270) Spiders...

My daughters and I appeared in an inner area of the Forbidden Forest, not too close to the centaur camp. I didn't want to scare them or cause a conflict because of my girls… after all, the centaurs don't get along with acromantulas.

This place felt eerily familiar. We were just a few meters away from that cave… the same one where Elise and I were trapped for so many years. Nostalgia and pain mixed in my chest. The final result was the best possible, yes… but the process… was torture.

I sighed. I can think about that later.

For now, I had to focus on my spider daughters, who were watching the forest with a mix of excitement and caution. This world was completely different from the one they knew. Since their birth, their lives had been limited to a controlled environment, but now they were facing the unknown. I could feel their need to run, explore every corner, discover the secrets of the forest… but they held back. None would move without my permission.

I watched them silently, appreciating every detail.

Anyone who saw them wouldn't know how to distinguish their species, and a muggle would probably be terrified. Wizards, on the other hand, were more accustomed to strange creatures. Also, they hadn't yet reached their full size; perhaps they would in a year. Still, in their current state, they could already be considered adults.

Now that we were here, it was a good time to talk about my daughters. They had gathered around me in a semicircle. Although I had studied them when they still fit in my hands, it wouldn't hurt to take another look.

At first glance, they didn't resemble acromantulas. Their build and certain characteristics set them apart significantly. The basic structure of their bodies reminded me of various species of spiders, which made sense. When I edited them, I didn't use the direct [Acromantula] lineage, but a more primitive one: [Spider].

That's why, although they all shared 50% of the same bloodline, the other 50% was different in each of them… and those differences were more than noticeable.

To the far left was the daughter that most resembled the acromantulas we know. At first glance, she appeared to be a common giant spider, similar to a tarantula, but with one fundamental difference: her gaze. There was so much rationality and human intelligence in her eyes that she seemed more like a human turned into a spider than a magical creature.

Her lineage was 50% Spider and 50% Muggle. As I mentioned earlier, her appearance didn't differ much from normal acromantulas, but she had two key characteristics that set her apart. The first: she could barely speak like a human, unlike acromantulas. The second, and most surprising: her intelligence was fully comparable to human intelligence.

If I hadn't understood her through our connection, I might have taken much longer to discover this. But her rapid growth made her potential clear. Her brain evolved alongside her body, adapting with impressive ease. She has been the spider daughter who learned the fastest of everything I've taught her. If she had human hands, I don't doubt that she could write with ease, even though I only spent a few days teaching her. She might be the most intelligent of all my daughters, but not the most powerful.

For now, I call her Spider Hermione.

The next daughter also had a predominantly spider body, but her appearance was more akin to a sack spider. Unlike her sister, she lacked hair and her color was mostly dark green tones with some black parts… of course, if we ignore the flashes of bright blue that appeared intermittently on certain areas of her back and abdomen.

That glow wasn't merely decorative. It was a clear indication that she was using magic.

This daughter had 50% Spider and 50% Wizard lineage, and her potential became evident from the moment she was born. She possessed abilities that no other spider should have: she could teleport short distances, increase her speed suddenly, and leave an immobile illusion of herself before disappearing. Even her venom, although no longer lethal, gained the ability to consume or interfere with the magical power of its victims.

Without a doubt, she was a fascinating specimen… and dangerous to anyone who found her in the forest.

Luckily, although she wasn't as intelligent as her sister, she wasn't as aggressive either. However, she was highly territorial. As for her speech, she had the same ability as acromantulas, though her strong arachnid accent made her sound even more intimidating.

For that reason, I simply called her Magic Spider.

My next daughter was the most human of all… but in a different sense than Spider Hermione. Her intelligence, although much higher than that of acromantulas, didn't reach the level of her first sister.

It was with her that I made an exception regarding the lineage. I wasn't sure if current wizards had a purely magical lineage, so I wanted to test with a combination that resembled them as much as possible. I mixed 50% Spider with 25% Muggle and 25% Wizard.

And that's how she was born…

An Arachne, like the ones from medieval fantasies. A spider body from which, from the prosoma, the figure of a woman emerged.

She was the only one of my daughters capable of speaking fluently, without an arachnid accent or vocal restrictions. However, her appearance was far from human. Her torso, although feminine in shape, had no breasts, and her skin wasn't truly skin, but a smooth, dark chitin that could easily pass for human skin at first glance. She lacked hair, and her eyes… well, she had a pair of large human-like eyes, but also six smaller ones, almost hidden.

Her arms were thin, and her fingers… were like tiny spider legs, sharp and ready to pierce flesh with ease.

Her body and color pattern resembled that of a black widow, although with a more streamlined build and a less pronounced abdomen. And, as such, she was the most aggressive, sadistic, and dominant of all my daughters.

