She can’t get enough, and finally in V-city (Slightly +18)

With her face dyed in cum from Ren's ejaculation, and her stomach filled with warm sperm, she rode her orgasm until the end, before she opened her eyes.

Ren's cock hung above her nose and was parallel to her face.


Even though she was filled, even though she felt an amazing out-of-this-world experience… she wanted more.

And her hands greedily grabbed onto his cock.

She wasn't yet ready to quit what they were doing.


'I… want… more,'

Her desires in the end lost to this sex god, to this still fully erect sexual rod.

She couldn't believe he was still hard, it was as if Cumming didn't work the same way on Ren as it does on other normal men.

She sighed as she reluctantly let go of the cock, but she didn't stand up.

Instead, she crawled on her legs and reached Sakura's position.

"I'm sorry Sakura, but you'll have to sleep a bit longer as your master is acting selfishly,"

She smiled apologetically and her hand glowed green before she put her hand on Sakura.

This way, Sakura was going to spend a bit more time unconscious.

Yes, she didn't get up from Ren's cock reluctantly to leave, but rather to get herself more time with him.

She wanted that cock brutally fucking her throat at least one more time.

As such, after taking care of Sakura for now, lest she wakes up and sees her master in such a shameful position, practically worshiping a man's cock.

She then crawled back toward Ren who was observing everything with an intrigued look.

"What? You're liking this anyway,"

Tsunade was annoyed at him, but she still moved closer and grabbed his cock.

But instead, she liked him to the bed and put him to the side before she climbed the bed and laid on her back.

Her face faced him and she saw his form flipped over.

And the shadow of his cock appeared on her face as she was able to see it in full detail.

'The smell, the pleasure resulting from this thing just being in my mouth and fucking my throat, and then the taste of it and the sperm too…'

Her eyes glowed with two heart shapes, as her desire permeated through her.

'This cock can only belong to a sex god… and I'm all for it' she chuckled internally and then saw Ren also grinning.

"I haven't said anything, in fact, you gave out such a nice blowjob, I'm impressed…"

He said sincerely, while his eyes enjoyed the scene of her tits flattening slightly due to her position.

This blowjob was among the best he ever had, it was a strong contender for the other girls that's for sure, and seeing Tsunade so eager to repeat it, even making Sakura sleep longer, he shook his head and decided to just enjoy it then.

"Heh, you consider fucking my throat a blowjob?"

Ren almost choked as he heard that.

She also smiled before she said.

"Now… Do it again!!"


The following day.

Ren was currently at the airport. He was accompanied by Sakura and Tsunade. And they had just landed in V-city.

The city where the leader of Tsunade's agency was located.

Yesterday was certainly something else.

He ended up fucking Tsunade's throat a total of six times before they felt Sakura was regaining her consciousness.

Only then did they stop, and acted as if nothing had happened.

Tsunade went back to the other side, raised the glass, and didn't even bother to fix her clothes, since she was hidden from them again, and Ren and Sakura were still going to have a lot of fun.

Sperm was still marring her face, hair, and chest, and she left it since she felt amazing like that, even though it wasn't supposed to.

And through that, Ren did want to give her the same experience but she stated that she wasn't yet ready for that, so he gave her the space she needed.

He settled instead, for just fucking Sakura for the rest of the night, until it was too late and they had to sleep to get up early for the flight trip they had.

And it was a sight for Tsunade.

Due to that, she was horny throughout the whole way as he drove the car with them, and finally, once they reached the airport, Tsunade went into the bathroom, and unbeknownst to Sakura, she beckoned Ren secretly to follow her.

There she got another taste of his cock before she was satisfied.

Finally, they boarded the plane, where Sakura was also strangely excited as she looked at the two with knowing glances, making Tsunade freak out if Sakura knew what she was doing or not.

At any rate, Sakura's excitement led to her and Re going a few rounds in the plane, as would any normal couple do of course.

And finally, they landed at the airport of V-city, where they found a group of people waiting there.

This was the current happenings.

Ren eyed the group of people and immediately he could identify some of them.

One of them had white hair, one eye covered, and he eye smiled with the other one at Ren.

"It's been a while mister Ren… and belated congrats on your newest hero rank,"

It was Kakashi.

The two had ventured inside of agate in the past, Yamato had accompanied them along with Robin.

At that time, they were just S ranks, and yet now, Ren had already reached the SS rank.

But Kakashi never cared about such things so he wasn't really bothered.

He went closer to Ren and they bumped fists.

The two had gotten closer, and if Kakashi wasn't very busy and not even in the same city, he would have liked to hang out with Ren.

He knew some interesting adult *Cough* 'fun' places he would take Ren to.

"For now, it's business, but now that you're here, let me take you later to some of those places I told you about… hehe" He whispered so that only Ren could hear him.

He smiled lecherously at Ren, and Ren chuckled.

But a strange excitement was shared by the two.

Despite that, Ren was seeing all these faces, and even though the leader wasn't her, even these few people managed to excite his otaku heart.

"Hey, hey Kakashi, won't you move closer so that Ren can be introduced to the others or what?"

Tsunade was annoyed as she was next to Sakura.

Right now, she was feeling very satisfied, and she was wearing her office clothes, leggings, a skirt, and a button-up shirt.

The people she was talking about came soon.

And Ren observed them as they laughed.

"There is no problem, it is a happy occasion that Kakashi can enjoy youth by getting another friend,"

One guy clenched his fist and yelled youth as he eyed the two.

"Kakashi, my eternal rival, your youthful conduct has ignited my fighting spirit, let's fight!"

Ren looked at the man and saw that he was wearing a hideous green body suit with a flak jacket above.

The man had a bright smile and he was showing his white teeth to them.

'This should be Guy sensei…' Ren thought.

Guy was very excited and was about to engage Kakashi when a hand landed on his shoulder.


"Guy, as always you are very active, haha, but now we need to deal with the situation at hand, don't forget, the Hokage will be here soon,"

This guy as Ren observed, had white long hair, was tall, and was wearing traditional clothes.

His attire consisted of a green short shirt kimono and matching pants, under which he wore mesh armor that is visible at his wrists and ankles. He also wore hand guards, a black belt, traditional Japanese wooden sandals, and a red haori with two yellow circles on each side. He carried a large scroll on his back.

This was Jiraiya.

Ren was very excited to meet these two legendary people, but just as he was about to greet them, law and behold his observation haki suddenly was invoked.

'Must be their leader…'

He felt a very strong presence nearby, and the next second a weird Kunai was thrown near their feet before suddenly a man showed up near it.

"My apologies for being late, mister Ren,"

The young man with yellow hair presented a smile as he walked closer.


-Thank you ---Muhammad Sharif II--- for becoming my Patron 🎉🎉🎈


-Please vote. The voting can help the fanfic grow up and reach more audiences.

-Special thanks to *"Arun"* ; *"ShadowFangus"* ; *"Coby"* ; *"John Dunkley"* ; *"Heitor Prado Bortoletto"* ; *"Ahmed"* and *"ThatEpicTragedy"*

-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release: