154) Cheating on Eileen

On a cold night, a pair of women spent a passionate and heated night of passion. In Andra's house, all the lights were off, except for the one in the bedroom.

Eileen and Andra enjoyed a fiery and uninhibited session of wild sex on Saturday night. Although weekends were always an ideal time for business, both women made sure to take time to enjoy themselves.

Eileen found herself panting and breathing with difficulty, her eyes teary and her legs trembling between her wife's, trying to recover from the last orgasm that nearly rendered her unconscious.

On a normal night, Andra wouldn't have shown any mercy to Eileen and wouldn't have let her catch her breath; she would have just continued giving her love until she passed out. But tonight wasn't like that. She simply stayed there, gazing up at the ceiling.

Eileen took a deep breath as she rested her head on Andra's breasts, snuggling up and taking one of her nipples into her mouth, gently biting it before asking.

"What's going on?" she asked with difficulty, noticing that her beloved wasn't invading her innermost parts or trying to polish her special pearl like other times.

"Nothing," she said nonchalantly, but in a tone that would reveal it's a lie.

"Tell me what's bothering you. It's not normal for you to be this compassionate," she said with a very affectionate tone and a silly smile, showing so much love and kindness that anyone who knew her would think it's another person under a Polyjuice Potion. Eileen was a witch who seemed to be bitter 24 hours a day, but that wasn't the case. Not even Snape knew this affectionate side of her mother; it was only present when she was alone with Andra.

"... *sigh* I'm sorry, I didn't want to disappoint you. I'll make it up to you," she said, but without changing her expression as she reached her hand under Eileen and grabbed a small pink ring, which she pulled slowly, removing small pink spheres from her rear.

"Ah! I didn't mean that," she whimpered while enduring it, but maintaining enough composure. "But I know something's wrong and I want to know. I want to help you. That's what being your wife is for."

"I have a situation," she said as she slowly inserted the balls one by one.

"Is it something related to the business? Are we in the Ministry's spotlight again?" she asked, worried about her wife.

"No, it's something more personal... something about... us," Andra replied.

"Us? What's going on?" she asked, now genuinely concerned.

"You know, Red..." Andra said.

"..." When Eileen heard that, her expression changed, as if she had accidentally sucked on a lemon"What has that wretched boy done now?" she complained with a tone of total bitterness, beyond what she always showed to others.

"Don't call him that. You might not like him, but he's still my nephew," she poked her partner's stomach with her finger.

"Sorry," she apologized genuinely for her lack of consideration, but it didn't change what she truly thought.

"That's why I have some reluctance in telling you," Andra explained.

"Come on, tell me what's bothering you. You're worrying me. If it's about... Red, you can tell me. I'll do my best to be as pragmatic as possible," she clarified, feeling that she had failed to earn her wife's trust.

"Well, you see, he... is a virgin and..." Andra said.

"Virgin?!" she exclaimed, startled, thinking she was hearing things. "But he..."

"I know what you're thinking and I know what your son said, but that's a misunderstanding. Something happened, but it's not what you think. He really is a virgin," Andra explained.

"Ha... now that I think about it, I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up dying as a lonely dog," she mocked strongly, almost enjoying the thought.

"I thought you had let go of those grudges. You know he's like my son, and it hurts me that the two people I love the most in the world hate each other. It hurts to see that he still hasn't accepted everything about me when I've done that for you. It seems like you only want me for my body," she interpreted her partner's feelings of resentment perfectly, turning her back to Eileen.

"Love... don't be like that. You know I love you, I love everything about you," she pleaded and sounded remorseful, rubbing the shoulder of the woman who had turned her back. "Forgive me, let me apologize," she said, moving, wanting to reciprocate some of the pleasure her wife had given her.

"Let it go, you know I don't care about that," she stopped her, causing Eileen to slightly furrow her brow.

Eileen knew well that she was the weaker link in bed and couldn't compare herself to her wife in the slightest, so she usually tried to put all her effort into other aspects of their relationship to compensate.

"Well, tell me, what's going on? You seem very serious about... Red," she said with a slight pause, trying to hide any negative emotion her words might convey.

"Well... what I said, he needs to become a man. He's a special being, you've seen and I've told you about his unique magic, and this event is very important. It's a pivotal moment in his life, and therefore in mine. It's crucial for those born with his power. It's just us two, and he's the last heir to such a legacy... if his parents were still alive... then... it's my duty to ensure everything goes well, I can't fail," she explained with a certain seriousness about a nonexistent family plot, but with such determination that it couldn't be distinguished from reality.

"Alright, nothing will go wrong in the hands of the most competent woman in all of Britain," Eileen consoled Andra, being as loving as possible when she saw the vulnerability she was showing. This was extremely rare since, no matter the situation, Andra's character exuded the utmost confidence. "We'll find our best girls and stand guard behind the door if necessary."

"The problem is with the girl..."(Andra)

"We'll find the best of our girls. I don't think the owner of one of the best brothels in the world should be worried about something like this. We all know that when it comes to finding a good woman, my dear is the best," she said, still trying to uplift her wife's spirits.

"I know, but I don't think a prostitute is suitable," she said, turning to look closely at Eileen.

"Then we'll find a girl who meets your requirements, whether she's a witch or a Muggle. We'll find her," she continued confidently.

"I only know one woman dignified enough for this task," she said firmly to her wife.

"Who?" she asked, but she didn't get a more significant response from Andra than a steady gaze, which made her freeze in place. "You wouldn't expect...?"

"Only you are good enough for him," she replied and waited in the long silence that followed.

"No, no, no, no, no! That can't be! It makes me sick just to think about him..." she reacted forcefully, both in tone and facial expression, showing just how much she was against the idea.

"I thought you said you had gotten over it,"(Andra)

"That's completely different. I can tolerate him around because he's family, but even having him naked nearby is a big NO." She struggled to express her disagreement.

"But you're the only person I could think of. You're the person I trust the most, the most beautiful and loving woman I've ever known. Who else could I think of for this task but the woman who can make me the happiest person in the world?" She put on an enraptured expression as she caressed Eileen's face.


"I know it's difficult, but I don't think I can accept anyone else. This will be his most vulnerable moment, and I only trust you."(Andra)

"But I... I can't accept it."(Eileen)

" *Sigh* Well, I wasn't planning on forcing you anyway. It was just a small hope," she said slowly deflating and becoming depressed, almost like she was aging rapidly from anguish. "Let's go to sleep," she said as she settled in.

"Good night..." she said uncomfortably, noticing her wife's state.

Eileen tried to give her a good night kiss, but it turned out to be so cold and tasteless that it scared her. Every time they interacted, there was usually a kind of euphoria, but now there was nothing. She stared at her wife lying on the bed like a corpse for a few seconds before justifying herself.

"It's not that I don't want to help you, but it's too much for me..." she said, trying to erase that feeling of guilt for leaving Andra in such depression. "If I asked you to do the same for Severus, would you?"

"It's not the same case. I used to be a prostitute, I know what loveless sex is like. But I would do whatever for you. If you asked me to go to the underworld and back, I would do it without hesitation, even if I knew I wouldn't survive. I used to live a life full of depravity, but then you came along and pulled me out of that pit. You gave me your love and affection... for you, I would do whatever," she said as she caressed Eileen's face, with an expression that seemed to be reminiscing about the past. "But I don't want you to feel obligated to this. I wouldn't forgive myself if our relationship was damaged by my selfish desires. I'll find someone else..."

"..." Her wife's words were a poisoned dagger plunged into her heart.

"Don't worry, my love. I don't blame you for this at all. Let's sleep. Tomorrow will be a heavy day. We'll find a good girl,"(Andra)

"... Do I only... need to do it once?" she asked, but when she saw her wife's expression and knew what she was going to say, she put her hand on her lips to silence her. "I don't feel pressured, just answer me."

