Ino’s first time +18

Ino laid on the bed in tiredness.

Her breath was hitched and her skin was dyed a sexy and enticing shade of red.

Minor convulsion still cursed through her body every few seconds, as a feeling of unknown amounts of pleasure tickled her body due to her recent orgasm.

"T-This, hah, you are really a master at it,"

Ino's murmur was heard in the room, and it was directed at Ren.

It as due to him eating her out, and showing her what oral techniques can do to a woman if the man was quite adept.

'I suppose he had enough experience with all the girls around him,'

A chuckle was heard at her words, but when she panicked that Ren was going to 'attack' her again as she felt his touch on her body, it seemed that he wasn't going to do anything for now.

This made her relax her shoulders.

Instead, Ren cuddled with her body for a bit, and just laid his head near her neck.

"Relax, we have the whole night, you can rest for now, and tell me when you're good to go, if you want to of course,"

His words contained a type of warmth that made her heart flutter.

As he had said, she needed some rest since Ren had thoroughly made her orgasm a few times and she wasn't sure she could keep her mind if they continued so soon after.

"Tch, I may be tired Ren, but no way I'll tap out so soon,"

Ino's voice said as she turned her head toward him and locked her eyes to his.

Of course, a hint of embarrassment was there, but overall, she had seemingly changed from earlier and was more direct now, she was being true to her character and not hiding her real way of talking.

Though she added in her mind, 'At least I have to beat Sakura,'

She needed to that much. 'If on Sakura's first night they went three rounds…' Ino was still thinking but then noticing Ren's cock that was still hard she decided to raise that number slightly.

'It should be at the very least six or seven rounds, yeah? This cock is that monstrous,'

Then to exceed that, she needed to put in some work.

'Besides, I don't believe she is any better than me,'

She smirked to herself and then went for a kiss with Ren.

Finally, a bit later, she felt her strength return, and then she got up and turned Ren's form around until he was directly on top of her and then she asked him.

"I think it's time, yeah?"

She had a cheeky smile, but Ren was also able to detect her nervousness.

"Don't worry, you're in good hands, it won't even hurt,"

Ren assured her and for some reason his words eased her mind and she guided his cock to her pussy with her own hand.

Ren saw her beautiful bashful form under him as her curves filled up in all the correct ways, so much that he felt the heat climb to his head as his cock touched the entrance to her pussy.

'Damn, she is hot,' His honest opinion of her was that she was someone who deserved more from the Naruto franchise, as her design was ay better than other girls, and now that she was a real person, he could confirm that himself. Ino was hot. Sexy. AND Beautiful.

Ren then started to thrust slowly inside of her to let her get accustomed to his shape and size first since it was her first time.

Ino herself, felt his cock enter her folds and spread her open, unlike any dildo she had ever used before.

'Moan, I-I need one his size now,'

Almost every girl Ren had been with always turn competitive, and the way for that was to get better in sex and please Ren.

Ino wasn't any different, which is why she desired to custom order a dildo his size and shape.

As for why custom… she doubted they had something as huge as his size anyway.

At any rate, just inserting his cock inside of her had her already moaning, and her eyes heated up as she looked at him while biting her lips.

"Hahn… Ren, all the way, please,"

She can be said to be a newbie at this, but at the same time, that would also b wrong t some extent.

Because hale this was her first physical time, it wasn't her first spiritual time.

She had fucked Ren before in Sakura's body, and she had seen then how deep he had pushed his cock inside Sakura.

That was why she ah asked that.

But experiencing it in Sakura's body, while it was amazing in its own, doing it now in her own body was definitely ten times better.

Her insides squeezed on his cock, and it was almost like she could feel every vein as it throbbed inside of her.

It was very hot and she felt stuffed, but above all, her cells felt stimulated and packed to the brim with pleasure.

'Ahn, I'm really close…'

As she thought to herself, she was really close to come just from him inserting his cock and stimulating her as he thrusted very slowly inside of her, almost like the pace of a snail.

Her eyes reflected a grin Ren was sporting at that moment.

"It seems like you've been waiting for this, heh,"

How could he not understand her thoughts and wants?

Most likely every since he tempted her at that time she had been waiting for this moment.

And it was harder for girls to make the initiative in case of someone they liked. It wasn't a rule but the majority were that way.

He grinned at her words and then decided to give her wat she asked for.

As expected of someone who was a superhero, or maybe because she plays with dildos most of he time, there was no membrane to penetrate, so he just had to push forward, and no pain was also apparent for any of his girls as long as they were connected.

That was why, the experience as all pleasure instead of any pain.

Deciding to give her something more at her request, Ren put his hands down from her mid-section onto the bed, and then he positioned himself better, before he thrusted into her at full force, making his cock get buried in her folds, until it touched her cervix, and then, her eyes shot wide open.


Suddenly, she had come, as an electrifying wave of pleasure originating from her cervix shot through her body, spine, cells, and everything.

This was different than the earlier orgasm as its starting location made it that much more stronger and powerful.

She struggled to not lose herself in the wave of pleasure that raged through her body and had her lose control in her body as her arms flailed weakly, and her eyes rolled to the back as her sight became blurry.

Thankfully, it seemed that Ren was giving her some time to rest, otherwise she feared that if he even made a move slightly, she would be lost on the pleasure, and who knew if she could regain her senses from that?

And perhaps, due to her fighting spirit and eagerness, she was back and recovered very soon from her orgasm.

'I c-can't lose to Sakura,'

While she was enjoying her time, she was also competitive against that pink-head.

The other girls didn't matter, but her friendship with Sakura was that way.

And since Sakura was pissed off at her, she would bust her ass at her laughing if Ino couldn't last at least as long as her.

Ino didn't care about winning even if she could outlast Sakura, since she didn't want to hurt her more, she who was punished currently.

Still, as she recovered, she couldn't turn her head to face Ren at all.

'I can't believe I came just from his thrusting inside fully,' Her self confidence took a big hit, as even Sakura didn't do this… or maybe it was so since when she saw Sakura having sex with Ren, it wasn't her first time?

Ren grinned as if he could read her mind easily.

He didn't let her think like that anymore and instead he flipped her on her stomach, inserted his hands under her and raised her butt toward him before he slapped her ass cheeks with both hands.

He did it so fast, she only had time to exclaim after he was done.



He then buried his cock inside of her pussy just as she had spoken, and thus he effectively changed her thoughts and silenced her for good as she instead moaned.


Ren judged that she needed to understand that the problem lay in him and not her.

And what better way to do that than to fuck her senseless, make her lose consciousness from overwhelming pleasure and finally regain consciousness with deep understanding.



-Please vote. The voting can help the fanfic grow up and reach more audiences.

-Special thanks to *"ShadowFangus"* ; *"Coby"* ; and *"Kevin Diaz "*

-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release: