218) Trojan War

With everything prepared, my group was ready, my inventory complete, and my goals well-defined. In front of the notice board, Andra, Tonks, Helena, Elise, and I said our farewells, ready to embark on our journey to ancient Greece.

Lily, Petunia, Eileen, and Gemma watched us depart. Petunia looked like she could fall asleep at any moment. The strengthening rituals were working, but they also came with grueling physical training to maximize their effects, and she could barely stay on her feet.

We said our goodbyes, though I noticed Tonks seemed a bit puzzled by Gemma's familiarity with me, especially certain gestures she made towards her belly. Tonks knew Gemma was one of my women, but she didn't yet know the full story. She'd find out on this journey.

I did the last checks before leaving, and then we disappeared from [Fief].

We appeared over a large map of the Greek Empire, where several areas stood out with glowing markers. Here we had to decide which side to take: the Trojans or the Achaeans. We'd discussed it beforehand, so we aligned ourselves with the Trojans, and in an instant, we appeared in an ancient city, full of people and surrounded by massive walls.

It was strange to see people in ancient robes, looking at us with fear and awe, not only because of our different appearance but also due to Elise's presence. Although the Statute of Secrecy wasn't yet established, seeing a unicorn—especially one so impressive—was truly rare.

Our identities were set as traveling wizards hired as mercenaries to defend Troy from the imminent danger facing it. The local seers had predicted a catastrophe in a month, and they'd requested help from everywhere; we were part of that aid.

We had a residence provided by King Priam, like all the wizards joining his cause, so at least we had a place to stay. We had a month to prepare for war and to work on my other plans. For me, the important thing wasn't to win the war but to understand how these missions worked, explore their limits, and also use this opportunity to help Helena with her condition.

We settled in the city, where, aside from the other wizards, most of the townsfolk treated us with a mix of reverence and fear, seeing us almost as divine beings. We met King Priam himself and the wizards accompanying him, attending meetings with other mercenaries, ready for war.

During this month of preparation, I established the best ritual circles I could afford with the resources I brought, as well as some materials donated by the king and others I obtained by trading with other wizards of the era. I wanted everything ready for when the invaders arrived. That's why we chose Troy: though it would eventually be at a disadvantage, it offered enough protection initially to allow us to make preparations.

Being here, with all my power, I was able to create several clones to work continuously without having to split them across different locations and tasks. They only needed to focus on this city. In a sense, this journey was a sort of vacation for me; I only had to focus on killing Greeks and didn't have to worry about so many projects simultaneously.

That's how the girls and I experienced an authentic ancient life, though with magic, it wasn't hard to ensure certain comforts. Most of the time was spent working, training, or, well, fucking. More or less like that.

"And Gemma is pregnant with my child." (Red)

"What?!" (Tonks)

*Fucking Tonks… leaving her no time to complain.*

Tonks would get up in the mornings with her body sore from the wild sex, limping towards me.

"What do you mean she's pregnant?!" (Tonks)

*Fucking Tonks, leaving her no time to complain, again.*

Tonks looked at me reproachfully upon waking.

*Fucking Tonks, leaving her no time to complain, again.*


*Fucking …*

Yes, I know it was cowardly to handle the problem this way, exhausting her to the point of nearly inducing a coma so she'd stop complaining. But honestly, I didn't know how to handle it. I kept at it until she was so worn out I had the upper hand in our "negotiations."

Tonks wasn't happy and cried a bit as she let it all out, maybe doubting us. I don't know. I did my best to comfort her. She took her time; she wouldn't talk to me, spent most of the day away from the house, and only returned to sleep, though she might even have tried finding another place to stay. I didn't want to push too much, though I asked Andra to keep an eye on her when I couldn't.

This issue delayed my plans a bit, but Tonks was more important. A massacre can happen anytime, but my bubblegum-haired girl is one of a kind.

The war arrived. From the high walls, I watched the ships approaching the shore. The armies on both sides were preparing for combat, and the battle was imminent. However, it wasn't yet our time to act. Mortals fought first, and then the wizards, as I'd learned in the previous meetings.

Arrows, stones, and fire rained from the walls while on the ground men killed each other with swords and spears. The smell of blood and decay began to fill the air. I hadn't expected to see a scene like this; the magical world doesn't have a large enough population for a war of this scale, and watching people fall one after another was, at the very least, unsettling.

Though we weren't many, the wizards on the battlefield were like killing machines, focal points in the army's ranks. In this era, magical wands weren't as common or accessible as in my time, and you could see different wizards using various means and methods. When it was finally our turn to enter the fight, I felt the true thrill of large-scale combat.

I ran through the troops, shifting into my liquid form, reforming spontaneously to launch explosive spells at the large masses of enemy soldiers advancing. I dodged the elemental spells other mages hurled upon noticing my presence. I was a thorn in their sides: versatile, elusive, and lethal. Soon, I earned the nickname "erythron kakon" or something similar. I made my mark in this war, but I wasn't alone.

If Elise wasn't my mount, she was a devastating force in the enemy lines. Strong, fast, and powerful, she broke formations with ease. Some dared to look at her with desires of capturing her, perhaps the most imposing unicorn they'd ever seen, but that mistake ended in a bloodbath. No one touches what's mine. The massacre she unleashed caused such shock that it nearly prompted an attack from the Trojans themselves, who considered us traitors. However, they soon realized it was better to have us as allies rather than enemies.

Andra also stood out, though not so much in battle but in politics. Her charm and diplomatic skill helped secure important allies, which also got us out of that situation with the Trojans.

Perhaps Tonks was the least outstanding. She was still upset with me and kept her distance, but she still fought, maybe trying to release the negative emotions she held inside.

The first months of war passed, and over time, Tonks eventually calmed down. One night, after a battle, she joined the soldiers in a rest, where she drank more than she should have. Some men attempted to get close to her, trying to charm her. Though no one dared force anything, they did everything they could to win her favor. That's when I appeared, ripping the heads off anyone who dared to lay eyes on her, right in front of her.

Let's just say that second massacre stayed etched in her mind. She looked at me in awe and fear, as if I were a bloodthirsty beast. After disposing of her suitors, I took her right there, furious that anyone would try to take what was mine and that she'd been so drunk she nearly allowed it. With the ground covered in blood, dirt, and sweat, we made love among the mangled bodies of those who'd dared approach.

Tonks woke up the next day with that image in her memory, and I decided I wouldn't let her expose herself like that again. I took her home, and while my clones continued fighting, I dedicated myself to her: Fucking her, feeding her, fucking her, bathing her, fucking her, over and over again. Rumors spread in the city, and several noblewomen and curious people came to our door, intrigued by the moans they heard day and night. We'd become something of a mystery in Troy.

Though it was difficult, Tonks and I managed to rebuild our relationship. Yes, she'll probably always hold it against me for every action, every woman, and every child I bring into the world without consulting her, but there we were, together again. Both in bed and on the battlefield. Over time, she also built her own reputation, though she was already known for being part of my group and my massacres.

As for Helena, she spent most of her time in the basement I built in our house. The magic circle I had prepared was rapidly filled with the many deaths and souls gathered on the battlefield. Helena absorbed that energy, enduring the changes it brought about in her, while I observed closely, waiting for the moment those powers would transform her.

The war was already past its halfway point, at least according to the timeline we'd calculated, and we were recognized and glorified within these walls. The king and nobles respected us for our great contributions, in part due to Andra's influence. They offered us treasures, titles, and, in my case, womens.

Tonks wasn't happy about that, although it was exciting to see her watching me enjoy the Trojan women while she, with no choice, just watched us and masturbated... until it was her turn. I think she eventually adapted to this ancient culture, allowing our life to be a mix of battle, food, and pleasure. I loved seeing her in ancient robes, guiding other women to my bed, while she and Andra drank wine and waited patiently for me to finish so she could take it out on me and try to beat me once I was worn out.

Our relationship restored. (Complete)

Elise, for her part, grew accustomed to the war. She fought tirelessly, eager to test her strength after the experiments she had endured, though she never seemed fully satisfied. She had sustained serious injuries several times, and she observed what I could accomplish alone, which sparked a mix of admiration and ambition in her. When we return, she will surely want to continue experimenting to grow even stronger.

Elise settled. (Almost)

Meanwhile, some of my clones explored the surroundings, and we discovered certain limitations in this place. I cannot stray too far from the city or its territory, as doing so causes me to lose consciousness and reappear within the walls. Other things work well, but I will only be able to test their true limits once I leave here.

Check mission boundaries. (Complete)

Helena, on the other hand, reached a critical point with all the death surrounding her. Her magic circle could no longer bear the energy load, so I had to expand it. Fortunately, several mages were willing to help me during a temporary truce in the war that lasted a few days. The circle grew and improved as I performed a ritual that covered the sky in black clouds, charged with an aura of death.

The king, upon discovering me, thought I was performing powerful magic to defeat the invaders and ordered everyone to collaborate with me. Thus, with the help of nearly two thousand mages, I performed a ritual of enormous magnitude, using my magic as a catalyst to open a small rift between the world of the living and the dead. I drew Helena's soul from the other side, merging and strengthening it with her ghost and the power of death to transform her.

When the king discovered the true nature of the ritual, he was stunned and nearly ordered our execution, realizing that my magic had nothing to do with the war and had consumed many resources. I have to say he was partially deceived, but it was primarily Andra, with her charm and glamour, who distracted him and convinced him to keep trusting us. Luckily, we weren't branded as traitors for a third time, especially once they saw Helena join the battle.

Ghosts weren't unfamiliar, but Helena had evolved beyond any common spirit. Her soul, though not entirely integrated into this world, possessed unparalleled power. She could become tangible at times, and if harmed, she turned intangible again. She fought relentlessly, feeding on the souls of the fallen, which made her practically invincible.

Though not as destructive as I was, nor as useful as Andra or Elise, Helena excelled in one aspect: terror. She was the one who made enemy soldiers tremble just by appearing. Her presence wasn't the most dangerous on the battlefield, but it instilled a deep horror in the hearts of those who faced her.

Helping Helena. (Complete)


1st Additional Chapter
