Ren was in his kitchen.
'Let's make something to drink… since it's still morning, I should make some coffee or tea then'
It sounded to him like Fubuki was a tea person rather than coffee, he couldn't remember the detail from the anime anyway. So, he decided to make both.
As he was preparing that, he suddenly stopped and smiled.
He had felt the other members of her group leave. And she left only that nunchaku girl with her.
It seems like she didn't want to piss him off anymore.
And he was very pissed earlier. After all, as he had said before, if someone could enter his house like that, they could hurt his family no?
Of course, he was aware that if someone stronger than Isaki had come which meant anyone above A rank, they of course won't face any hindrance and they can do what they wanted, however, he didn't like the fact that Fubuki had entered his house so casually to intimidate him. There was a slim chance she would use his family to threaten him.
He had calmed himself down just because he knew she wasn't a bad person from the anime one punch man.
However, this occurrence made him think of buying a new house where the security would be higher. Preferably somewhere where the old man lived… or someone similarly stronger.
Ren put the kettle over the stove as he brought his phone to see while waiting.
His phone had vibrated earlier and he wanted to see if he got any messages.
'It's her,'
Surprisingly there was a message from a familiar girl.
He smiled as he replied to her.
She wasn't asking for anything serious though and was just checking if he was fine so far, and also congratulating him on reaching the SS rank.
It certainly took some courage that was for sure, since she must have been anxious and thinking that he was now very strong so he might not reply.
He assured her that everything was fine, and even hinted at some time getting a cup of coffee to drink together…
He then checked what other stuff was on his phone.
Meanwhile, in the living room.
Fubuki was very nervous.
When Ren tried to assure her, she knew he wasn't lying, as she could just tell.
However, while she was relieved that he wasn't going to do anything radical or attack them, she wasn't comforted at all.
Which was a mistake by Ren.
Her relationship with her sister was complicated.
So much that it was the reason why she was very nervous now.
She didn't want her sister to know about what happened here.
Especially if Ren was a friend of her sister.
Even though she doubted her sister can have friends.
However, Ren did say he knew her, so there must be some sort of relationship between them.
If her sister knew, she would once more consider her useless… she didn't want that.
'Waiiit a second…' Fubuki suddenly sat upright as her eyes widened.
'He knows Tatsumaki?'
'Is he perhaps… her secret lover?'
She knew that it should be impossible… but then how else can her sister know someone so close, and even a guy at that?
Her sister shouldn't have any friends with her personality as it was. She was really toxic.
But when she had this thought about her sister and Ren, she was stunned and rooted in her place.
'If this is true… then I fucked up big time'
She suddenly felt like crying out loud.
If her sister heard her, then there might be a session of beating waiting for Fubuki later on. The little Chibi would be outraged at her for even thinking she likes the fake 'leader'.
That was when Ren came into the room.
He had a trait in his hands, and on it, there was coffee, tea, snacks and water.
He set it on the table and then asked.
"What would you drink?"
"Uhm, I would drink tea," Fubuki quickly recovered as she fixed her wrinkled clothes, and then she regained her elegant form as she replied.
Ren poured a cup for her and presented it to her and she took it.
He then looked at her group member, Lily, and then asked her with his eyes.
"Ah, I-I would take C-coffee thank you" The girl stuttered a reply since she felt so pressured.
He smiled at her before he also gave her a cup of coffee.
He then poured himself a cup too, and then he took a few seconds to enjoy the coffee before he then sighed and put the cup down.
"Now then… let me start by saying I only know your sister slightly and I haven't yet met her face to face," He started speaking, and the two girls visibly tightened their expressions.
But Fubuki was slightly relieved since it seemed her earlier thinking was wrong.
"Blizzard of hell Fubuki… what made you think I would join your group by pressuring me?"
As she heard his question, Fubuki's first instinct was to lie, but then her back was suddenly drenched in sweat as she felt an oppressive force come bearing down on her.
'I can't lie in front of him!'
She instinctively knew that she couldn't lie under his watch.
And she didn't dare meet his eye head to head.
She felt suffocated, and then with no other solution in sight, she could only cave and explain.
"I thought you were B rank still… the information was too old it seems," She didn't want to say that she knew he wasn't B rank in the first place.
Only as she heard this, did Ren stop pressuring her. As he knew no that she wouldn't lie anymore.
"It's good that you didn't lie," He gave her a nod.
And this time she raised her head and looked at him.
'He's quite good-looking…' In her mind, she was observing how Ren was.
"But why me specifically?" Even if he was B rank, there were plenty of other B ranks in her own city. Why did she come all the way here?
Fubuki looked at him like an idiot, momentarily forgetting he was an SS rank.
"Are you an idiot? How many B ranks are as old as you? Well, you aren't B rank, but you get the idea,"
She then remembered who she was speaking to, and hurriedly shut her mouth with her hands.
