[Genesis - 3]

//Certain Harem: Gretel Hexe Andvari, Kongou, Haruna

Possible Harem: Takao, Hiei, Kotono Amaha / Yamato, Iona, Hyuuga, Lexington

More to come at later stages, or after some of you request them. Beware that I can't include everyone, that's a logistical fucking nightmare to write properly.

Oh yeah, if you want to visualise The Architect's voice then just listen to CDawgVA, my man has a voice every man wants to have.//


What does one see when they are born? The light at the end of the tunnel? Perhaps the face of their mother, father, or the doctor, perhaps? Most if not all people don't remember their first moments as their brains and eyes were far too undeveloped at the time. But such is not the case for creatures that far outlive the human lifespan a thousand, million and sometimes, very rarely, even a billion-fold. These kinds of species usually emerge with already well-formed bodies and organs, and as such can remember the process and the aftermath of their birth.

But even then, this is more of a special case as this one particular woman was not born through normal means. She has no mother, no father, and her genetic structure is one of a kind in the whole universe. Her whole body is hers to command and shape with the use of highly advanced technology the likes of the human mind cannot imagine. Her very existence was moulded from inanimate atoms to form her current short, albeit petite body and very simplistic garb overalls.

She opened her eyes to the stary view of a distant galaxy, shining the darkness of empty space with its supergiant black hole in the centre. Her brain was already fed necessary information in order for her to function as a normal creature of medium intelligence with massive room for growth and development of her own personality. Not to mention her mind was directly connected to the server of The Architect's starship, meaning she had access to most of the unrestricted knowledge in the universe.

A beautiful sight in her dazzling eyes, she made sure to take every last inch of it into her memory. After all, whilst long-lasting, even stars disappear eventually. This girl hadn't wanted to miss a single detail of their beauty whilst they were still around.

-snap- -snap-


The woman's ears picked up the first sound she had heard in her life, and that being the snapping of one's fingers right next to her ear whilst the voice continued to draw out a single, very simple greeting. The poor girl jumped slightly, clearly not expecting the presence of another in her close proximity.

She would've stumbled were it not for the fact that there was no ground, up or down to begin with, and instead the surprised girl just floated slightly sideways in a rather cute display of fright. The strange, somewhat familiar man just laughed light-heartedly at her before loudly exhaling and plopping back down onto his comfy-looking black swivel chair.

"Oh good, your hearing's fine. Although that lack of awareness does worry me... not!" he lightly laughed under his breath again, before swinging his arms wide open with a bright smile and gesturing to the colourful and breathtaking sight of the cosmos around them, "Do you like what you see? This is the universe! Still in its infancy though, but, it's very pretty! I hope you like it, this will be a sight you might get used to for a long time."

The girl blinked before nodding, albeit a little meekly. Everything was so new, so foreign and so spectacularly amazing to her that she knew not what to focus on. Although, the man had her attention all the while, like a sponge soaking up water. It was... difficult to just overlook him now or ignore him. His hair, clothes, and even the chair he sat on and strangely captivating eyes demanded attention. HER attention.

But, she had questions. And oh dear there were a lot of them.

"Who are you?" the words flowed out of the girl's mouth like water and sounded soft and smooth, befitting her beautiful appearance.

"Hm? Oh, right! I'm... well, just a man that spends his time here," he pointed in random directions towards the many, many stars surrounding them, "And here, and also here. You could say I'm all over the place."

The man then proceeded to clap his hands together, and the universe or at least the rendition of it around them shifted noticeably as the stars and galaxies zoomed past. Then, it stopped once it came to a somewhat green, somewhat purplish-pink planet in a star system with two stars orbiting each other.

The girl let out a surprised yelp as she looked upon the planet, mesmerised by its beauty and strange colours as it slowly made its way, spinning while also orbiting the two large stars. The planet itself was not alone in the system, there were fourteen others, and many had their own moons. This one had four.

"Pretty, isn't it?"

