Admin of the chat

(A/N: It's really appreciated when you guys comment paragraph pics xD Especially when describing someone or a Sexy scene, hehe)

Next day.

Ren slept with Robin on top of him.

They had an exhausting day, spending it all enjoying each other, which was impressive even in terms of superhero endurance.

But now it was about 8 am, and Ren was starting to wake up.

He usually would be in the gym working out by now. But it was just a very fun day they had so he lost himself in the pleasure.

His eyes stirred awake.

Robin still laying in his arms.

'Um, is it 8 am already?' He looked at the nearby clock.

And then checked over Robin.

A smile made its way to his face.

He, with the technique of a master, gently pried her off him, laid her on the bed slowly so as to not wake her up, and then got out of the room as silently as possible.

He rotated his shoulder which was a tiny bit stiff.


'At least I can feel my arm' It would have been a pain if his whole arm fell asleep.

He moved to the shower, quickly refreshed himself, and then headed into the kitchen.

He knew how to cook a few basic things, and he wanted to make something for both of them to eat.

While he was making things, he pondered.

'I don't think I need to train in the gym anymore…'

His regular training which took him a lot of effort was just not going to cut it.

Add to it, that he finally tested his first trait…

Why would go back to the hard way and make things more complicated?

Just use the trait until he has become stronger.

One night of sex and he had already reached the S rank.

It was clear that the shortest road to power was in front of his eyes.

'It's decided.' He continued cooking the eggs and concluded. Work hard, but also work smart.

His mind then strayed to the chatroom.


[-Whitebeard: Can anyone else access the store or is it just this old man?

Currently, he was drinking from a huge bottle of Sake while sitting in his house.

While just browsing this new panel he could see in his head, he stumbled upon the store.

-All Might: Yes, but you need points to buy anything. Still, the things there, like healing potions, can prove… very helpful if they can indeed do what they say…

Both of them were very aware of their sickness and injury, so this potion would prove good for them.

-Whitebeard: Healing potions? Legendary equipment? This old man can do without them gurararara

Still, Whitebeard felt like he didn't need any healing potions, after all, they did exist in their world and their effect wasn't anything that could help him. And his weapon was a very good one. He didn't need another.

-Tsunade: …

-Tsunade: Both of you shouldn't be too quick to assume things, if this potion thingy is real, it can heal both your old asses back to perfect health, tsk, the keyword being 'If it's real', but nonetheless you should read the description first before speaking, it is not like 'My' potions, stupid old men...

-Tsunade: Both of you are in dire need of that potion, its cost can also be justified… but we haven't even understood what is this chat's purpose… what are these points, and how can we get them? It shouldn't be an easy task.

She was one of the leading superhero healers in this world, and she had happened to help both men with their conditions and was well versed on the subject. Even though she couldn't heal them, she did help as much as possible.

-Tatsumaki: …Don't forget, there is also a supposed admin who has yet to speak…

Tatsumaki also didn't lose view of what was important. Somehow, she felt this admin was related to this occurrence heavily]

Ren read calmly until now.

He chuckled at the green-haired tsundere of terror that was full of skepticism.

He read all their talk so far, which wasn't a lot, as they were mostly heroes and were busy.

And he found out that they were trying to figure out what this chatroom was.

'I did say I'll introduce myself,' he had that thought the last time.

His nickname inside the chat was administrator, but he changed it to his real name.

'It'll get Robin shocked later haha'

[-Ren: Hello, everyone. I'm the administrator of this chat room, chosen by the heroic system. My name is Ren Mitsue, an S-ranked superhero, not affiliated with any agency or organization. If you have any questions, I'll answer them.

Since he was S rank, he went with that as an introduction.

-Tsunade: …He appeared!

-Tsunade: Since you mentioned questions, what is this heroic system and chatroom?

In her mind, this was the most important thing to be clarified so she asked immediately. It had latched onto their minds and even Tatsumaki who should be the strongest hero in terms of mind arts.

And the rest stayed silent at this time, waiting for an answer.

-Ren: … I was also randomly chosen like you, but I was given some info due to luckily getting the administrator role.

*(Ren has shared the rules of the heroic system in the public chatroom)*

It had the basic rules of course, don't curse or get banned, and all that other stuff. And more importantly, it had a points reward system in place so that members can buy stuff from the store.

Everyone took a few seconds to browse through the rules. Also reading that members can't hurt each other.

-Ren: The purpose… I think that is to combat the threat of monsters in this world. From what I understand, this system is very powerful, as you can see from the store, with the strong equipment and potions, to even the chance to upgrade traits and skills.

*(Ren shared a picture)*

The picture included the potion that can be bought to increase traits and skills rank. This potion had a certain chance to do so and was not guaranteed. One could end up wasting many potions before it would work.

-Ren: And from what I get, this system wants us to fight the monsters, destroy them and protect the world. Also, heroes will continue to join in the future I think.

This chat was launched the day he had decided to become a hero and went to save his aunt.

He had browsed it and saw a message left by the goddess.

It basically said that this would only be launched when and if he wanted to fulfill her mission. If he didn't then it wouldn't be sent for the heroes. It gave him a choice to do what he wanted. But since he had decided to become a hero, it was launched and its purpose was to gather allies for him to complete the mission of fixing this world.

He concluded writing and continued his cooking. He didn't feel like what he shared was something to hide.

He was going to need these allies, so it was better to be truthful about some things.

The eggs he was cooking was done, and he was now making something else.

After a bit, the members started typing.


-Tatsumaki: Admin... yet so useless? You can only give speculations, tsk

-Tsunade: Don't mind her, Ren, she is just a snotty brat

-Tsunade: However, even you the supposed administrator was chosen like us randomly...? But even so, there is nothing that can prove that this store and system are intended as you said

-All Might: If it is to save this world, this old man won't refuse

-Whitebeard: Count me in

-Tatsumaki: …+1

-Ren: I just shared what I learned. Heroes in this chat can be transported to the position of another member of the chat when in dire situations, this should be good right? If someone is hurt inside a gate, help can be provided this way. You can even teleport right now, but since it isn't issued by the system, it would take points.

Still, to teleport, either the admin or the person in the destination had to accept the request. This was included in the info he had shared.

-All Might: That is a good feature, you can consider me at that time

All Might was a hero and very serious about his job. If he heard someone was in danger, he wouldn't hesitate to help.

-Whitebeard: This old man will go too

-Tatsumaki: Hmph

-Ren: Ah, speaking of points, I had gotten 1000 as an admin. I will buy a low potion and see if it's true

-Tsunade: .... Can you send it to me afterward?

Tsunade knew that she was overstepping her bounds, but she was the one who created potions originally, and she wanted to see how this potion differed.

The high potion effect that was in the description in the store was just ridiculous for her…

-Ren: Yes, I will send it to you via the envelope feature

Ren did as he said, bought the low potion from the store, and after looking at it for a bit, he sent it to Tsunade in a private envelope. He couldn't understand how it worked or anything so it was better to send it and make a good first impression.

-Ren: If anyone wants to ask something, leave me a message. I'm off for now.]


He then took the breakfast he made and started going back to Robin's room.

When he pushed the door open, he found Robin on the bed, her lower body under the blanket, but her upper body bare and her arms were crossed. She was glaring at him.

It was just that she wasn't wearing anything so it made for a very erotic look.

He almost dropped the tray he was holding.

"Ren, why didn't you say anything?" Robin glared.

Since he had joined the chat at the same time as her, he must have seen her name.

During their talks after many of their crazy rounds, she had confided about the group, and even about her past events and drive to become a hero.

She had told him, how her whole city, including her family, had died due to a gate outbreak. And how from that point on she had desired to become a hero, to never let anything like that happen again.

She also confided about how children nicknamed her as a demon child due to her weird-looking ability (for them), which ended up following her and becoming her hero name.

However, even though she was glaring at him, she was just joking, there was nothing serious about this, as she was sure he was keeping it as a surprise or something similar. She just enjoyed potentially seeing him squirm around.

"Haha… I was going to tell you about this today."

Ren laughed.

"Also, there is something important I need to tell you,"


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-Thank you --Heitor Prado Bortoletto-- for becoming my patron 🎉🎉

-Special thanks to *"Arun"* ; *"Carl Steelhammer"* ; *"ShadowFangus"* ; *"Coby"* ; *"HaiiroOokami"* and *"Heitor Prado Bortoletto"*

-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release: