199)Experiment Code: "Super Unicorn"

We returned to the lineage chair. This time, instead of activating its main function, I initiated the check-up function, which would take less than a second to complete. Andra stood up, and together we reviewed the data panel. Not only did it display her current analysis, but it also stored records of everyone who had used the chair, allowing us to make comparisons.

First, Andra's previous state:



[Human: 32.0%]

[Witch: 72.1%]

[Demon: 4.5%]

These were her stats, and although the percentages didn't add up to 100%, the explanation was clear: the chair didn't measure lineages as parts of a whole. The percentage reflected the degree of characteristics from each lineage. A 100% in one lineage indicated that all the characteristics of that lineage were fully present. Thus, a person with 100% in two lineages would have all the advantages of both without any dilution.

After using Andra's essence in the fusion process, the result was:



[Human: 37.3%]

[Witch: 76.3%]

[Demon: 7.1%]

The values had increased, indicating an overall improvement in her abilities. The human lineage, which referred to Muggles (non-magical people), puzzled me; perhaps it enhanced physical traits. The witch lineage seemed to reflect increased magical power and perception. As for the demonic lineage, it likely influenced her beauty and glamour, although it could also impact her magic and physical abilities.

This progress was promising: Andra was not only fine, but stronger than before. Her demonic lineage, though subtle, had grown enough to enhance her innate abilities. With such a low percentage, she already had charm abilities nearly comparable to a pure Veela.

With such a promising outcome, we suggested not stopping there. Although some risks remained, the most dangerous part was behind us, and the risk seemed minimal. There were many possibilities, and we wanted to see how far we could go.

We bought more "Andra essence" from the merchant and repeated the experiment. This time, the luck rituals were simpler, and Andra, now more experienced, was calmer. The chair did its job again, and when it finished, Andra experienced a slightly stronger dizziness than before, accompanied by a mild headache that quickly faded. Upon checking the data panel again, we confirmed that the lineages had purified once more, increasing their percentages, which encouraged us to continue.

We repeated the experiment several times, buying more of Andra's essence and using the chair. The values continued to rise, although by smaller increments, until we reached a point where there were no further improvements. At that moment, Andra stopped experiencing dizziness; each infusion only caused a temporary revitalizing sensation. Using more of her own essence would no longer produce any effects, beyond a brief energy boost. That was when we decided to stop. These were the final results:



[Human: 46.4%]

[Witch: 82.6%]

[Demon: 12.0%]

This was the limit, but the results left no room for complaints. As for the human lineage, we didn't observe major changes, though we theorized there might be improvements in fertility levels, perhaps minimal physical or mental enhancements. The witch lineage showed an impressive increase in magical power, while the demonic lineage, the most intriguing one, caught our attention.

First, Andra's rejuvenation made her appear about 28 years old and extended her lifespan by approximately 40 more years. Physically, her skin became paler, but with a beautiful white tone. Her ears gained a slight point, though not enough to be too noticeable.The color of her irises, previously brown, subtly changed, as if someone had added a drop of burgundy to the mix. Her teeth also showed changes, with her upper and lower canines slightly more pronounced. Additionally, her breasts appeared firmer, though they were already firm due to the magic she constantly used to maintain her figure. Overall, her body received a significant physical upgrade, now boasting superior endurance, strength, and agility compared to that of the average witch or Muggle.

As for her magical abilities, there wasn't a significant increase in raw power, but there was an improvement in skill. Andra felt that certain magics, especially darker ones, though not all of them, had enhanced. Her glamour, for instance, had grown stronger. Although my defenses protected me, I could feel how the strength of her power tried to penetrate my barriers. This wasn't like the Veela's charm, which confuses and stupefies. It was something more invasive, a force that sought to invade the mind, bend the will, corrupt, and bring those who felt it to their knees.

There were still many tests to conduct, several of which would require more people to confirm the effects, but for now, we decided to take a break. I began working on Elise's experiment. With the successful results from Andra and previous experiments with unicorns, it was time to move forward.

As for Andra, she went to visit Eileen. Besides the physical improvements, she seemed to have built up sexual frustration after so much time away from home. Before, this had never been an issue, but with her rejuvenation and purer demonic lineage, she was full of lust and had a slightly more pronounced dominant streak than before.

When Eileen saw her, her jaw nearly dropped. She had to rub her eyes, thinking she was hallucinating. For some reason, her wife looked more beautiful than ever, and the look Andra gave her made her tremble and instinctively cover herself. Without asking, Andra picked her up like a princess and carried her inside the house. From that moment on, moans and screams could be heard repeatedly over several days. It seemed like the couple barely rested, and Eileen was both enjoying and suffering from the way her body was being used, to the point where she couldn't tell if it was night or day.

Three days passed before Andra returned to her duties as my assistant. Her face showed complete peace, without the slightest tension. Eileen, for her part, didn't seem bitter as usual; on the contrary, she radiated happiness, carrying a silly smile on her face. She was so happy that she even gave me a kiss on the forehead, thanking me for "whatever I had done to her wife." I never expected something like that from her, much less that she'd start walking around without clothes from the waist down, ready for any "quickie" with Andra.


Now, three days after what happened with Andra, we began the trials to work with Elise. The latter seemed even more hostile toward Andra after her transformation. Perhaps unicorns and demons don't get along naturally, or maybe there was something else I didn't quite understand.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, concerned.

"Yes, start. I want to be stronger."

"But things could go wrong..."

"If I don't do this, everything will go wrong later. Besides, even if something goes wrong, I have you by my side now," she said, rubbing her head against mine.

I sighed, anxious. This wasn't like with Andra. Elise was too important to me. Still, I knew that if I failed, I'd find a way to recover her. Trying to clear my mind and avoid issues with the upcoming procedures, I used [Calm] on myself. Once relaxed, I began drawing the ritual circles to increase luck while watching the data panel.



[Unicorn: 91.7%]

Elise's lineage value was surprisingly high, but not impossible. Based on what I had seen with Andra, the higher the value, the harder it is to increase. I estimate that values between 85 and 100 correspond to the purest members of their respective races.

I finished preparing the place and repeated the same steps as with Andra, including using Felix Felicis, although I wasn't sure how it would affect unicorns. Then, I proceeded to bring out the fundamental components for the experiment. Several essence containers were arranged on the table. Over the past three days, I had practiced and succeeded in extracting the essence from several unicorns, most of it from Elise's mother. I had several combinations, including some that were mixtures of essence with a bit of Elise's blood, fused with the power of my blood magic.

"Are you sure?" she asked one last time.

"Yes," I replied, and she walked toward the lineage fusion bed. I could feel my doubts transmitting to her, but she didn't want to back down.

The chair used for humans had transformed into a sort of bed to accommodate Elise. With my help, she lay down as Andra placed the essence containers. I stroked the face of my beloved and gave her a good luck kiss before stepping back.

"Let's begin the experiment," I said hesitantly, activating the machine.

The same scene as before repeated itself: a flashing light covered Elise before disappearing, leaving her lying down with a lost gaze. During the process, I heard a slight groan of discomfort, something I was expecting. I approached and, through our telepathic connection, I could feel her dizziness and confusion. I tried to calm her, and after a while, I succeeded. But instead of finding a weakened unicorn to take home, the response I received surprised me.

"I'm fine, keep going," she said with determination. She knew how the process worked because I had explained it to her, and she didn't want to stop until the end.

"Elise! It's untested…" (Red)

"It doesn't matter." (Lys)

"Your case is different from Andra's." (Red)

"KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING!" she screamed in my mind, using our connection to transmit her urgency with force. "I DON'T WANT TO BE WEAK! KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING…!"

I didn't know it could be so annoying to have someone send insistent thoughts into your head, but our connection was so deep that this was possible. Despite my doubts, Elise was completely determined. I wanted to be firm and stop her, but I could clearly feel her emotions. I knew that if I stopped her now, it would cause her more emotional harm than physical. She needed to overcome this self-imposed trial. After much hesitation, her insistence in my mind made me give in.

I continued the experiment. Once, twice, three times... the process repeated several times because Elise kept insisting that she could continue. But this wasn't like with Andra, where the material came from a version of herself, albeit older. In this case, the essence came from other unicorns, purified to the maximum, yes, but not from Elise's own body, which made its assimilation much more complicated.

We had many essences from different unicorns, most obtained thanks to New, who had borrowed them long enough to sell and then repurchase them from the merchant, ensuring they were properly registered in the shop.

The process repeated so many times that eventually, Elise began to bleed a strange, silvery blood, brighter than usual, from all her orifices. I was forced to stop abruptly and run to her. I used my powers to try to save her from what was happening. I had tears in my eyes from worry as Elise, in a state of trance or coma, convulsed.

I spent an entire week trying to stabilize Elise. During those treatments, and with the advice of the archmage, I continued performing the lineage fusion experiment while my power kept her alive. According to him, one of the few ways to save her was for her body to learn to adapt and overcome.


1st Additional Chapter