The man had once again fully grasped her attention as he lightly clapped his hands again, and the view zoomed onto the surface of the planet. Now, from all sides, the two were surrounded by colourful, purple, green and pink foliage and tall tree-like plants. Overhead, white fluffy clouds slowly floated in the atmosphere as small indigenous species of birds flew under them.

"This is P-22, a project of mine, 22nd actually. Due to irregularities in the atmosphere, a lot of plant life and species on this planet took on the colour purple. Pretty niche if you ask me."

The world looked quite beautiful, as beautiful as one could imagine when seeing it for the first time. Such a complex ecosystem was not an easy thing to develop so easy into the universe's life. It was very colourful but only leaned toward the purple, blue and green spectrum. Strange how one discrepancy in the atmosphere could lead to such a visible discolouration.


"Hm? Yep! The previous 22 attempts were... well, they didn't get too far."

The implications of the man's words called for further questions, questions the girl theorised would lead to... less than moral answers. But, still, she wanted to know more. She needed to know more! Not just about this world, about the planets, about the stars and atoms. But also about this man, a man that brought her forth for a purpose unknown.


"Why does anyone do anything? It's because they can, or that they want to. For me..."

He clapped his hands again, and this time, the world zoomed out massively so that even the galaxies themselves appeared as small, palm-sized discs in the sky. Yet, the two were undisturbed by such things. Even the chair was fine!

"It's a responsibility. Or, maybe a task? A super-secret mission that everyone and everything alive knows about, partially at least."

That... answered very few questions and only raised more.

"What about me?"

"Hm? Weeeeeeeell..."

The man sighed as he leaned back in his chair, scratching his chin lightly and looking up into the far distant sky, pondering on what his next words should be. He wasn't good when it came to things like this, like, at all. His lack of social interaction and long-term relationships has certainly taken its toll on his social skills, pep talks included.

"I guess I was just lonely?"

The girl blinked once, then twice, "Lonely?"

"Mhm. You see, even if I, The Great Architect himself make something, the universe and time itself dictate that it must be... disposed of eventually. Fortunately, this doesn't apply to me because my oh-so-humble creators decided to mould my flesh and bone outside reality. In hindsight, having friends, ones made or naturally evolved is pretty much impossible for me through normal means. But..."

"But... you made me."

"Kinda, yeah. I took my DNA, altered it but kept the basic preset the same to make your longevity actually worthwhile and... BAM! Here you are. Took me a long ass time too," the man chuckled at the end of his sentence when he remembered just how much of a pain it was designing muscle and bone that wouldn't deteriorate quickly.

"...So... are you... my father?"

The man nearly fell backwards in his chair at such a notion, "Oh hell no! Well, maybe, kind of? Let's just say no. I was thinking something along the lines of a friend. Partner? Wife even? I don't know! That's the beauty of life! We shall see as time goes on, as they say."

"...Okay," the girl almost facepalmed at herself for giving such a simple, one-word answer to something so personal, "Then... what is your name?"

"My name? Oh! Right, everyone has one! It's... uh... The Architect?"

"...You don't sound sure," the girl deadpanned at the man, clearly expecting something grander out of him, yet, this wasn't an entirely unwelcome approach, it made her feel more on the level with the man.

"Ah, well, I always just called myself that so... well, giving each other names is usually something lesser species do to preserve themselves, their ancestors and descendants into history as well as make identification easier. I never came up with a name for myself..." it was kind of sheepish now that he thought about it, and also kind of dumb, but he was no stranger to dumb.

The girl sighed, already knowing that her eternity will be filled with stupidity, but, at the very, very least it won't get boring. With a man like this by her side, boredom is the furthest thing from reality, so much is certain in her freshly awakened mind.

"...What is my name?"

"...Oh shit I didn't think about that..."

Yeah... a whole lot of stupidity will surround the girl's existence from now on. Quite unexpected given who her creator was. An ancient being older than time itself... didn't think of a name for himself. Or her for that matter... How in the world did he have the genius to make all of THIS but none of THAT?!




"...This will be a long, long eternity, won't it?"

"Baby you know it!"