211) Reconciliation? and new members of the [Feud]

Damn, my sister can be as adorable as she is annoying at the same time. I had started wandering around the castle early, thinking about how I would approach our talk. Should I be nice or harsh at first? How to continue afterward? But it all went to hell.

As I walked, I ran into Ginny and Luna in the hallways. As we crossed paths, I tried to put on my best serious and intimidating look, like my mother's. However, Ginny responded in a way I didn't expect. She ran up to me and rested her head on my chest while hugging me.

"I'm sorry," she said before I could even react.


"Forgive me, I love you, brother," she repeated, rubbing her face against my chest and squeezing me tighter.

"I-I... me too," I said, completely confused and not understanding what was happening.

"I still don't forgive you; you're still a jerk, but I love you and don't want us to be apart."(Ginny)

"Ooookeyyyy...?" I replied, somewhat dazed.

"We can go back to being like before, like siblings... together. I'll try not to show my disdain for how much of a jerk you are, and I'll try not to clash with your girlfriend."

"I would love to... but you're still calling me a jerk," I reproached her, looking her in the eyes, trying to guess what was going on. Even though I'm empathetic, I found it hard to decipher my sister.

"Because you are a jerk."(Ginny)

"Seriously, why ask for a truce but keep calling me a jerk?"(Red)

"Because you deserve it... but you're my brother's jerk, and I love you."(Ginny)

"Hey...! Well, yeah, I don't know why you say that, but I probably deserve it."(Red)

"A lot."(Ginny)

"Yeah, yeah, well. You're going to have to explain all that attitude from before. I get that you're annoyed about Hermione; I'll hate your boyfriend too, but things got worse. Are you hiding something?" I asked, testing the waters.

"No," she replied confidently, though I knew her well. She was nervous, hiding something that terrified her.

"You don't have to lie. You know I'm your brother; it doesn't matter what you've done. I'll forgive you and help you fix it," I said, hoping she would trust me and reveal what the diary was hiding.

"It's nothing," she said, even more nervous.

"Are you sure? Don't you have something in your hands that doesn't belong to you?"(Red)

"What?" Now she was looking at me confused.

"Don't you have a very special book?"(Red)

"Ikk!" she let out a scared squeal. "Did Luna show you?!" She turned to her friend.

"No," Luna replied, taking out her Christmas present from her clothes: the book that held memories.

"I wasn't talking about that book... and why are you so scared? What's in there?"(Red)

"Nothing!" she screamed before kicking me in the shin and breaking free from my arms.

Ginny ran to Luna and grabbed her arm before shooting off toward the Great Hall. I stayed on my knees, holding my leg. I saw them running away and yelled:

"Weren't we supposed to be loving siblings again?!"(Red)

"From now on!" she shouted without stopping. "See you later!"

I shook my head and sighed. Despite everything, I felt happy. Even that kick felt familiar, the little aggression we could have without the hatred she had been showing. My sweet sister was starting to be herself again... but damn, now I was frustrated. I had mentally prepared for a conflict, and she came out with this... I wasted my efforts. Damn it, Ginny! Let me be the strict brother once in a while.


I continued walking through Hogwarts, deciding what my next step would be. The presence or absence of the diary could change many things in my life. I have several goals, some quite risky, but necessary for the path I've decided to take. I need to strengthen myself, improve my people, fortify the fief, and create a prosperous place for my girls and future children.

I was lost in my thoughts when, suddenly, I received a notification: I had acquired a new skill. It was strange, as I hadn't done anything specific to deserve it, but the surprise was greater when I saw what it was: another blood magic.

[Blood Magic: "Sanguine Form" acquired]

It had been a long time since I had obtained a blood magic skill that wasn't just an emotional aspect to use with my [Blood Control]. My curiosity increased when reading the description, which was extremely simple, almost vague: "Shape-shifting."

I decided to try it immediately. There was no one in the hallway, and although I knew it would be safer to experiment in my [Fief] with a clone, I opted to use my main body. I wasn't sure about the cost in blood magic, and I didn't know if the clones could handle it.

I activated the skill and...


"What the hell?" I thought, looking around and trying to perceive myself. "I'm a damn puddle of blood!" I screamed internally because I had indeed turned into a puddle of blood... unable to speak.

I didn't feel anything in the conventional sense. I could perceive my surroundings somehow, but without eyes to see, no nose to smell, and no ears to hear. However, I could assure that I saw and heard. I had no muscles to move and no skeleton to hold me. I had no idea what the purpose of this ability was, which had only turned me into liquid. Did it have some special use?

I calmed down a bit after the transformation and began to analyze my new body, paying attention to the details that I had previously ignored in my excitement. I tried to move, and after several attempts, I managed to associate the necessary feeling with the action. Moving was strange, like I was a liquid sliding down a slope, although I could move even on level surfaces.

I tried to go towards the wall. I reached it, but I couldn't climb it; I only managed to adhere part of my body while the rest remained touching the ground. I attempted to divide my mass into smaller portions, which was relatively easy, but manipulating both parts at the same time was extremely difficult, much more than the first time I made a clone and had to handle dual perception.

Although it wasn't the most exceptional ability, I saw great potential in it, at least for specific situations. Then I wondered if my other abilities would still work. I tried to use [Blood Manipulation] to control myself, and it worked! However, it was incredibly difficult. Controlling external blood was already complicated, but doing it over myself required immense concentration. I had to maintain control of both my body and the ability, making it easy to lose focus.

After a few minutes of practice, I decided to move. I used my [Blood Manipulation] to push my body. Not enough to levitate (which would have been great), but enough to make my liquid mass bounce across the floor. I transformed into a sort of elongated mass, like a shapeless water snake, awkwardly bouncing from side to side. I still hadn't fully mastered the movement, and anyone who saw me would think I was stumbling drunkenly from one place to another.


Using my new form and the ability of invisibility, I managed to reach my extra Care of Magical Creatures class, although it was extremely difficult to maintain both abilities active at the same time. I resumed my form near the forest, quickly checking if everything was in place, and luckily, I was missing nothing. There were other things to try, but that would be later.

I walked into the class, where several students from other houses were already gathered. I also saw Professor Kettleburn and Matheus talking before the lesson began. I introduced myself to the professor, who greeted me warmly, reminding me to let him know if I had any problems. It was curious to see someone with so many lost limbs assuring me that I would be safe, but I accepted it.

The class started, and Kettleburn guided us to where the creature we would study that day was located: a leucrotta, a kind of moose with the ability to mimic sounds and voices, as well as open its mouth to an enormous size, which was quite intimidating. This particular leucrotta was fairly docile, as the professor had tamed it. The students could approach to study it, as long as they didn't do anything stupid.

The class was quite entertaining, and the professor would have loved to give me points for my exceptional performance. With my druid skills and experience with magical creatures, communicating and getting along with the leucrotta was no problem. I even managed to resolve an incident when some kneazles invaded the shed where the professor had indicated we should look for food for the creature. I used my ability to communicate, control auras, and calm emotions, allowing me to negotiate peacefully and almost theatrically with the kneazles. I got them to line up, like an army, in exchange for some food.

Professor Matheus was impressed with my ability. As someone from Castelobruxo, accustomed to constant contact with magical creatures, he noticed the fluency with which I communicated with animals, unaware that I could actually speak to them. This ability would become evident with all the creatures appearing in future classes, and Matheus told me that I would easily find my place in his school if I transferred to Castelobruxo. He repeated several times that it was a shame that the exchange only lasted a year, as he saw a lot of potential in me and suggested I consider transferring to "maximize my talents."


In the [Fief], my clone was inside a house, the prettiest and most complete of them all. It had two floors and several rooms on each, a blend of technology and magic. I was sitting on the couch, with Andra and Eileen in front of me, debating the situation.

"They're two girls," I explained. "I hope you take care of them and teach them magic... even though one of them is a muggle, I have plans for her." I detailed what I expected from them: "I have many things in mind, and while I can have a clone with them, when I'm not around, I need you to accompany them. I'm not sure how our relationship will go, so if you can ensure they're happy enough, I would appreciate it. I don't want you to use your charms to corrupt them, but if you can keep their love for me in tough times, that would be the best. Can you do that?"

"I think I can," Andra replied. "I'm still struggling to control my power, but I should be able to do it."

"Good, let's get to it. Wait for me here."

I stepped outside, near the hill, where I introduced Tonks and Elise. I activated the menu and saw the notifications to withdraw people from one of the campaigns I had conducted. I selected Lily and Petunia, who, as my partners in that campaign, required no cost to summon.

Two girls materialized in front of me, looking around with surprise and nervousness, at least until they saw each other and then looked at me. They ran towards me and hugged me.

"Red!" Lily exclaimed.

"Where are we?" Petunia asked.

"Hello, girls, it's been a long time," I responded with a smile upon seeing them again.

Both looked at me confused.

"It's true; for you, only moments have passed, a few days at most," I reminded them. "Well, how about we go home, and we can talk there?"

The girls looked at the construction site in amazement and followed me as I explained the situation. They glanced at each other with some discomfort while holding onto my arms, something I had already warned them about, but it was the first time they were involved at the same time.

I took them to the house I had prepared, where Eileen and Andra were, and I introduced them as friends, or rather, as family. I explained everything until well into the night, when I took them to the restaurant for dinner and then back to the house to sleep. Tomorrow, the explanations would continue, but for now, it was just Andra and me on the nighttime streets.

"Do you think you can hint to them that threesomes are fine and quite nice?" I asked with a mischievous smile.

"Horny?" she replied with an arched eyebrow.

"A little," I admitted, thinking about the blowjob Gemma was giving to my real body in Hogwarts.


3rd Additional Chapter
