232) The growing party

It was before noon, and the girls and I were eating in the hideout. Since there were still things to do there, we decided to stay and have an early lunch to make the most of the time. Besides, we had prepared the "scary" dishes that Susan and Hannah, along with other girls, had specially devised for the occasion: poisonous noodles, which were simply noodles with regular meatballs but dyed green and purple; human barbecue, which was just molded meat shaped to look like human parts; and lastly, a regular cake, though decorated with black and white icing and Halloween-themed details.

Lavender joined us mid-morning, but everyone noticed something different about her. It wasn't just that she had taken a shower — although her messy hair indicated she hadn't fixed herself up as usual — but there was something else. Her attitude seemed different: happier, more vibrant, and captivating, but at the same time, cautious, as if she was keeping a secret she wanted to share.

And indeed, that was the case. When Lavender arrived, what she most wanted was to shout to the world that she was now my sex toy. However, she knew she couldn't do that. On one hand, she wanted to be completely free and have everyone know; but on the other, she feared being judged or rejected, which kept her in constant conflict.

Although many tried to probe into the change in her behavior, Lavender managed it well enough to not reveal anything, but not enough to go unnoticed. Her excited attitude, the furtive glances she shot at me, the nervousness she showed when asked or simply when she was near Hermione… All of this drew attention. Some girls began to suspect something, especially when she tried to serve me food for no apparent reason with a fanatic look. They threw me inquisitive glances, as if waiting for me to reveal the truth, but I was much better at hiding secrets.

"Has anyone seen my sister and Luna?" I asked, trying to deflect attention, and also because I was genuinely curious. I hadn't seen them all morning, something that had happened before. My sister would disappear for an hour or two with Luna, but they were never involved in anything dangerous or strange, so I left them alone.

"I think they're with Professor Flitwick again," Daphne replied.

"Your sister is very studious. She's been going with him several times this week for extra lessons," Penelope commented.

"Yes... Lavender, are you alright? You seem uncomfortable. Do you need to go to the bathroom?" Tracey asked, noticing how Lavender was rubbing her legs together while blushing.

"No!" she responded alarmed, stopping her movement immediately. Then, she tried to calm herself. "I mean, no… I'm fine. I need to go get the stage ready," she added before running off, with everyone watching her with curiosity and intrigue, and then turning their gazes back to me.

Fortunately, the situation didn't go any further since we were all busy with our work. After finishing lunch early and chatting for a while, each one went off to fulfill their respective tasks.


A couple of hours before the party began, a couple of visitors arrived at the door of our hideout. They were a pair who seemed quite upset, and since they turned out to be my family, I had to attend to them.

"Fred, George... What brings you here?" I asked, trying to sound cordial.

"Red, our brother," Fred said.

"If we can still consider you that," George added.

They both looked at me with reproach, arms crossed, with a mix of mockery and disdain on their faces.

"Alright, what happened now?" I said with limited patience. With everything that had to be organized, I wasn't in the mood for their nonsense.

"And you still dare to ask?" George said.

"You should know very well what you did," Fred continued.

"You insulted the whole family," George again.

"Or maybe just us," Fred added.

"Which is just as bad," George concluded.

"Look, I've got a lot to do. Are you going to tell me what the problem is or should we set up an appointment for Sunday?" I said.

"It seems we'll have to tell you..." Fred sighed dramatically.

"Here it goes: How dare you commit such a sin?" George added.

"Which one?" I asked, frowning.

"Throw a party like this!" Fred shouted.

"And not invite your brothers!" George continued.

"The kings of the party," they both said in unison.

"First, you're the kings of pranks, not parties. Second, this is a girls-only party," I responded in an obvious tone.

"And you're a girl?" Fred asked, incredulous.

"Mom and Dad would be very surprised if they knew," George added sarcastically.

"Ron would be happy, as you could share a room with Ginny instead of him," Fred continued.

They started joking exaggeratedly, insinuating that all of this made sense, that the signs had always been there. I rolled my eyes at their antics, although I admitted to myself that, if I were a girl, I'd probably be attractive… and maybe a bit slutty, considering how I am as a guy.

"Alright, shut up," I interrupted them. "You know what I mean. It's a female party, and I'm the only exception."

"We know," Fred said. "And somehow, we're proud of that."

"You're smart enough to surround yourself with all the beauties of Hogwarts," George added.

"But that doesn't change the fact that you're depriving us of the best party of the century," Fred insisted.

"You're exaggerating," I said. "It's a small party."

"Well, the best party of the semester, then," George conceded. "The fact is, we don't care."

"We want fun," Fred said.

"So, let us into your party," George added.

"Or we'll tell Mom you're a pervert who's after the skirts of the girls," Fred said.

"The fact that they lift their skirts in front of me doesn't make me the pervert," I replied quickly. "I'm a victim of these women who consider me beautiful and exotic. Mom would help her poor child harassed by bad women..." I added, dramatizing with a false tone of lament.

For a moment, both of them were silent, clearly shocked by my response.

"Damn it, Fred, our brother is smart," George said.

"We can't treat him like Ron," Fred said with fake seriousness.

"He is, without a doubt, the pride of the Weasleys," George said.

"Thanks," I replied, dropping my theatrical act.

"Anyway, you're going to let us into the party," Fred said.

"Just don't make us wear dresses and wigs, Red," George said with a threatening tone.

"Which, by the way, we have for no apparent reason," Fred added.

"Which, by the way, we have for no apparent reason," Fred added.

The two pointed at me, and I couldn't help but imagine my brothers dressed as drag queens in the middle of the party, walking in uncomfortable dresses and showing off their hairy legs. I almost burst out laughing.

"You know what? I'm in a good mood," I said sincerely. Lavender's comment had me on cloud nine, and things like this didn't bother me as much at the moment. "Give me a minute."

I went back to the hideout, poking my head through the door to grab the girls' attention.

"Hey!" I shouted loud enough for everyone to hear. "I know this is a girls' party, but... can Fred and George come? They're willing to wear wigs and dresses."

"Red, you're the one who made this a girls' party. The only one with problems here is you," Hermione shot me a glare.

"I don't mind," Susan replied.

"Me neither."

"I'd love to see you in a dress and wig," Lavender muttered, clearly lost in twisted thoughts that made her moan internally from the frustration building up in her pussy.

"Let them come, they're fun," another girl said, and so on.

The approval was practically unanimous, so I went back to my brothers, who were already hugging each other with triumphant smiles.

"Alright, you can come," I told them, ignoring their mocking looks. "But it's a costume party, so you have to improvise something."

"No problem. Who do you think we are?" Fred replied confidently.

"And if all else fails, we still have the dresses and wigs," George added.

I watched them run off to find costumes, smiling to myself. A small change in the rules today wouldn't hurt... but this was just the beginning.


"Neville?" (Red)

"Yeah, he'll come with us to Castelobruxo. Since we've spent so much time together in class, I thought this party could be relaxing for him too. You already invited your brothers, so... why not invite him? He's been helping Professor Sprout in the greenhouse for me these past few weeks while we've been organizing this. Can we?" (Hannah)

"You have a kind heart, Hannah... Alright, tell him to come, but tell him to bring a costume. The ones here are all female." (Red)


"You? You want to come to the party?" I asked, looking at him in confusion. Percy wasn't exactly the type of person to attend something like this. Apparently, he found out about the event when the twins made a ruckus in the Gryffindor common room looking for costumes.

"Yeah..." he said, a bit nervous.

"Why?" (Red)

Percy looked around, and after making sure no one was listening, he cast a Muffliato to avoid prying ears.

"Red... this stays between you and me, okay?" (Percy)

"Go ahead." (Red)

"Is Penelope going to the party?" (Percy)

"Yeah, why?" (Red)

Percy sighed, showing a bit of embarrassment.

"You see, she and I... we had something." (Percy)

"That's not what I've heard," I replied with a raised eyebrow.

"We had problems, I admit it. But I don't think it's all lost. This school year, I've improved a lot academically, and besides, I've learned a few tricks that will impress her. She's usually very focused on her studies and keeps her distance from me, but this party... this party is my chance to show her what I'm worth and win her back." (Percy)

"Uh-huh..." I replied, clearly skeptical.

"I just need your help. Let me in, and I'm sure I can pull it off. In fact, after this, I could even give you some tips on how to impress your girlfriend," he added proudly.

"Are you sure? It might not work." (Red)

"Trust your brother. She'll go crazy for me when I show her what I've prepared. Wouldn't you do that for your brother?" (Percy)

"Alright... but be ready in case things don't turn out as you expect. Some relationships just shouldn't happen," I said with a sigh. Although I felt a little guilty remembering that I was technically the cause of their breakup... and that I ended up fucking Penelope like a bitch. But well, maybe this time she would give him the final cut. "Bring a costume."



"Seriously? You too?" I asked, incredulously.


"Yeah, there will be a few, I guess." (Red)


"Well, you're a woman after all... Fine. But if Filch comes, he better wear a decent costume. He can look through the confiscated items and make something." (Red)


"Hey, Red! I heard you're having a party."

"Hello, Hagrid..."


"Professor Flitwick, well... Alright, the Frog Choir apprentices can use this party to practice."


"Mr. Weasley," said Professor McGonagall, followed by Headmaster Dumbledore.

They had arrived after the growing rumors and complaints about the party. What had initially been just a flashy event had become the main topic of conversation at Hogwarts, especially among the male students who weren't invited. This led several of them to try to sabotage the event by informing the professors, which piqued McGonagall's curiosity. After investigating and seeing all the effort I had put in alongside the girls, the professor found nothing objectionable about the party. However, she considered it would be better if it were more inclusive, so she consulted with Dumbledore, who agreed. Now they were there to propose that idea.

"Look, I've been getting visitors one after another for the last hour and a half. If you have something to say, please make it short, clear, and quick," I said, visibly stressed by everything the party entailed and how it seemed to grow with each second.

"We believe what you're doing is impressive," McGonagall said, slightly annoyed by my attitude, but quickly letting her discomfort pass. "However, wouldn't it be better to have a party that all your classmates can attend?"

I sighed, exhausted.

"This place is barely enough for all the female students... never mind all of Hogwarts. Ahhh! It wasn't even supposed to be this big..." I said, slapping my forehead with my palm. "Alright, if that's what you want. But I want my girls and I to be exempt from homework this week. We've worked too hard on this." I looked at them with tired eyes, waiting for their response.

McGonagall glanced at Dumbledore, as if asking for his opinion. The headmaster nodded, and after a few seconds of consideration, the professor did the same.

"Alright. You'll have a week off from homework... at least with me. I can't guarantee the same with the other professors." (McGonagall)

"I'll take care of talking to them." I said, knowing that several of them would attend. "Also, I'll need the help of the house-elves. The food we prepared, though it was just snacks to avoid overstuffing before dinner, won't be enough if all the students show up."

"I'll inform them," the headmaster added calmly.

"Perfect, then..." I replied, sticking a poster on the wall. It was one I had already been writing before they arrived. Without wasting any more time, I went inside to rearrange everything necessary and inform the girls of the changes.


Halloween Party

[New Time: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM]

Costume required

(For everyone, including professors)

(Female costumes available in the fitting rooms)


Party start: 5:00 PM

Music and dancing: 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

Frog Choir: 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM

Shadow show: 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Horror stories: 6:30 PM - 7:10 PM

Music and dancing: 7:10 PM - 7:40 PM

Award ceremony: 7:40 PM - 7:50 PM

Party end: 8:00 PM


3rd Additional Chapter