For that reason, I simply called her Arachne.

Now we begin with the most peculiar spiders in terms of their existence, and I mean that seriously.

The next one is... well, 50% spider and 50% alchemical elemental/golem, a lineage obtained thanks to the Philosopher's Stone that I absorbed. I really didn't know what would come of this, but the fact that her egg had a metallic appearance was already a hint that something strange would happen.

Her appearance, in terms of shape, is quite generic, but... to describe it simply, she seems to be made of liquid gold. It's not just that she has a golden hue, but her entire body seems to constantly melt, with that same gold flowing over her skin and being reabsorbed over and over again, forming waves that travel across her surface. Her color, although always golden, subtly shifts from light to dark with each ripple, giving her a hypnotic look.

The real terror comes when you touch her. Her body feels as if your hand slowly sinks half a centimeter into the liquid gold, cold and viscous, although it never really separates from her body. After that half centimeter, you find a very solid and resistant metallic body.

As for abilities, she is one of the most peculiar. She doesn't need to eat, sleep, or breathe, although she can consume inorganic materials if she wishes. She is incredibly resistant to physical damage, and instead of venom, she can inject that liquid gold into her victims, which is not very healthy for most living beings.

Her personality is the calmest of all my daughters. Most of the time, she does absolutely nothing, remaining motionless without any problem. She only moves on rare occasions or in regular patterns, and she never attacks without reason. In fact, if you attack the ground just centimeters from her, she won't even consider you a threat. Only if you attack her directly would she defend herself.

In terms of intelligence, she has a great capacity for mechanical learning, able to replicate tasks after a few practices. However, in terms of subjective thinking, creativity, or making complex decisions, she is much more limited. She is, in a sense, like a robot.

Her speech, although barely better than that of acromantulas due to lacking their characteristic accent, is still strange: monotonous with exact pauses between each word, making her sound artificial.

I called her Goldie.

The next spider is undoubtedly one of the most terrifying in terms of appearance. Her body is black with ash tones, her abdomen is more elongated than her sisters', and overall, she is thinner in both legs and body. Despite this, her exoskeleton is extremely tough.

The most striking feature is her abdomen, which looks sunken and wrinkled like a raisin. On it, in an ash-white tone, a macabre skull is drawn, making it clear that her presence is a bad omen.

Her lineage is 50% spider and 50% specter/undead. And yes, she is probably the deadliest of my daughters.

Among her abilities, her absolute stealth stands out: her thin legs barely make a sound when she moves. They are extremely sharp, capable of piercing flesh with ease and retreating quickly. She can perfectly simulate her own death, making her indistinguishable from a real corpse, and since she feels no pain, her ambushes and battles are quite brutal.

Her venom is not lethal in small amounts, but that's where the danger lies. A single drop in her victim's system will slowly begin to drain their vitality. It kills slowly, and the worst part is that it is very difficult to treat. One bite, and although you may escape, it's likely there's no salvation left.

As for personality, she is the most murderous of all. If she detects you, she will attack without hesitation until she kills you, not out of the need to feed, just for the sake of killing. However, her hunting style makes her dangerous only if you have the bad luck of running into her. She remains in "death" state most of the time, motionless.

Helena has told me that, secretly, this spider leaves the forest and rests in the cemetery whenever she can. I think the aura of that place is attractive to her.

Her intelligence is similar to that of an average acromantula. She can speak a little in human language, but rarely does so, as she prefers silence. However, she can emit screams that almost reach the level of a magical attack, capable of damaging the ears of listeners and possibly destabilizing their magic.

I called her Ghost Spider.

Before talking about my last daughter, I want to mention something about webs, as this is directly related to her.

Spider Hermione barely weaves. In fact, her web production is extremely low.

Magic Spider only weaves oblique webs to rest on or use as platforms, distributing them in various places that seem to be her resting or "tourist" spots.

Arachne uses her webs in a more strategic way: not just to trap prey, but even as a weapon. She has learned to change the consistency of her silk, increasing its resistance and reducing its stickiness at will. She would make an excellent dominatrix... Although, apparently, she prefers waiting to build her own nest and has asked me for a place to settle. It seems she finds caves attractive.

Goldie produces a special silk made of semi-solid gold, slightly elastic. However, she never does so on her own initiative, only when I ask. Her silk is an extremely valuable alchemical material, with high auric content and various peculiar properties.

Ghost Spider also weaves oblique webs, but she prefers to make them on the ground where she rests. Her silk, although not the most resistant, has a death aura that makes her feel comfortable. For living beings, however, it is something completely different: if someone wore a bracelet made from her silk every day, they would live between 1 and 10 years less than they should.

And with this, we approach the last of my daughters...