He chuckled a bit as he heard her words. He wasn't angry at all, but it seemed like he was still under that habit of underestimating himself.
'Indeed, although I didn't think I was special and compared myself to other B ranks, I do remember Robin saying how she was considered a genius being a B rank while still young, and she was a bit older than me, so…'
He nodded then.
"If you don't mind me asking, why aren't you working hard to become stronger, and then instead pressuring other upcoming heroes to join your group?"
As he told her earlier, he knew of the strategy she was using.
In this world, and also from the anime.
And when she explains it, he would then pounce on her and attack. Metaphorically of course.
'Although I wouldn't mind doing it in real too, hehe'
At any rate, Fubuki had resigned herself to explaining her situation.
She knew there was no escaping this, and it was best to play as he had said, while he was still being calm.
Heroes weren't always upright heroes. And the term was only used to describe those people who fought in gates. It did not mean a person is good or bad.
It can include both, and heroes can above all, kill even humans.
And she wasn't confident her sister can reach her to help before Ren can kill her.
Plus, she had done wrong by him, and it wasn't anything to explain the situation to him.
'I owe him this much at least…'
Fubuki told him about all her troubles and why she decided to gather a group of like-minded people under her wing.
Unlike Robin, Yamato, and similar people to them, Fubuki and her sister were under the hero association.
They didn't have an agency of their own.
Being under the HA meant they had to follow and do a certain number of missions unless they were of sufficient rank, then they could do as they wanted, and only help when things reached a certain high stake.
Fubuki, unlike her sister, wasn't lucky with that.
And her strength and potential were nothing like her sister.
As such, she felt like she could never reach the top and could never make it. And while she knew she could still get stronger, she would never reach the same power as her sister.
So, she decided to gather those similar to her who couldn't reach higher, and then they would work together to overcome the ranking limitation they had. Opposite to her sister who works alone, she wanted to overcome that with numbers. Gates would be done together and then they could split the rewards.
However, beyond that… she had another goal. And that was to save her sister…
But she didn't speak about that much.
When she was done speaking about all this and answering Ren's question, she finally set her cup of tea down as she had emptied it.
Speaking with Ren… she found it liberating and she had ended up speaking about more than she should. But she didn't regret it at all. His presence was very calming.
'So much, that I just feel like hugging him…' Her cheeks slightly reddened at that.
Ren refilled it and had a thoughtful look on his face.
He had silently listened to her speak about her troubles, and it seemed that the more he listed the more she opened up to him and became more relaxed around him.
Even Lily, the other girl besides them, had become relaxed. In fact, similarly to him, she didn't know all this stuff about their leader, Fubuki.
She was one of the people Fubuki had first decided to add to her group, and it went smoothly, but apart from that, she didn't know their purpose at all. She was just grateful to Fubuki for saving her in the past, and she'll do as asked whenever she asked her.
"Boss…" Lily went and hugged Fubuki. She wasn't aware her boss had been carrying so much on her back.
And Fubuki gently smiled as she rubbed her back.
"So, basically your problem is about strength…"
He nodded his head.
Wasn't that the problem all the time?
If he was to rely on his knowledge from the anime it was stated if he remembered correctly that her potential wasn't high as she had felt she could only reach the upper A ranks and could not pass Sweet Mask who was gatekeeping anyone from reaching S rank.
Based on that, she had an insecurity complex as she could never reach the same level as her elder sister.
But here was Ren. Someone who could solve all her problems…
When Fubuki slightly nodded, he started to say.
"I have a solution for you… but it isn't free,"
Ren smiled as he said.
Fubuki hadn't been expecting anything. She just thought that now that she said her part, Ren would just admonish them or something, and then they could be on their way, never to meet again.
But now he was saying he could help her?
Her expression became serious.
Who was Ren? Supposedly he had been B rank just a few months back… if that was true, then he indeed had something to help him get stronger quickly…
As far-fetched as that was… she didn't mind at least hearing him out.
As she was indeed desperate for strength. So, she listened to his request.
"I think that you're very beautiful… and you did say you liked me before haha, so, go on a date with me, just the two of us, if you can't do that, forget about it," Ren had an evil smile on his face as he looked at her.
Fubuki's heart started beating furiously as she heard him speak.
"Y-you! You pervert,"
He made a stop sign with his hand as he saw Lily was about to rage at him from the side.
"It's just a regular date… what can happen? and by the end of it, I'll tell you how to become stronger quickly…"
Ren assured her as he said.
He had his own reasons of course for why he was saying such a thing, and it was not because he thought she was beautiful… He smiled to himself.
-Please vote. The voting can help the fanfic grow up and reach more audiences.
-Special thanks to *"Arun"* ; *"ShadowFangus"* ; *"Coby"* ; *"John Dunkley"* ; *"Heitor Prado Bortoletto"* ; *"Ahmed"* and *"ThatEpicTragedy"*
-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release: