Date completion

(A/N: Next chapter the fun times will come back, hehe)

Things moved on after Iris heart destroyed the monster so casually.

The gate closed, and they all retreated from there.

Various heroes were already at the scene, but there was no SS rank among them.

At the time, Ren had wondered that if Plutia didn't come, then all these people, including him and his group would have died brutally.

But Ren and Robin didn't linger after they got out of the gate. They left everything for Yamato and Kakashi and ran away.

They weren't really needed, since Robin belonged to Yamato's agency, thus she could leave and Ren wasn't under anyone, so the only thing he needed was his payment. Which Yamato had winked to him about and told him she'll take care of it, and in return, he'll have to 'Take' care of her.

He agreed with a smirk and a wink of his own.

He had to make it up to two girls right now… not that he was complaining.

But for the situation of how the gate had changed rank, and how all those A ranks had entered the gate and so on… The heroes including Yamato and Kakashi were wondering deeply about the subject.

They informed the rest of the heroes which had them all shocked about the gravity of the situation.

And Robin had even sent a text about it in the bathroom. Which was followed by Plutia commenting about it saying that it was a weird energy that felt dangerous even for that was responsible for the monster's increasing rank.

It sparked a huge discussion among the members.

After all, they were all heroes and wanted the good of the people, so something like this that can increase monster ranks as dangerous beyond measure.

It wasn't something normal and should be taken seriously.

It was even more dangerous since they didn't know if it was something made by science, or something even more dangerous…

Ren also pondered briefly about the matter, before he understood that it wasn't something that he should concern himself with for now.

They had the ability to increase the rank of the monsters, so it was something quite steep. And he didn't have any connection with that, as such, he'll leave it to the heroes there. At least for now, when he was still weak.

An S rank calling himself weak? People would laugh at that.

At any rate, they had recovered the device that managed to increase the monster rank, so they had some leads.

But… right now, Ren and Robin were back to their date. So these matters were left aside.

*Sound of air whooshing*

Ren and Robin were riding on a roller coaster, having the time of their life.


The sounds of cries of the people on the ride echoed.

But Ren?

"WOOHOOO" Ren enjoyed the feeling of the wind hitting his face.

By his side, and having her hair flying due to the wind, was Robin.

She had her hands in the air as she yelled from the joy she was feeling at this moment.

She was very happy right now.

'We managed to stop it from repeating…' And that was due to stopping the irregular gate situation.

Such a dangerous situation was easily resolved. But she was happy that no innocents died. Even though they weren't the ones who took care of the situation completely, they still took a huge part in it.

'But as Ren said; no need to think about it, that's for later,' She thought to herself as the roller coaster drove through a huge wooden wall, entering a dark area inside, before, and with an amazing speed, came up on the area that overlooked the sky, and then the ride dived down at a very steep angle. Again resulting in the cries of the people.

"WOHHHOOOOOO" She felt the wind caress her face and she had a joyful expression.

This was the best day of her life.

She had a very deep hatred for these types of gates. And due to that, she had set out to become a hero, to stop things like that from happening.

And today even though she wasn't the main one responsible, she had tried and gave her best.

And things turned out okay.

'I'm glad he was with me,' She had a goofy smile on her face as she eyed Ren who was similarly waving at the air.

Casually enjoying the ride, even though it was very fast, and many other superheroes behind them were yelling from fear or becoming unconscious.

'This lovable idiot… ❤' She couldn't help but like him even more right now.

She even remembered briefly when he saved her back in the gate.

He was the first to move and he cut the hand of the monster that tried to reach her.

And throughout her whole experience with him, he was always supportive of her.

'I think I'm falling for him,' She closed her eyes, a blissful smile spreading through her face.

Right now, all the good moments they had together flashed through her head, and she just enjoyed the ride., one hand of her joining one of Ren's that was outstretched.

The two arms linked.

Ren smiled at her and returned the gesture, but then he felt her lean onto him bringing her mouth closer to his, and was happy.

He leaned back onto her, and then the two kissed.

It was a deep passionate kiss, and the two started to discreetly fondle each other through their clothes.

