Mimi woke up and did not see Avia on the bed, she knew where she would be, she walk to the study and saw Rhea going out with her suitcase but did not care since all her mind is on Avia. she entered the study without knocking. Avia was working on the laptop while Mary was sitting quietly.

"Someone promised to rest for a week" Mimi said as she enter, she noticed how awkward and tense the atmosphere was. Mary look up at her and fake her smile

"Just somethings that need urgent attention" Avia replied

"Your health needs urgent attention too" Mimi said ignoring Mary to avoid any form of stress for Avia and any guilt for insulting her after getting insulted.

"I know but work is important too" Avia replied not giving up without a fight

"If Avia is alive, she will work. Now round up whatever it is and lets have healthy breakfast" Mimi said and they both laugh leaving Mary out of the conversation. Mary saw how happy and genuine Avia is with Mimi, she has never seen her this happy with Rita but she still prefers Rita who has been her friend for more than a year.

"We have an appointment today so we better do fast so we can catch up with Dr. Hailey" Mimi added moving close to Avia who isn't showing any signs of stop working

"Mimi just a moment and I'm done here" Avia who knows she's coming to drag her said

"Less I forget, I saw Rhea going her with suitcase" Mimi said and Avia looks up at her.

"Nanny, please call Aunt Madeline" Avia said and Mary leave without a response

"Are you angry?" Mimi asked thinking she knows Rhea left because of their past relationship

"No, Aunt Madeline needs to go back to work" Avia replied working on the laptop. Mimi sits in front of her quietly waiting for Mary and Madeline who soon enter with Rhea.

"You called princess" Madeline said as she entered

"Yes Aunt Madeline, have a sit and you too Rhea" Avia said pointing to a seat for both of them and Mary sits where she stood up before

"Aunt Madeline, you've been off the office for a while now and someone else already took your place but that's not why I called you here. I heard Rhea is leaving" Avia said coldly

"Yes, her friend invited her to a beach hangout" Madeline replied smiling

"Oh, thought she was ready to leave. That aside, Rhea you broke some expensive plate yesterday and I already replaced it but to make sure this won't happen anymore, you've overstayed your welcome" Avia said working on the laptop in front of her

"Avia, yesterday was a mistake" Madeline replied defending her stepsister

"Yes, I know Aunt. The spiked juice wasn't but I'm not interested in opening that case." Avia said leaving everyone in the study surprised

"Are you sending me away because of I and Emmett past relationship?" Rhea finally said leaving everyone except Avia shocked

"Emmett?" Mary who has been quiet since asked not understanding the situation at hand, she knows Emmett was once Avia's supposed boyfriend.

"Yes Emmett, the guy I caught you having sex with" Avia replied with a smirk embarrassing Rhea whose intention is to make her look like a bad person. Mary nod understanding why Avia travelled to the Philippines

"This isn't about Emmett, we were nothing back then and we are nothing now. This is about me spending on things I did not plan before. You broke three golden plate and two custom made vases, they worth thousands of dollars to replace and you will still eat for free in the house." Avia added coldly sending shivers down Rhea's vein

"So what do you want?" Rhea asked knowing she's right

"For you to work and stop sitting around lazily, going for picnics and beach outing" Avia replied giving everybody a shock

"Is that all? Any vacancy at the company?" Madeline asked feeling disrespected with Avia's behavior

"Not at all" Avia replied with a smirk

"I will go back to where I came from" Rhea said not wanting to take the embarrassment anymore

"Great choice Step-aunt Rhea" Avia said smiling wickedly. Madeline left the study angrily and Rhea follow her, Mary left too but only because she doesn't want to face Avia

"What happened with Emmett?" Mimi asked not wanting Avia to keep anymore secrets

"Can we go to Dr Hailey now?" Avia asked ignoring Mimi's question. Mimi left the study angrily and all Avia could do is watch her leave.

Avia leave the study after few minutes to eat breakfast with Mimi, Mary and Madeline, they all look angry and Avia did not bother to say a word to them. They ate without anyone saying a word to each other.

"Nanny, I want you to go to the company today. Hilary will be going for a board meeting today at La' Cruz and I want you to represent me, she has everything she needs" Avia said breaking the silence

"Okay, I will leave right away" Mary said and stand up after cleaning her mouth with the serviette.

"Aunt Madeline, there's a clerk post open at the company, you might want to apply" Avia said and Madeline leave the dinning without replying.

"Mimi, an hotel downtown is looking for a secretary for the new manager, you might consider applying" Avia said and Mimi nod with a smile.

"If you are done eating, let's go for the appointment" Avia said and leave the dining after drinking water. Mimi watch Avia leave the dinning room for her room, she dialed a number on her phone.

"Hi Dr Hailey" She greeted smiling

"Hello Mimi" Dr. Hailey greeted back

"We will be at your office in an hour time" Mimi said

"I thought we are suppose to meet tomorrow" Dr. Hailey replied checking her schedule

"Oh, I miscalculated the days" Mimi said rubbing her temple

"It's fine, let's meet nine in the morning tomorrow" Dr. Hailey replied

"Okay, thank you. How's my girl doing?" Mimi asked smiling

"She's fine" Dr. Hailey replied

"Regards to my cutie" Mimi said and hang up after a response from Dr. Hailey. She goes to the room to tell Avia about her discussion with Dr. Hailey.

"Since it's tomorrow then, you can go to the hotel I talked about" Avia said

"I have to prepare my curriculum vitae" Mimi said and Avia nod knowing she will be going to get parents house for that. Mimi dress up silently making the room awkward for the friends, Avia couldn't take it anymore and broke the silence.

"I will tell you when I'm ready Mimi, I have so many things to think about and I don't want to break down now" Avia said and Mimi leave the room without saying anything to her. Avia knows she has all the right to be angry but still hope she can understand her.