than this!" Laughed Zandrek

Noticing he didn't get a response since Dreikr was in a bad spot, Emperor Zandrek used one of his strongest spells.

"I think it's time we end this!"

"Glacial Decimation!"

above Zandrek's head, a gigantic ice spear started to form.

first, the shaft of the spear formed, and once it was done it measured 5 meters long and 2 meters thick.

After the shaft came to the spearhead, it slowly started to form until it was over 2 meters long and a little under 1 meter thick.

Any sane man would immediately move out of the way of this callosal ice spear, but Dreikr was pinned down by a constant barrage of smaller ice spears.

Once the huge ice spear was completed, without wasting another moment, Zandrek launched the insanely huge spear towards a distracted Dreikr.

Within a few seconds, the gigantic spear was plunged into Dreikr's unsuspecting body and just like that, the great patriarch of the Frost Fang clan was dead.

All that was left were the forearms and hands, as well as the legs of Dreikr, everything else was completely decimated by the attack.

"Sigh, if only you were born in the empire, rest in pieces, you bastard."


This whole time while the two leaders were fighting, the generals of the Elora Empire were made aware of the emperor's actions and they immediately ordered the attack on the encampment of the invading barbarians.

"Everyone, we head out there to aid our emperor who has not only slaughtered over 30,000 of those savages but has also killed their vile leader Dreikr!"

"Let's go out there and aid our valiant emperor, for the glory of the empire!"

"For the glory of the empire!"

"For the glory of the empire!"

And with that being said, an army of 100,000 marched out to help their beloved emperor in a battle that would determine the fate of the empire.


Once the generals reached a hilltop overlooking the encampment, they were stunned, to say the least at what they saw.

Playing out Infront of them was not a desperate battle for the continued existence of the empire, no, it was a one-sided slaughter, and at the helm of the slaughter was a one-man army who they called emperor.

For a few minutes, the generals were too stunned to speak much less give orders, after snapping out of it, the generals ordered a full-on assault against the faltering barbarians.


"Mercy ple-"


All that could be heard was constant screams of horror from the barbarian forces, and amongst those screams was one man, cleaving through enemies with a shiny grey weapon, this man was laughing like a maniac while eviscerating his enemies.

To any normal person, Emperor Zandrek would seem like a mad man who loved killing, but in reality, he was not only happy but relieved that he alone could now hold the barbarian horde back.

Those laughs of happiness and relief became even louder when he noticed the army of Elora charging from the hilltop.

After a few minutes, the generals and imperial guard joined in the fight right beside their emperor.

"Haha, it's great to see you all got my orders!" laughed Zandrek while decapitating a barbarian warrior

"Of course, your majesty, at first I was worried about you going out there alone but seeing how many bodies lie around you, it seems my worries were unfounded." said the commander of the imperial guard

"Well I wouldn't be able to cause this much carnage if it wasn't for a visitor I got recently!" yelled Zandrek as he impaled three warriors with ice spears.

"I would love to hear about the identity of this visitor, but first, let's push back these barbarians so we can reclaim the lands of the empire!"

"Where is your leader, Duke Adriell?"

"That coward is at the back lines, "commanding" the troops." scoffed the commander

"Sigh, thank Sofia his son is a more reliable leader and warrior." sighed Zandrek


"I think I have the answer to your plight." said a man walking into the throne room

This man wore a white and gold robe with a hood over his face, over his robe was a silver armor that covered his chest and torso.

The man had six shining wings on his back with a golden halo on top of his head.

His face was concealed by a golden light, hampering all who would look to see his real face.

Once the man's presence was noticed, the Vraetian imperial guard immediately went in front of their emperor to protect him.

The two tempest wolves also leaped toward the man, but once they got within 5 feet of him, they immediately stopped and walked toward him wagging their tails.

The scene unfolding in front of Emperor Basham ll was one he would remember forever, the two vicious tempest wolves who he raised from dire wolf pups who now rivaled tier 6 aura users, were now on their backs getting tummy scratches by the intruder.

Noticing the varying gazes upon him, Tristan aka Abraxos finally spoke up.

