The next day, Avia started her day like she normally does but something seems off this time around, she keeps looking at her phone like she was expecting someone's call or text, indeed she was expecting someone's call or text. She was on her way to the balcony when her phone ranged, she rush back to the bed to see if it was the call she was expecting, she hissed the moment she saw it was someone else.

"Good morning Avia"The caller greeted

"Any problem Aunt?"Avia asked trying to be calm

"I just missed you"Madeline replied with obvious happiness

"Is that all? Cause I will like to hang up now, I'm a little busy"Avia said coldly

"Yeah, take care little girl"Madeline replied with the same energy

"Okay"Avia hanged up

"Shit! Why am I even expecting his call?"Avia cursed and left for the balcony.

At the balcony, she can see the city clearly, the sight is more beautiful at night and clearer in the morning. She sips the orange juice she prepared earlier and looking at the hustle and bustle of the city, her door bell rang and she walks back to the door to see who it is.

"Ma'am, Sir Emmett is here"The maid said with a bow

"Really? I will be down in few minutes. Entertain him"Avia said trying to hide her happiness. The maid bow and leaves, Avia close the door and touch her left chest "Why am I so happy he is here?'Avia asked herself smiling "It doesn't matter"Avia concluded.

She walks towards her closet to look for the best outfit to wear, she looks at herself and concluded she looks okay and attractive the way she is. She is on a blue crop top with a pink print of 'BABY GIRL', a low waist jean trouser, she styled her hair in ponytail, a blue slide footwear and she's not on make-up. She walks down the stairs looking at the guy sitting cross-legged on the sofa, his hair is neatly cut, he has no beards just like a princess, his casual wear gives him more of a gentleman look than a shirt, his physique is always one to die for but today he looks like someone that can be killed for. She try to keep a straight face and not blush looking at the guy who hasn't notice her yet.

Emmett noticed her and saw her gushing over him, he wants her to enjoy her moment and acted like he didn't see her, he could not get his side eyes off her especially her thin waist and flat stomach, the jeans is hugging her hips and brings out the shape perfectly "oh damn"He said inwardly. He was still in the middle of his thoughts and didn't notice she was close to him now, she was still gushing over him, he was about to turn his face and they came face to face looking into each other's eyes. The atmosphere became tense, they were so close that they could hear each other's heartbeat, Avia try to move away but she just couldn't, it looks like she was placed and tied there with strong adhesives. "Should I avoid this moment or kiss her lips?What will she think of me"Emmett thought.

Avia loosed her grip on the floor and fall on Emmett causing their lips to touch, Emmett who couldn't hold himself back anymore dragged her lips inside his mouth, he kissed her passionately, she wasn't kissing him back. Emmett placed her on his lap in one swing without breaking their kiss, Avia's body was becoming unusually hot and she could feel her pant becoming damp "What is this feeling?"She questioned herself. Emmett put his hand on her waist and squeeze it slightly, she moaned in pain and pleasure as she is kissing him back now, he walks his hand on her body moving close to her bosom but a loud noise of glass breaking stopped the two of them. Avia stands up from his lap and run back to her room, Emmett looks at the maid who dropped the glass cup shaking.

"Sir Emmett, please"The maid said looking up towards Avia's room. Emmett understands what she meant and just nodded without saying a word. The maid cleaned the broken glass and leave in a hurry.


Hey Emmett Wales Sternberg what was that about? Have I been willing to kiss her? What if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore? I just couldn't miss the chance of kissing those little kissable lips. She tasted good and that tiny waist of her, made me hard just by touching it. Oh Emmett, I hope she doesn't see this as mistake or fault of the situation at hand.


Oh damn! His lips taste so creamy, why didn't I avoid the kiss? Am I really in love with someone I met just few days back? The atmosphere earlier caused this and everything is my fault, why didn't I move my face away immediately he turned? I think I finally found the person I love and Carl was just the moment. I hope and pray he doesn't see this as nothing, I could feel his hardness, he can't even lie about that, I was on his laps and could feel it. He's not my first kiss but I love how tender and caring his kiss was. He's also my first true kiss, Carl was just the moment. Let me go to him before he leaves thinking I am angry.


