Dangerous operation

Meanwhile, while the girls were talking to themselves about various matters and enjoying their morning, and Ren himself was in the course of a date with Momo, a certain important matter in Konoha was being addressed.

This matter had to do with Hashirama, Tsunade, Kakashi, and finally Nagato.

It wasn't long ago since Nagato lost one eye to Obito via a seal, and despite that, this matter was related to him.

Inside a lab in Konoha, Tsunade was currently doing an experiment as she held a chart in hand and was wearing her doctor coat.

Her figure was simply stunning and would distract anyone who saw her as she stood there so casually as if nothing important was going on.

But on the contrary, it seemed like something very important was happening at this moment.

Kakashi lay on the bed in the room at this moment in front of Tsunade and he was completely out of it.

But still, no medication was being administrated to him, and nor was it apparent that he was going to undergo any operation.

It was apparent that whatever was going on, had already happened and was done now.

"There are some signs of awakening…"

Tsunade murmured as she watched Kakashi, and just like she said, Kakashi who was bare-chested and covered by a blanket on the bed twitched his fingers.

A couple of doctors moved about in the room and did various things, while the Konoha princess didn't remove her eyesight from Kakashi at all.

That was due to a certain important experiment that had just happened.

And Kakashi was the main star.

Kakashi twitched his eyelids, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Thankfully, the light in the room was too blaring and he didn't suffer a headache from it.


A nurse helped him to raise his body slightly and then presented him with a cup of water.

Kakashi drank the water slightly, just to quench the thirst a bit.

Only then did he look at who was nearby, and saw lady Tsunade.

"Kakashi, it seems like you are fine now,"

Tsunade's voice came and Kakashi tried to stand up to greet her properly, but she pushed him back.

"Idiot, just lay back this isn't the time for such stupid things,"

She chastised him, as the guy in question couldn't help but dryly laugh at that.

'Lady Tsunade was still the same as before,'

"Now tell me, is it different?"

Tsunade asked as she looked into his eyes.

Kakashi as a usual habit was closing his left eye that contained the Sharingan.

But at Tsunade's question, he opened it slowly while looking in the mirror in front of his bed to also see.


His eyes widened as he noticed it.

"Haha, it seems like our work was a success this time,"

Tsunade laughed as she saw his eyes both normal and the Sharingan that he couldn't deactivate before was now dormant.

Kakashi wasn't any different than her as his eyes held many emotions in them.

He was very happy, and anxious.

Happy because he didn't need to suffer from the full-time activated Sharingan, but anxious if it was no longer present. That was something Obito left him before he died.

Tsunade was also very excited and urged him.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Quickly see if you can activate it,"

She admonished and he did as she said.

Channeling mana/chakra to his left eye, had it all of a sudden turn into a Mangekyo Sharingan.

Releasing the stream of mana to the ye, then had it return to normal.

He did this for a few times and then he felt too emotional then.

Finally, he kept it open the last time and then muttered.

"It doesn't consume a lot of chakras,"

He whispered in shock, but Tsunade beside him was overjoyed at such news.

This was definitely something to be happy about.

But even more so for her, was what came next since this experiment had succeeded.

"Somehow it feels even stronger than before,"

Kakashi kept testing his eyes, and finally even used the Mangekyo Sharingan.

He then managed to find out a few things.

"My speed, consumption, and range have increased," He said, to which master Tsunade's eyes brightened.

"But," He continued as she furrowed her eyebrows.

Tsunade held her breath as she listened.

"The blindness didn't go,"

Tsunade sighed as she heard him.

Of course, that was within expectation after all.

"Even the Uchiha suffer from that, so there is no use even if the Sharingan becomes yours,"

Tsunade comforted him with a smile, and Kakashi smiled back at her.

He wasn't down at all, rather it seemed like he finally wouldn't be restricted by his eye powers anymore.

Now his chakra was no longer restrained and he could finally use his full chakra pool.

Meanwhile, Tsunade after checking over his state finally bid farewell and went to another hospital room.

He was okay now so her steps, for now, gained an extra step as she was filled with excitement.

When she entered the room, a certain voice greeted her ears.

The room was prepared for an operation too and had many servants around, they all were just waiting for her.

"By your expression, it succeeded?"

A female voice said.

Konan was trying to hold her anxious heart from rushing away, but she couldn't help but question.

Tsunade strolled next to another bed and then nodded at Konan.

"It worked, and now we can begin part two of the plan,"

Her words didn't contain any less excitement and Konan became happy as she heard that.

The two then turned to look at a certain person who was in the bed before them.

This bed wasn't too simple, rather it was made with Wood release due to Hashirama.

And right now, on it was Nagato.

His eyes were indeed closed as if he wasn't awake, but he wasn't asleep, he was just calmly ruminating to himself about everything that had happened so far.

At this moment, he opened them and said.

"Your experiment was a success… as expected of someone like you,"

His words directly praised her, since not many can do what she had just done.

Tsunade nodded her head and then said.

"Kakashi is different from you, however, so we need to do a slightly different operation,"

She started to explain as the two paid attention.

The reason that she and Konoha were doing so much to them was that Nagato had agreed to become a part of them, and not like Ren, but rather truly a part of them as an Uzumaki, and a student of Jiraiya.

"In his case, the Sharingan wasn't his and it had a residual amount of chakra in it of the person who originally owned it, I first helped him remove that amount, and then we made his chakra enter it until he became its new owner, following that the eye integrated with his body on the course of three days… and now it has truly become his!"

She said, and Nagato and Konan's eyes shined at her words.

What she said seemed simple enough, but it was anything but.

With their status, how could they not know?

To extract that chakra from there, it required absolute precision and enough chakra to sustain such a thing slowly and for a while as well.

No one else but her can perform such a thing.

But her words were not yet done.

"In your case, for some reason, when we had done the earlier tests, it seemed like there was a residual Senju chakra signature in your eyes, perhaps it's due to the original owner, or maybe due to the Uzumaki blood in you, at any rate, that along with Uchiha residual are present, so we need to replace those with your chakra signature,"

"Doing this wouldn't remove them, but just imprint on them the chakra of the new owner, this way it would become yours completely… and with that much said, I'm sure you can tell how complicated this process is and how much chakra it needs to be performed, and not to mention the pain you would feel,"

Tsunade laid down everything she had to say, and then when she saw how they were listening to her so patiently she finally looked at Nagato alone and asked again.

"Are you sure you wish to go with this? It's not certain that what happened with Kakashi can happen to you, so choose wisely,"

But her words hadn't even hung in the air for a second before Nagato responded.

"I'm willing,"

Tsunade looked at him in surprise.

It had to be said, even though she wasn't completely sure about this operation and the eye can even be destroyed in the process.

But Nagato then said.

"In the first place I requested the eye to be destroyed, better than to land in enemy hands, it's just as well, that it can either become truly mine or be destroyed,"

Finally finishing his words, he closed his eyes and waited calmly.

Tsunade sighed to herself.

Nagato had her respect at this moment.

She shook her head and said.

"You'll have to go, and then I'll need a certain someone to help me,"

"After all, there's no way I have enough chakra to do this alone,"

Tsunade pointed at Konan as she told her to leave, and she did after taking one last look at Nagato.

Meanwhile, the door was opened again after Konan left and a certain fiery red-headed person came in.

"Master Tsunade I'm here, I heard you need my help,"


-Thank you ---Raju Logeshwar--- for becoming my patron 🎉🎉🎉

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-Special thanks to *"Arun"* ; *"ShadowFangus"* ; *"Coby"* ; *"ThatEpicTragedy"* and *"Shoto Todoroki"*

-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release:
