Chapter Three


I sat in the bathtub, bored. Sure, I know I was supposed to be bathing to get cleaned not sitting and doing nothing, I sighed. I didn't see what all the fuss was about; it was milk... my ponies were thirsty and now I'm bathing for the second time today. I heard footsteps stop at the door, then a knock. "Aria, I'm coming in to wash your hair, make yourself decent." I sighed getting out of the tub drying off-putting my pink gown on, unlocking the door as my daddy looked at me, motioning towards the tub, with my head down I walked over to the tub getting on my knees laying my head over the tub, soon I felt the shower hose water wetting my hair, "you have beautiful hair, Aria, why do you hate me washing it so much."

I sighed. "I like it when you wash my hair and fix it, but I hate taking two baths in one day."

"Why don't you like taking baths?"

"I can't play in the bathtub. All my toys are in my room. Bathing is boring."

"Ah, I see."

I felt the shampoo in my hair, as I covered my eyes, "We'll just have to fix that problem, then." The scrubbing stopped as I heard my daddy walk over to the cabinet, and the splashes of water were on my hands, I looked to see some rubber ducks, a pink bottle of liquid, and large plastic ponies sitting in the tub, I looked at him as he started scrubbing my hair again, I once again covered my eyes.


My hair was washed, but not dried. I played happily in fresh warm water, with bubbles, and my toys. Daddy went back downstairs after he had gotten me bathed off.

I looked at my fingers with a sigh, my fingers wrinkled, meaning I had to get out of the tub. As I did so, I let the water out, put my toys in the sink, dried off, put my gown back on, and ran to the living room, sitting on the couch to watch cartoons. "Aria, what's the rush?"

I watched as my daddy watched my every move from the kitchen. "Yazoo is coming over, it's almost time!!"

I bounced on the couch in my excitement. My dad sighed. I knew he didn't care for Yazoo and his brothers like I did; because of their looks. To me, they reminded me of grandpa before he went bananas. Even though I had never seen him then, and only got a glance at him when I was on CID's airship when we first met Kadaj and his brothers. I agree with the looks. Sephiroth had something to do with the three of them.

"Well, come and get something to eat. Supper is ready." I bounced to my feet, skipping to the kitchen. To see food was spread out on the small circular wooden table. I sat down in my usual seat as my dad handed me a plate. I sat it down on the table, seeing two eggs and a piece of sausage, with one cookie.

"Um, daddy? This isn't a lot of food. What happened to the crazy fill the plate up dishes?"

I looked at him as he looked at me. "I handed you the wrong plate. That one is mine." He handed me the right plate sitting across from me as I dug into my waffles and sausage. The meal was silent. It didn't shock me, however, since my daddy had a very strict rule of not talking while at the table. He was totally against it. We ate silently.

I sighed, looking at my food. Daddy looked at me. "I'm full, daddy."

He looked at me with a smile. "You can go play." I stood up, running up the stairs.


.: Nicolae:.

I shook my head in amazement at the energy that girl possessed. I was never that energetic growing up. Of course, someone always strapped me to the lab tables of the ShinRa Company. So, I honestly did not know my level of energy. I sighed, finishing my food. And cleaned up the rest. I heard the door open, "She's upstairs Yazoo, she seems eager for your arrival, she's pro," I was cut off by Reno's war cry, I stepped out of the way pinning him to the bar, grabbing his weapon, throwing it to the ground with a loud thump. "To what pleasure do I get with your presence, lapdog?" I wrapped my hand around his neck. I heard footsteps on the wooden floor. "Yeah, Rude looking sharp...I know! Reno seriously learn some new dialogue." I let go of the Turk's neck, turning to Rude, "What business does Rufus have with me this week?"

Rude looked at me, folding his gloved hands at his waist, "The president found some old files about Aria, and he wants you to see just who it is that you keep and protect so fondly."

He got a manila envelope from his jacket, handing it to me. "I'll look at them later, or maybe when I get interested in finding out." I looked at the two of them, as they stood unmoved. "Was there something else you two wanted, or are you just looking at the better man between the three of us? You can blame ShinRa for my good looks, experiments, and the right DNA works wonders for a clone's image."

Reno picked up his weapon, slinging it over his shoulder. "Your dad's cool.." he looked at me. "What in the world am I saying?!"

He swung his weapon at me, only for me to dodge the blow. I rolled to my sword, grabbing it springing up to my feet, "how does Aria's origins interest your corrupt boss? I've had her for three months and now ShinRa wants to take her from me!" I looked at Reno as my powers sent him to the floor, a look of pain etched into his features. Walking over to them as the doors shut and became stuck, no one got out and no one came in, Rude charged towards me to stop the pain I was sending through his partner's body, I threw my sword down, charging at him, scooting on the ground kicking his feet from under him, jumping to my feet grabbing his leg throwing the heavier man across the room, he landed on my bookshelf demolishing it.

"Daddy!" I heard Aria yell, snapping me from my enchantment. I shook my head as the room spun. I shook the traces of the magic off, grabbing Reno and Rude by their collars, dragging them out of the door, tossing them into the streets. Wiping my hands free of them. I looked at home, then at Aria.

"Is something wrong?" I looked at her as she looked at me, confused.

"Daddy, why did you beat Reno and Rude up? What did they do... this time?"

I placed my sword back in its holder, hanging on the wall. "Reno started it." I looked at her with a smile. "They want to split us up, and I don't want you to go with them. So, I made sure they saw I would not take it sitting down."

She looked at me, then walked over to the television. and I gathered up my cleaning supplies and started cleaning up the messes that were made. Looking at the destroyed bookshelf, I sighed, shaking my head in disappointment.