Avia walks back to the living room, she acted like she was just seeing him and they've not seen each other before. "Good morning Alpha"She greeted with a smile

"Morning Chameleon"He greeted her kissing her forehead. Avia heart skipped a beat.

"You did not even inform me that you are coming over"She acted angry

"Sorry, I just wanted to surprise you"He hold her hand

"Surprise? Was the kiss part of the surprise?"She asked bluntly

"Maybe"He replied looking at her happy expression

"You had breakfast yet?"She asked looking towards the dining room

"I want to share my breakfast with you so I cooked something nice for us and brought it over here"He replied looking at her blush

"Oh, you should have asked me to come over to your house"She said with a cute smile

"I'm here now, let's eat and go out after breakfast"He replied waiting for her to stand up

"Where are we going after breakfast?"She asked standing up

"I don't know yet"He replied as they walk towards the dining room.

The dinning table was set with varieties of American dish, Spanish dish and Korean dish, no Japan dish. Avia was stunned, this dish were are favorite, she turned and hugged him without care.

"Thank you Alpha"She shed tears

"You are welcome Avia"He kissed her forehead, the chef turned away seeing the romantic moment.

"How did you know this are favorite dish?"Avia asked after wiping her tears

"I follow your everyday news and have you forgotten you requested for this dish on our first day of meeting?"He said hugging her tightly

"Oh really? I can't remember saying that"Avia said trying to remember when she said that. Emmett loosen his hand around her and they stopped hugging each other.

"Let's enjoy breakfast"He said and they sat down to eat.

The food on the table was mouth watering and Avia enjoyed every bite of the food, she did not notice Emmett was not eating and was just staring at her.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"Emmett asked looking at her enjoying the meal he made

"Yes, did you make all this dish?"Avia asked not even raising her head up

"I made it for my queen"Emmett replied with a smirk. Avia noticed he wasn't eating and realized she has almost finish all the food on the table.

"I'm sorry. Its been a while I had this food"Avia feels sorry

"I had breakfast earlier, just brought this for you so eat as much as possible"Emmett replied and Avia continue eating without a care.

After breakfast the duo went to the living room to have a discussion.

"Thank you for the breakfast"Avia said smiling

"You are welcome"Emmett replied looking at her expression

"So where are we going today?"She asked avoiding his gaze

"I really don't know, do you really want to go out?"He asked wanting to just spend the day looking at her

"We can go out tomorrow, I'm tired from yesterday tour"She replied getting the idea

"Okay, what can we do now?"He asked looking at the shy girl

"Let's just get to know each other"She replied still avoiding his gaze

Her phone beeped and she picked up without checking the caller

"Hello"Avia answered

"Ma'am, I found some secrets but I'm not certain yet"The private investigator said

"Okay, let me know once you are certain"Avia replied and hanged up.

Emmett saw the caller's ID so he did not bother to ask who it was, he knows it deals with something personal. He saw her mood change from the happy Avia to the cold Avia, he could not hear their conversation but he was sure nothing was said. Avia looked at him and try to force a smile but the thought of what the private investigator might have found was disturbing her and she couldn't think straight.

"Emmett can I visit you for dinner later?"She asked trying to ask him to leave

"Don't bother, we see tomorrow"Emmett said understanding her plight

"Thank you"She replied and stand up to leave

"You are welcome"He said and they walk towards the door

"Take care of yourself baby girl"He hugged her and kiss her forehead before leaving. All Avia could do was nod before going to her room to relax?


Are you ready? The secrets are about to be spilt. Are you ready for the first secret? And the twist? If you are then please add the novel to your library thank you.

Team Cold Avia don't forget to vote for your cold Avia

Team Happy Avia don't forget to vote for your happy Avia

Emmett Army let's go vote for Emmett