"Ahem, my apologies, I just couldn't help myself, I'm quite fond of animals after all," said Abraxos while chuckling

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Abraxos, I am the archangel of warfare, I also sometimes act as the messenger of my lord the God of Creation Tristan," said Abraxos while giving a bow

". . . ."

Everyone in the throne room sat there with dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

While they were all processing what they had just heard, Abraxos went back to scratching and petting the two tempest wolves like they were harmless puppies.

"D-d-did you just day you were an a-a-a-archangel?" asked Duke Nauld IV

"Why yes I did, here maybe this will help."

Abraxos got up from playing with the wolves and suddenly a blinding golden light started to come out from his body, within this light was the aura of his "archangel strength" but in reality, it was just a small fraction of divine power that Tristan decided to use to show his power.

"Holy shit!"

"Sofia help us!"

"I c-c-can't even stand!"

Everyone in the room was under a pressure that was stronger than anything they have ever felt.

Even Emperor Basham couldn't stay standing, and he was a 9th-tier mana user!

"Ah, my bad, I guess I overdid it a little."

Abraxos then lifted his aura and everyone in the room started to get on their feet while panting.

"S-so, w-w-what can we do for you, y-your highness," asked Basham hesitantly

"Actually, it's what I can do for you."

"Excuse me?" said Emperor Basham who was befuddled

"You see, the big guy sees the situation you're in and he decided to give you a gift due to him taking a liking to your empire and dynasty."

"T-the God of Creation has t-taken a liking to my dynasty and empire?!" said Basham surprised and excited

"Yup, you can thank Emperor Rigurd "The Conqueror" for that."

"Back to business, the reason I am here is to give you a divine weapon alongside another gift."

With that being said, Abraxos magically pulled out a staff that looked to be made out of ancient wood with leather tied around the top and bottom, on top of the staff was a bright blue gem that seemed to be glowing while emitting mana.

Everyone in the room was surprised to see such a powerful weapon, however, only the two mana users, Emperor Basham ll and Archduke Alaric Vraetia knew the true power and worth of this staff.

"T-that staff, I-I-It can amplify magic power!" yelled out Alaric I surprise

When the others who were present in the room heard this, they were understandably dumbfounded.

Although the art of enchanting has started to become more popular and more progress is being made in researching how to enchant weapons, creating a staff or weapon that could amplify the output of magic power was too far ahead, most could only dream of creating something like this, so to these "primitive" people, this was a world-class staff.

"Haha, I knew you two would be able to figure out what this staff does."

"This magic staff is called, the "Staff of Vraetia" it was originally made to be given to Emperor Rigurd as a gift from my lord Tristan, but he had a greater talent in an aura so he was given a sword instead," said Abraxos with a smile

Everyone present in the room was completely blindsided by the new info.

Although the sword "Storm Caller" isn't a divine weapon, it was still created by Tristan himself as a gift to the first emperor of Saxonia.

So, when they heard that the legendary sword of the first emperor was made by the God of Creation himself, they were understandably stupefied.

"Sigh, it seems it is time for me to take my leave."

"Before I go I will tell you about the uses and requirements of this divine staff."

"First, one must be a 6th tier mana user, secondly, they must be a direct descendant of Emperor Basham ll to use this staff."

"Now, for the abilities of the staff, of course, as mentioned earlier, this staff can amplify the output of a mage's spells and raise its strength by 5 times, so in theory, a peak 9th stage mana user such as yourself can conjure a spell with the power of a beginner 10th tier."

"W-w-wait, there are more tiers after the 9th for mana?!" exclaimed Basham

"Of course, there are, just because nobody has reached it doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

Hearing the response, this came as quite a shock to everyone due to them believing the 9th tier was the final tier for mana users.

"Now, for the second use of this staff, as long as the wielder is a 9th tier mana user, they can imprint one of their spells into the staff, so over time this staff will hold many spells from the past wielders."

After he explained the uses of the staff, Abraxos went on to explain about spirit energy just like how he did with Emperor Zandrek.


Back in Tristan's personal study.

"Phew, now I only have to visit the Fryll Kingdom and then I can finally get back to see what happened during the 15,000 years for the different species."

And with that, Tristan put on his Abraxos persona and disappeared from the room.

(The Staff of Vraetia --->)