The Red Room

I had always been an introverted person. From the starting days of my childhood to the end of my high school. I barely talked to anyone and had a limited amount of friends. I wasn't the brightest in my school or neither was I the smartest in the class. Since I used to stay in my room all day on weekends and after school using my computer, my interest peaked learning more about computers and the internet. I used to search about coding stuff on the computer and had been learning more about the internet and stuff in it.

One day, while researching about the internet, I bumped into the types of web. The web we normally work on was only the surface, just like an iceberg. Below it was a whole different universe. A universe I wanted to explore without understanding the consequences of diving into it. The internet is a scary place when you dive deep into it, just like the ocean and the day I figured it out, it was nearly too late.

After completing my first term examinations, we had a month of summer break. During the break, I remembered about the dark web and deep web and wanted to figure out about it. I looked up how to get into the dark web. After searching for an hour or so, I found out how the dark web can be accessed. There was a warning "Accessing the dark web without knowing what you are doing can be a cause of unseen consequences!" but I brushed it off thinking it can't be that bad. After that, I accessed the dark web for myself. The contents there were kinda gory and inappropriate. They couldn't be defined properly and were weird. After surfing the dark web for like half an hour, I had seen acts conducted that were very hard to process and I had no idea that those events were happening in real life.

Just when I thought I had enough of the dark web and proceeded to close it, a dialog box appeared. "Do you like the red room?" I proceeded to click on no and again tried to close the window. Again the alert dialog box appears but with red text and the same message "Do you like the red room?" I thought to myself "I must have gotten a virus in my computer. I mustn't have surfed the dark web." I proceeded to press no and then do a quick scan to check for viruses. After a duration of 5 mins the alert dialog box popped again but something was different once again. The background was red as well and it was mesmerizing. "Do I really like the red room? What is the red room? Red is so beautiful." I thought to myself.

"Maybe a red room isn't such a bad idea. I should get my room redone." I thought to myself. I took my eyes off the computer screen for a second and saw the environment around me was all red. My whole room was red. I was so focused on it, I couldn't hear my mom calling me. After a while I heard my room door burst open and saw my mom and dad entering the room screaming and petrified. My dad slapped me and told me to get back to my senses and drop the paper cutter. On my computer was the same alert box still popping up. The walls were all red, red with my blood. I had cut myself in several places including my hands, chest and thighs and the blood splattered had made my room red. I dropped the blade I had on my hand and tried not to throw up as I was scared and petrified.

I was then rushed to the hospital and my wounds were stitched. I was also given blood as I had lost a lot of blood and if my parents were late, I would've been dried out of blood. I am lucky to be alive and I would like to relay a message. Never get into the dark web no matter how curious you are.