185)Petite surprise

Things may have been happening at home or elsewhere in the country, but that wasn't what mattered at the moment.

Knowing that I would be heading to Brazil next year, the idea of expanding my horizons kept swirling in my mind, and now I was determined to make it a reality.

It wasn't that I was planning a major expansion; in fact, the only thing on my mind at that moment was to establish more teleportation points and update the merchant's inventory. To achieve this, I had sent my clones all over Europe to carry out this task, visiting every shop they could along the way.

Spain, France, Germany, Denmark, Norway... Every neighboring country was in my sights. My plan was to set up teleportation points throughout Europe, although I knew it could take time since my clones were traveling on foot or using primarily Muggle means.

The Reds sent out had to remain invisible at all times to avoid raising suspicion in both the Muggle and Magical Worlds. With so many clones working, the energy consumption was considerable. If I needed to use more power, I would dismantle the clones that had already set up a teleportation point. Then, when I had the capacity to expend more energy, I would recreate them and teleport them to continue their work from there.


One of my clones had some trouble accessing the magical area in a certain country. Going undercover and not knowing the language well was an obstacle, even though the location was known.

It was challenging at first, but after a while of searching and observing, waiting for a wizard to head there, I finally managed to get in.

La "Cachée," the magical shopping district in the French magical world, is impressive. The excitement it generates is similar to visiting Diagon Alley for the first time, but with a different twist.

The French were a bit more organized than the designers of Diagon Alley. Everything here has a more symmetrical structure and isn't as chaotic. Additionally, French wizards dress somewhat differently; while they maintain an old-fashioned style compared to the modern world, there are details that make them appear more stylish, or rather, "fashionable."

My tour of the place was considerably slower compared to other non-magical places. The Muggle world has its charm, but being alone, I didn't find it as fascinating as the magical world. Maybe I should take one of the girls out sometime...

The shops here were numerous, some with merchandise identical to Diagon Alley, but there were also many unique ones. Certainly, there were more alchemical artifacts than in England, which is understandable.

I visited most of the open shops, buying nothing, as the merchant would acquire the items once I entered each store... but that took some of the fun out of shopping.

After exploring most of the area using my invisibility, I moved away from the more prominent parts. I couldn't see everything, but I would have time in the future. Now, after seeing the more picturesque side, so to speak, it was time to explore the darker side of the French magical world.

I strayed further from the bustling streets and began to slide through the alleys, hoping to find the darker shops of the area. Though I had no idea exactly where I was, my [Map] was the perfect aid, as it auto-completed while exploring, and if I needed to find a shop, a symbol would appear to indicate its location.

The [Map] had become quite useful, especially now that it had reached level 3 due to the many clones traveling through Europe. Besides being more aesthetically detailed, it also provided more information about each point of interest and the area in general.

Returning to the matter at hand, I was now roaming less pleasant areas, but suitable for my objectives. Much like Knockturn Alley, you could feel the danger, the sensation of being watched, as well as the filth and neglect of the place.

Some individuals might have sensed something, but I don't think anyone really noticed my presence, so I had no trouble observing the area.

I wandered back and forth, making some progress toward my goal, but now I found myself moving through narrow and sparsely populated alleys. And why am I mentioning this? Well, because of what's about to happen in this place.


I was pressed against one of the walls; the alley I was slipping through was… well, extremely narrow.

I was about to continue on my undercover path when I heard something as I turned the corner. Despite being invisible, I moved with utmost caution and observed what was happening.

A man—indeed, that's what he was—was dressed in a way that made it hard to recognize him. His staggering suggested that he had appeared in the alley abruptly. But what really caught my attention was what he was holding in his arms.

In the man's arms, a girl was struggling futilely against his grip. She had striking silver hair, beautiful blue eyes, and radiant, smooth skin. She was a precious child, though there was something about her, a special quality, that made her even more enchanting than she might seem at first glance.

Shortly after the kidnapper appeared with the girl, another man emerged from one of the alleys, looking equally suspicious.

"Tu l'as ?!" (Do you have her?)

"Non, imbécile, j'ai pris une autre fille parce que je m'ennuyais !" (No, idiot, I took another girl because I was bored) - the criminal complained.

"On n'a pas de temps pour tes conneries, c'est elle ou pas ? On ne peut pas se tromper; s'ils nous attrapent, on est morts." (We don't have time for your nonsense, is it her or not? We can't afford to make a mistake; if they catch us, we're dead.) - said with evident nervousness and paranoia.

"Oui, difficile de se tromper. Regarde par toi-même." (Yes, it's hard to make a mistake. Look for yourself.)

The accomplice looked at the terrified girl and was momentarily captivated by her beauty.

"Bien, on doit partir, on ne peut pas les laisser nous trouver. Ils doivent déjà être en train de nous chercher, il faut se dépêcher…" (Alright, we need to leave, we can't let them find us. They must already be looking for us, we need to hurry…)

I had already assumed enough when I saw the girl resisting, and what I heard only confirmed my suspicions, though my French was terrible and I barely understood a few words. I wasn't a hero, but I couldn't leave the girl to her fate knowing what was happening right in front of me. I had had my share of being a vigilante in my work with Tonks, but even though that phase was over, it didn't mean I couldn't fight evil once more... especially considering that, in countless possibilities, this girl could be Ginny, Luna, or someone I care about. And if that were the case, I would wish for someone to save her if I couldn't.

Like in the times when I worked as a temporary auror, I prepared to act. I activated [Music] and looked for something to motivate me. Lately, I had only used it for entertainment or background music.

Let's see... this one's good, it has a good rhythm... and we're in France... so...

{Bête du Gévaudan, méprisait ses attaquants

Malédiction forgée dans les enfers

Bête du Gévaudan, le fléau du firmament

Inspirait la terreur et la colère

Traquée sans répit et jamais capturée

Semait la panique et l'horreur et puis disparaissait...}

Yes... now motivated, ready to pounce on them like a beast, perhaps literally, I saw the notification before me.

[Skill "Bête du Gévaudan" Lvl 1 Acquired]

[Ability to transform into a killing beast, a machine of destruction... the Beast of Gévaudan...]

[-Transformation will depend on the territory you are in:

*Full transformation in the territory where Gévaudan once was.

*Partial transformation in French territory.

*Only some bestial traits outside French territory.

-Depending on the level of transformation, some abilities are lost and others gained. The more beast-like you become, the more physical and magical resilience you will gain, as well as physical attributes, but you will lose the ability to perform magic and suffer a reduction in mental faculties.]

Feeling the power and urgency of the transformation within me, I decided to seize the opportunity to test this new ability. I looked at my targets and rescue objective with an even more predatory gaze as I felt my body beginning to undergo this partial transformation.

The two men seemed to sense my enhanced predatory aura, shuddering and looking around with instinctive fear.


"On doit partir." (We need to leave.)

"Oui, quelque chose ne va pas... AGGHH !" (Yes, something's wrong... AGGHH!) — the man shouted as he was bitten by the girl trying to free herself. "Putain!" (Damn it!) — he yelled as he released her and quickly slapped her so hard it nearly knocked her unconscious.

"Pourquoi tu ne l'as pas stupéfiée avant ?" (Why didn't you stun her earlier?)

"J'ai à peine réussi à l'attraper et à quitter l'endroit sans me faire tuer ! Qu'est-ce que tu croyais ?" (I barely managed to grab her and get out of there without getting shot! What did you expect?) — he said angrily, pulling out his wand to do what his partner had suggested.

Ignoring the eerie silence of the place, he and his partner raised their wands and were about to cast the spell... when suddenly, everything seemed to slow down before their eyes.

Before he could even complete half of the incantation, a blurry shadow appeared suddenly and, without giving him time to react, a blow to his face and hand threw him backward.

The second criminal had a better chance to react as he wasn't the target of the first attack. He drew his wand, but a quick blow to his stomach, seemingly from a dog's paw, knocked him back.

The girl, lying on the ground, was scared and hurt from the blow to her face. She had been kidnapped and now seemed to be witnessing a fight unfold before her eyes. At barely seven years old, she could barely understand what was happening around her and could only cry in response.


After leaving the two criminals sprawled on the ground for a few seconds, I turned towards the girl and rushed over to grab her. Although she seemed frightened by my sudden movements, I didn't stop and held her firmly, lifting her off the ground and carrying her as I dashed through the alleys, hearing the two kidnappers shouting something in French behind me.

I wanted to have killed those kidnappers, but my priority was the girl. Using my [Sense Life] ability, I knew the place was filled with more people than it appeared, and if another criminal managed to grab the girl and Disapparate with her, there was little I could do; I still didn't have a good countermeasure for that.

I wasn't wrong, as even before the criminals finished shouting, I sensed several spells flying towards me. However, I didn't feel fear. This form was indeed physically superior; I managed to dodge the attacks with a great leap and spins in the air that not only allowed me to evade them but also gave me a chance to scan my surroundings and my attackers.

If I had a strong physique before, now I possessed agility and senses so sharp that I felt I could accomplish anything. But I wouldn't let this feeling overwhelm me at such a critical moment.

I ran at such speed that I could have easily left those fools behind, but the terrain complicated things. These alleys were difficult to navigate, and I had no idea where to go or which path to take.

In England, I had the advantage of knowing the terrain; I had studied it thoroughly. But here, I was like a headless chicken, crashing into every wall I encountered. Yes, I had my map, but it wasn't enough; using my focus to consult it could put us in danger. Moreover, even if I saw it, it was just an image and didn't provide the familiarity needed to navigate this place smoothly, a skill my enemies seemed to have developed very well.

French criminals appeared from every corner; I had no idea this gang or group of kidnappers could be so large. Besides Apparating, they knew this place so well they could ambush me easily. But that wouldn't stop me.

At first, I was afraid. I thought it was another one of those "les méchants" who separated me from ma sœur and hurt me, but it didn't seem like that. The sounds, the lights—everything reminded me of the time when papa fought against the bad guys who interrupted the banquet I went to with maman and ma sœur...

I wasn't with them, though that didn't make me any happier. I thought it would be like maman said—they wanted to hurt me because of my beauté, she always reminded me and warned me to be careful.

But then I changed my mind. When that furry, clawed hand touched my red, hurting face, I screamed a little from the pain, but soon I felt relief. My face stopped hurting; I didn't know what it was, but this loup-garou, I think, was healing me.

I couldn't do anything; I wasn't like papa, maman, or ma sœur; I couldn't defend myself. So I could only trust that whoever was carrying me would help me get back to my famille and wouldn't harm me.