"Yes, only once. Although if you wanted to repeat it, I wouldn't refuse. You're free to do it, although I might feel a bit hurt and start to doubt my abilities," she playfully teased, with only a hint of emotion.

"Once is more than enough for me... too much," she made a disgusted face. "Let's do it, it's just..." She couldn't finish the sentence.


"Because your words made me see something. It's the same for me. You pulled me out of that disgusting life I had. You've made me the happiest woman in the world to the point where I think it's a dream... I never believed I could have this much, and I think now is the time to pay for this new life I have. If I were asked whether to have sex with your nephew or go back to my old life, without hesitation, I would choose the former. I would never risk losing you."(Eileen)

"Aww... you're adorable. If you can make Red even 1% as happy as you make me, I don't think anyone could tell me I've failed,"(Andra)

"Love, when it comes to the bedroom, you're the one in charge of bringing happiness," she responded shamelessly as before. She believed she was now paying for all those orgasms she couldn't deliver before.

"That's what you think... but I do believe that someone here deserves a little extra happiness tonight." She grinned mischievously before getting into action and making the moans once again audible outside the house.


It was quite amusing to see such a conflicted expression on Eileen's face, a mix of hatred and determination. Her tone was quite harsh, but I didn't flinch when she told me to wait in the room while she and Andra talked outside the door.

After a while, I saw Andra kiss Eileen and gesture that she would be waiting on the other side of the door, along with some words of encouragement. Eileen smiled lovingly at her, but then entered the room, wearing an expression of not wanting to be here.

She closed the door and, trying to adopt a friendlier tone, or at least a less aggressive one, which didn't go very well, she ordered me to undress. I followed her instructions without protesting much, watching as she also undressed.

As she got onto the bed, she tried to turn off the light, but I stopped her, which angered her. Ignoring me after that, she focused on her task, sitting on top of me without the slightest hint of gentleness and looking down at my penis disdainfully. It was hard not to burst out laughing, and I only restrained myself because I feared she might regret it. At least I was glad to know that all of this was being recorded by one of my invisible clones for future... 'family gatherings'.

Eileen focused on her task, fucking me. She wanted to finish this as quickly as possible, so she began riding me with fervor. There were some kisses, but they were mostly on her part, because when I tried to be more active, she withdrew, following her plan of "I'm giving you sex, not love."

The sex itself wasn't as pleasurable as watching Eileen in her current state, to the point that I couldn't hide my true emotions, driving her wild. But at this point, it didn't matter anymore. I told her some truths that left her flabbergasted, even with my penis inside her, but she remained as immobile as a stone.

Before her anger caused problems, I hit her weak spot, her wife, Andra. I told her the truth about us leaving and that if she wanted to stay with her wife, she had to give in. Andra's subsequent appearance in the room confirming this was what left Eileen with no doubts about my words.

She felt hurt, damaged by her wife's lie to make her do this, but Andra hugged her from behind and explained that this was the only way she could accompany her. With whispers, promises, and apologies, we convinced Eileen to continue, but even though she agreed, it was more challenging than we expected.

It required her relationship status to reach 100% in love, but it was a torment. Even when Andra was hugging her from behind while helping her ride me, the love bar only reached a maximum of 75%, despite Eileen's efforts to love me, even if just for a moment, to be with the person she truly loved. I had to use my [Blood Control] on her to force the love, but even then, it was difficult to surpass 98%.

It took three hours of sex to achieve it, and it was exhausting, nothing compared to Lily and Petunia, who, even though it got a bit complicated, was relatively straightforward. I came inside her so many times during these three hours that her pussy seemed like a fountain of semen, from which Andra began to drink to reward her wife for her effort. It was strange for Eileen, but she didn't have the strength or the desire to say anything. She hadn't expected to have sex for hours with the person she hated.

I got up and left them alone with their things. I didn't want to get involved in the emotional conflict that would arise and the couple's discussion. I believed Andra could handle it. Anyway, my mission was accomplished, and in the future, I not only had a video to taunt Eileen and the future Snape, but Eileen would also come to the future with us, opening up so many possibilities.