Their tongues wrestling for dominance.

The ride continued and the two enjoyed it, and enjoyed 'their selves'.

As for this ride that they were going through…

Unsurprisingly and maybe due to their high thrill life due to being superheroes, neither of the two panicked through it.

Even though this ride was specially designed to even accommodate superhumans like them. Since this was owned by a very huge popular superhero who had reached the top of the ladder. He was the one responsible for all the stuff around that attracted visitors.

It had a very fast speed, various tight turns, steep slopes, and even inversions.

Even Ren was impressed at how dangerous it looked.

This was the amusement park they were going to before the whole gate situation.

It was located in a special place, and that was the reason it was so popular.

The whole terrain was filled with giant trees that one can build a building on easily.

The trees that had vibrant colors intertwined with each other to create a beautiful painting.

And in the middle of this was a huge statue. So giant it reached almost five km in height.

It was completely made out of wood, and the amusement park was built into it. It traveled through it, above the shoulder, around the hands, and really all over it. Inside outside, the statue, and by extension, the amusement park overlooked the city from various different view sides. As such whether it was the ride itself, seeing the statue, or being so high in the sky riding at fast speeds and overlooking the city, it was something amazing.

The statue was a one thousand armed praying buddha made of wood. It had a very fearsome look to it, and there were various cuts on it, appearing as if done by another giant sword.

When seeing that statue people would always wonder how it came to be, what sort of existence created it, and what sort of existence can even damage it? Although minimally…

Ren and Robin had finally come to a stop.


"This was amazing" Robin, who was breathing roughly and had a blush on, spoke in wonder.

"It's my first time too, but it seems it was worth it,"

Ren nodded his head. It really was a good decision to include this amusement part in his plan. Even he enjoyed it.

They got out of the cart, and then Ren turned his head to look from the bottom of the statue upward.


They were on a huge tree whose upper top was cleaved through, making for a flat area where the entrances to the amusement part and all other facilities were made. There was even the entrance to an elevator that can lead you to the very top of the statue.

He saw the height of this statue and could feel with his observation how big it was.


He sighed and once again admired Hashirama.

That's right. It was Hashirama's [Sage Art Wood Release: True Several Thousand Hands] technique from the world of Naruto.

A ridiculous technique that allowed him to create this giant statue, which can move. Move!! A statue this big was easily controlled by the guy…

And there was a guy who was almost equal to him… Ren shook his head at the insane power levels.

And the one who fought Hashirama so fiercely, enough to change the terrain all over was as expected… Madara.

Still, even though Ren was shaking his head at the two, he still had stars in his eyes.

The thought of both being alive was scary, but also exciting for Ren.

There was a wide known story about the two.

The story went as Hashirama having fought him in the past in this same area, and then ended up… killing him.

'But this is just too fishy' But Ren knew better.

This was just too similar to what had happened in Naruto. There it was also thought that Madara had died.

'As such, I'm sure 'He' is still alive…'

But it wasn't something to waste their day with, especially after it was ruined with the gate.

"Let's go, next stop, food!" Ren brought Robin with him as he headed to the elevator.

He had one last thing to do before his date plan would be finished.

Robin had also been looking at the statue.

She had never visited and only heard about it, so it was novel for her, and she enjoyed it so far. The issue of the gate, due to being largely a success, was forgotten about for now.

'Let the bigshots deal with it in the group chat, hehe'

She chuckled to herself and at Ren's enthusiasm and excited expression as he pulled her before she followed him.

The sun was starting to set, as such it was the best time to have some food anyway.

And he had reserved the best of food for them, in the best restaurant in this place.

The one that is situated right in the hands of the giant praying buddha. The giant joined hands that it was using to pray were cut off resulting in an area that was flat where the place was set as a place to eat.

It was called the Cloud Nine restaurant.


-Thank you --Nitorxs-- for becoming my patron 🎉🎉

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-Special thanks to *"Arun"* ; *"Carl Steelhammer"* ; *"ShadowFangus"* ; *"Coby"* ; *"HaiiroOokami"* ; *"John Dunkley"* and *"Ahmed"*

-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release: