Asui’s thoughts

Contrary to popular thoughts or ideas, a person whose powers revolved around an animal transformation or the such almost always and in all cases were influenced to some degree by the said animal they could turn into.

It didn't matter what degree it was as the influence was there. Either minimal or large.

And in the case of Asui, the frog hero, she was largely influenced by it.

And for frogs, they were just like any other animal of course and did have some weird sexual tendencies.

And apart from that, she was even able to take advantage of that and smell and feel if a person was right for her.

She was able to take advantage of this multiple times in the past to steer clear of any guy that courted her.

She could smell their intentions to bed her. And she didn't mind actually since that was a natural part o life. It was just that she needed to share the same desire, and so far, there was none who aroused that desire in her.

Until she met Ren.

The moment she saw him, her instincts screamed at her and every cell of her body desired his touch.

It was only fortunate that she had a huge amount of control over her actions and body, so it didn't lead to her committing any errors.

But… despite her ability to stay calm and connected, she was never one to deny her desires. They were hers and she knew she couldn't suppress them forever.

Ren peaked her interest in him and as she observed him she seemed more and more sure that he was the one for her.

Far from that, her desires were the first to show and not like usual when she was the one not interested while the males compete for something she will never give.

This time it was initiated by her and that surprised even her.

Still, upon further thinking, she seemed to find the reason why.

That guy… Ren, he was just too perfect.

She managed to understand that he was the ultimate man for a woman. And that didn't only include just her but rather women at large.

And this led to her thoughts daily revolving around him.

It wasn't bad at first, but the more she ignored it, thinking she didn't want to hurriedly act and ruin everything, the more she suffered.

Until finally she took a break from her hero activities and decided to call him.


Asui was sort of like a mother to her younger siblings.

Circumstances had her act that way, so every day she was responsible for their food, waking them up, and sending them to school.

Only after she did that, did she return home and started to prepare for her date with Ren.

For a change in the usual happenings, today she was doing something for herself. And it somehow had her giddy and happy even before she did anything.

Right now, she had just taken a bath and was about to start looking through the clothes she had to see what to wear.

She wasn't exactly wealthy and was only making by, so her clothes as expected weren't anything over the top.

But to her, the perfect man that was Re wouldn't care about that, and besides, she was sure that she would look stunning in anything she wore.

Despite how she was, she didn't lack any self-confidence, especially as many guys always bothered her.

It was obvious what they were after. Her body. And with time she of course noticed that it was because she was very sexy.

So, with that, she started choosing what to wear.

Not having anything expensive to wear was one thing, but nevertheless, she still will be taking time to decide what to wear.

Why did she wake up so early after all?

Just like Ren who had woken up early to fight she too was undergoing her own battle.

This was a battle for women of all kinds and places.


Finally, as she was done, she heard the sound of a car stopping outside her apartment building.

'Just in time,'

She didn't apply any makeup, as she thoughts she looked good even without it, and she never bought any in the first place.

Wearing beautiful modest clothes, she twirled in front of the mirror before picking up her purse and started heading out.

Then what met her eyes was the expensive-looking car Ren was leaning against.

Ren himself was wearing formal clothes as if he was telling her how important he took dating.

But she noticed that he wasn't wearing any brand, and most likely those were just things he had in his closet.

This brought huge relief to her.

He was wearing shoes, black jeans, and a button-up shirt in which he had the sleeves rolled up to his elbow.

It looked quite good on him especially as he had a good form and physique.

Meanwhile, as she was observing him with a smile of happiness, he was doing the same.

Asui was a bit short, as he knew beforehand, but it didn't matter much as it wasn't really that lunch to bother anyone, nor that he judged someone based on that.

But she was wearing a skirt with stockings, and a shirt with a jacket above it that hung tightly to her body.

It honestly was one of the few reserved outfits he had seen in this world, and Ren couldn't help but nod his head in admiration.

Certainly, she didn't need to show anything if she didn't want to, and despite that, these clothes somehow in their simplicity and modesty managed to showcase her beauty perfectly.

She started walking closer to him and Ren immediately walked toward her.

"Hello, miss Asui, how have you been all this while?"

Ren asked with a perfunctory smile as their gazes crossed.

They hadn't really met for a long time and they didn't share a lot of talks before, but they did exchange phone numbers, and through phone calling and video calling, they had indeed gotten somewhat closer.

Asui felt the same, and upon his question, as mile graced her face.

"I'm doing good, Ren," her words were rather straightforward and she directly called his name.

After all, there was no need to speak so respectfully when her intentions were to date this guy right?

Ren seemingly picked up on that and just smiled in return.

"Then I'll call you Asui, is that fine?"

As they linked arms and greeted each other he led her to the car and opened the door for her.

They chatted somewhat naturally since it seemed that the chats they held often were working at this moment and they chatted seamlessly as their chemistry carried on to real life.

It was especially so for her since she was actually quite nervous.

Not shy but nervous, since this was the first time for her to date a guy. And on top of that, she was the one who made the first move.

She was aware that many girls were around him, and that was why she attacked when she got the chance.

As for linking their arms, for Ren, It held no other implication than the desire to treat her like the amazing woman she was.

And for her, I was something t be happy about.

Ren smiled as they finally both entered the car.

"So, mister triple S hero, where are we going now?"

Asui gained a bit of cheek as she saw the chemistry they had while chatting and teasingly said.


"I have something special prepared for us don't worry, but it is yet the time to spoil what it is haha,"

Ren teased her back as he kept her in suspense, and the stare of interest she directed toward him almost burned a hole in his body but he just started driving as he chuckled.



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-Special thanks to *"ShadowFangus"* ; *"Coby"* ; and *"Kevin Diaz "*

-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release: