191) Reconciliation with Pansy

I observed the mansion in front of me and let out a sigh. My [travel point] was disabled, confirming how complicated things were with this girl. I opened my messaging ability, ready to try and fix things.

[Red: Pansy]

[Pansy: …] -There was no response for several minutes.

[Red: Pansy, answer me.]

[Pansy: Fuck off.]

[Red: I just want to talk for a moment.]

[Pansy: F-U-C-K O-F-F.]

[Red: Just give me a minute, please.]

[Pansy: What part of "I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU" don't you understand?]

[Red: But I'm even here, outside your house.]

[Pansy: What?]

From her room, Pansy walked over to the window. The distance between her house and the gate of the Parkinson estate was enough to prevent her from seeing clearly.

"Brin!" She shouted into the air.


"How may I serve you, miss?" asked the house-elf who appeared instantly.

"Is there someone at the entrance of the house? A boy… with red hair," she asked, her voice a bit nervous.

"I will check, miss," the elf responded before disappearing and reappearing moments later. "Indeed, miss. The young man you described is leaning against the wall surrounding the property. Would you like me to expel him?"

"No! No… I don't know… let me think," she said, pacing around the room, weighing her options. Finally, she made a decision. "Let him in."

"I'm sorry, miss, but I cannot do that without your parents' permission," the elf explained calmly.

"Ahh…" she groaned, bringing a hand to her face as she remembered the rules. After a few seconds, she came up with a solution. "Mom and Dad aren't here, right?"

"No, miss. Lord and Lady Parkinson have gone out and won't return for at least another hour." (Brin)

"Good. I'll go to the gate. I won't leave the property, I just want to talk to him," she said, emphasizing each word to ensure the elf didn't misinterpret her intentions or inform her parents that she was leaving the property. "But you can't spy on our conversation, nor allow any other elf or person to do so. That's an order."

"As you wish, miss," the elf responded before disappearing.

Pansy inhaled deeply, exhaling forcefully as she mentally prepared herself to face her "uninvited guest."

Pansy approached the iron gate, her expression constantly shifting. She didn't know how to react to my presence; confusion dominated every step she took. When she reached the gate, she stopped about a meter away, her shoulders tense.

"Hi, Pansy." (Red)


"Are you still mad?" (Red)

"Grrr…" She growled as her only response.

"Are you going to tell me why?" (Red)

"Hmmnn..!" She grumbled, her face red with anger before exploding. "YOU'RE A… SLUT!" she shouted, gripping the bars so tightly her knuckles turned white, venting her fury in the only way she could.

Seeing her lose control, I quickly moved closer. Within her reach, I slid my hands through the bars and hugged her against them. Though the gate separated us, we were as close as we could be. She kept hitting me as best she could in her rage, while I, gently, began using my powers to calm her, making her mind and emotions more susceptible to my words.

"Sshhhh…" I murmured.

Sniff. "Why?" she whispered between sobs, stopping her hits as the anger morphed into sadness.

"Calm down…" (Red)

"Why? I thought… I thought we had…" With all her effort, she stepped back just enough to look me in the eyes, her voice breaking with desperation.

"We do, Pansy. What we have is real. It was never a lie." (Red)

"THEN WHY?! Why are you with Granger now? You were supposed to be mine. Why that mudblood…?!" (Pansy)

"Shhh…" I placed my hand over her mouth before she could continue, which only made her cry harder. "Pansy, tell me… who am I? No, better yet… what family do I belong to?" She kept crying, unwilling to respond, but I insisted. "Please answer me, and I'll explain everything."

"W-Weasley…" she murmured with difficulty.

"And you know the status we have in the wizarding world, right? Now tell me… do you want a relationship like the one I have with Hermione? Do you want to be my girlfriend?" (Red)

Her body trembled at the mention of Hermione's name. Her grip tightened, and for a moment it seemed like she was trying to bite me, overwhelmed by anger and sadness, but I managed to get her to respond one more time.

"Y-yes… but I don't want to anymore… You're horrible…" she whimpered, trying to pull away, wanting to escape and run back to the house.

"I love you, Pansy," I said, intensifying the effect of my auras, manipulating her emotions until the girl in my arms completely broke, unable to decide whether she wanted to run away or stay. "But what we had couldn't be the way you wanted."

"WHY?! I was going to give you everything. I'll give it to you if you ask, but don't leave me," her broken voice was a mixture of desperation and pleading.

"I never planned to leave you, love," I said softly, "and I never will."

"So why with…?" (Pansy)

"I don't plan on leaving Hermione either," I responded. The confusion on her face disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, and as she understood, her nails dug hard into my body.

"You…!" (Pansy)

"Tell me, Pansy," I continued, keeping calm while she struggled with her anger. "Knowing my family's status, do you think your family would agree to allow a marriage between us? Would they let me marry their only heir?"

"What does that have to do with anything…?" Her gaze shifted, losing the hardness it had before, and her voice grew weak as she answered.

"Don't try to ignore it. You know just as well as I do that it would never happen. You were raised as a noble, Pansy. You, more than anyone, know how these things work. My family is very different from yours… and even I know what that means," I said, gently stroking her hair.

"I can convince them," she replied hastily, clinging to that hope. "They'll accept you. You're capable, you have that rare magic… My family would be thrilled for us to get married."

"It's not that simple…" I sighed, rearranging my thoughts to give her a good— or convincing— explanation. "You know your family supported Voldemort, right?" She nodded slowly. "And my family fought against him, Pansy. We were on opposite sides.

"So what…?" (Pansy)

"Listen, Pansy, that fight never really ended, it's just on pause. I'll tell you a secret that few know: Voldemort isn't dead." (Red)

"W-What…?" she trembled slightly, more surprised than scared.

"He's like a ghost. At some point, he'll be able to regain his body and return. Before being defeated by baby Potter, he used very powerful dark magic that prepared him to come back if someone ever managed to defeat him. Do you remember Quirrell, who was called a dark wizard? He was, but the real secret is that Voldemort, in his spiritual form, possessed him." (Red)

"You're… you're lying," she murmured, but her voice was filled with doubt, knowing that what I said was hard to accept.

"I wouldn't lie to you, not about this. And that's why our families are still enemies, even though Voldemort isn't here right now. When he returns, the confrontation will be inevitable. We're like Romeo and Juliet, Pansy, but I don't want us to have a tragic ending." I left her in silence, giving her a moment to process what I had just told her. Despite her resistance, I could see that something inside her was beginning to accept the truth, perhaps aided by my power.

"But…" she began to say, wanting to hold on to some hope.

"No, Pansy," I interrupted her softly, but firmly. "I know you could think of a thousand ways to resolve this, but we need to be realistic. My family will never surrender to Voldemort. And yours… won't stop supporting him if he returns. I myself don't plan on switching sides, not even for you. Not because I don't love you, but because it's impossible. I won't kneel to another man, Pansy, but… I would kneel under your skirt," I whispered, leaving a soft kiss on her cheek, watching as her face flushed slightly. "Besides," I continued, "I was the one who defeated Quirrell, not Harry, though that's something few people know. Voldemort already sees me as an enemy, and when he returns… he'll come for me."

"…" She looked at me with eyes full of fear.

"It wouldn't work between us, Pansy," I began gently. "Malfoy has better chances than I do. His family is powerful and wealthy. Yours would be happy to 'sell' you to him. And that's just talking about your family, because mine…" I paused, giving her time to absorb my words. "I don't think they'd be thrilled that their son is with a pureblood noble who served the Dark Lord. They'd probably try to stop us, or worse, treat you like filth who bewitched me with dark magic."

"I-I… I…" Pansy clung to me, breaking down in tears as she hugged me desperately.

I held her in silence, letting her cry against my chest. I knew those tears weren't just from sadness, but from helplessness. Little by little, her sobs calmed down until she regained some composure.

"That's not going to stop us," she murmured, her voice trembling but filled with new determination.

"What?" I looked at her, confused.

"Our families won't stop us. We can… run away," her words were a mixture of doubt and hope. "My parents aren't here right now, we could…"

"Pansy…" I looked at her with tenderness, like a child who doesn't fully understand what she's proposing. "We're 12 years old…"

"Yes, but we could…" she began to say, searching for some argument.

"No, Pansy. It's not going to happen like that," I told her gently, pulling her back a little, holding her by the shoulders so she could look into my eyes. "I'll be honest with you. If we did run away, we wouldn't lack anything. I have enough for us to live well, even luxuriously, with things many people wouldn't have… but it's not going to happen."

"Why not?!" she exclaimed, frustrated.

"Because I don't want us to live like that. We'd be fugitives, they'd be looking for us everywhere. They'd blame me for kidnapping you, and that would cause a lot of trouble for both of our families. Yours, because of their reputation, and mine… they'd face many problems. Plus, you'd have to leave Hogwarts, and I don't want that for you. I want you to enjoy your years there, because you'll only live them once, and I won't take that away from you. No, Pansy, we can't run away and leave everything behind." (Red)

"Then what do we do?! End it and never see each other again?" she asked, burying her face in my chest again, sobbing between her words. "I don't want it to end, I don't want you to leave…"

"No, Pansy. I already told you, I don't plan on leaving you," I replied, lifting her face so she could look at me. "But we can hide it, keep what we have a secret, until we're strong enough that no one can stop us. I'll become a great wizard, and you, the leader of the Parkinson family."

Her eyes sparkled with a glimmer of hope. "Then…"

"Then, when the time comes, we can tell the world that we don't care what they think or want. We'll be together in the open, and no one will be able to stop us." (Red)

"Yes…" she smiled, seeing that possibility as a light in the darkness. But suddenly, her expression turned bitter again. "And Granger…"

"She will still be my woman too," I said without hesitation.

"Why does she get to? I'm your real girlfriend! We can't be together, but that doesn't mean I'll let you cheat on me," her voice filled with anger, and her hands gripped me tightly in rage.

"Pansy, do you really think people won't start noticing us? We're hiding it well, but little by little, people will begin to see that we're getting too close. And if our plan is to stay hidden until we can reveal ourselves, if we get caught now… who knows what could happen. We could lose everything before we even have a chance." (Red)

"And what does Granger have to do with all of this?" she asked, frowning.

"Don't you think she's the perfect cover? She's a Muggle-born and my friend. It's natural for people to think we might have become something more. No one would suspect that while everyone thinks my girlfriend is a common girl, despised in the magical world, I'm actually in a secret relationship with the noble heir of the Parkinson family. It's perfect. No one would guess, and we could keep seeing each other in secret." (Red)

"Hmph…" Pansy huffed, thinking for a moment. "Still, I don't want to be 'the other woman.' You're mine… my future husband. You can't go out with other women."

"Are you ready to have sex?" (Red)

"What?" she asked, surprised, her eyes wide open.

"You heard me. I'm an intense person in many aspects of my life, and I need my partner to be up for that." (Red)

"I… I'm ready," she responded, raising her head firmly.

"Pansy, I'm holding you in my arms and I can feel you trembling." (Red)

"So what? I'm ready, whenever you want," she raised her voice, trying to sound confident.

"You don't have to force yourself," I said gently, stroking her face. "Even though what we have started in an unusual way, I want what we have now to be pure. I would never make you do something you're not ready for."

"But…" she tried to insist, clearly anxious about not losing me.

"Tell me, does your father love your mother?" (Red)

"Of course." (Pansy)

"And he's never been with other women, even in secret?" (Red)

"Of course not!" she responded, offended.

"Think about it carefully, Pansy. He's a noble, and I know how their lives usually are. Maybe you don't know, but others do. You can ask the house elves, but make sure you order them not to lie to you first. If they say they can't speak about it, you'll know what's going on. Look, our love doesn't have to be based on sex. Other people might satisfy that need, but what we have can be different, more pure. I want us to wait until you really want it. I'll be happy to respond when you're ready, but I don't want to overwhelm you with how intense I can be in that aspect." (Red)

"But…" (Pansy)

"Listen," I said tenderly. "You're special, Pansy, and I love you. Don't let something as trivial as sex make you doubt my love for you. Just like your mother is still Lady Parkinson, even if your father does things in secret, you too are an incredible woman, one among all women. You don't need sex to have me, you already have me."

Pansy couldn't respond right away. She just rested her head against my chest, staying silent, processing my words.


Pansy returned to her room after I left. She was still frustrated by how we would have to handle things for our relationship to work. Despite her anger, she couldn't find a way to contradict my methods while I was present.

She sat on the bed, her head in her hands, trying to make sense of all our conversations. After a while, she sighed and decided to let it go… for now. But then, she remembered something.

"Brin!" she called, summoning her house-elf.

"Yes, Miss," the elf responded, appearing immediately.

"I order you to answer me truthfully. My father… does he see other women besides my mother… you know, for… certain things?" she asked seriously, her voice trembling slightly.

The elf hesitated, looking nervous. "Ehh… Miss…" he began, but before he could continue, his body went into a panic. Brin started banging his head against the floor violently. "I'm sorry, Miss, I can't answer that…"

"Leave!" Pansy yelled, furious, understanding the truth in that silence. The elf disappeared instantly, but his exit didn't bring any calm to Pansy.

With trembling hands, she grabbed the nearest object and threw it with all her strength against the wall.

"AGHHH!" she screamed in frustration, her breathing heavy as she tried to calm herself. After several seconds of agitation, her expression shifted to a mix of rage and resignation. She took a deep breath, speaking aloud to herself, "Fine, Granger, you can be the whore you want to be… play your role. I don't need to stoop to being just a hole like you."

She stood up from the bed, straightening her posture with renewed determination, filled with the pride that had always defined her.

"I am Lady Parkinson, his wife, his real woman. Let Red have his fun using you until he's worn you out or gets bored of you." She smiled arrogantly, now much more confident in her place. She saw Hermione as a necessary evil, someone she barely needed to acknowledge. In fact, at one point, Pansy almost felt a twisted gratitude towards Granger for "sacrificing her cunt… so I don't have to yet. My body is for when Red truly needs it, when it really matters," she thought with a cold smile.


Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I've been considering opening a Patreon, as many of you have asked me to write more. I've wanted to write more, but in order to dedicate more time to it, I need that effort to be compensated in some way.

Patreon seems like a good option for me to do so, but there's one problem: the platform's policies don't allow me to freely post certain topics that often appear in my content, such as incest, age issues, manipulation, consent, among others. Since my current (and future) content includes some of these elements, I'm looking for solutions or alternatives.

I'd like to hear your opinions and if you have any suggestions on how I could handle this situation.