272) Operation: Infiltration 1

"So, girls, I know you're excited, but I don't want you to get overconfident. I don't want anything to happen to you. I know you're strong, but you're not invincible," I told the giant spiders in front of me with concern.

"We... can do it, fatherrr," the magic spider said with its hissing voice.

"I know, but still..." I sighed. "You know your mission. This place is full of Acromantulas, the same species as your mothers."

"Mothersss..." murmured the spider Hermione in a thoughtful tone.

"Yes, your duty is to dominate them, subdue them, or, if necessary, eliminate them. You are strong, intelligent, and, well, what can I say? The most beautiful little butt, just like your father." I let out a small laugh at my own joke, but quickly got serious again. "I brought you here so you could feel freedom. Completing this mission is optional, but staying safe is a priority and an obligation. Understood?"

*Spider sounds in confirmation.*

"Good. I'll leave you here. This will be the teleportation point. You can bring back the Acromantulas you manage to subdue and take them to the fief. I'll assign a special place for you there. Yes, it's small for now, but I'll make it grow. And remember, this is not a competition. Each of you should do what you can, but don't fight each other. That would make me sad." My tone turned emotional, and the spiders moved their fangs with concern. Well, almost all of them. Arachnee didn't seem to believe my act.

"Can we go now?" Arachnee asked impatiently. It was her first time outside the fief, and she clearly couldn't wait any longer.

"Alright, just remember my instructions about what you can and cannot do. If you're unsure about something, ask me. I've already taught you how. Now, go, enjoy your journey... but be careful." I extended my hands to the sides, giving them the signal.

The spiders got excited, and in an instant, they scattered quickly through the forest.

I watched them with a mix of joy and concern as they disappeared among the trees. It was hard to let them go, but it also filled me with pride. Being a father is tough. I sighed, knowing I had other things to take care of now. First, I would have to inform the centaurs to stay away to avoid conflicts. Even though I had told my little ones that their "game" would be limited to the Acromantula zones, I was worried one of them might cause trouble.

Especially Arachnee. That girl is so rebellious... like any teenager.


The school was quite empty since most of the students had gone home. Of course, my group was still as lively as ever. Since they were all here, I honestly didn't feel much difference from normal days.

They were all here, which led some parents to send letters complaining about it. It was expected. Parents—at least the good ones—wanted to spend Christmas with their daughters. However, my girls had been quite insistent on staying, even though they couldn't tell them the real reason for their stay.

Because of that sacrifice, which would surely earn me a scolding in the future, I decided to prepare some small gifts for them. While everyone was asleep, I made sure to decorate the lair with a completely festive atmosphere: trees, ornaments, sweets, and even magical snow that was only slightly cold. So much so that if someone lay on it naked, there would be no problem.

It was a great surprise for the girls. They enjoyed the decorations, cookies, and hot chocolate I brought them. However, my joy didn't last long. After a lovely morning together, they all left me alone, ready to continue with their plan. I sighed and decided to leave them to it while I looked for something useful to do. Christmas wasn't here yet, but it wasn't far off either, so I should take the time to prepare gifts. I had many to deliver.


The girls were quite busy at this moment because the Polyjuice Potion plan was about to be carried out.

As they had decided, they included Harry and Ron as scapegoats. Along with them, three girls from the group would join the plan. Malfoy wasn't the only potential Slytherin suspect who had stayed at school. The girls were trying to gather information on other possible suspects while Malfoy was interrogated by my brother and Harry. Of course, they chose easy targets—younger students who weren't sharp enough to notice any anomalies. That was my discreet advice, sent through Penelope.

They called Harry and Ron and explained what they had to do: get hairs from Crabbe and Goyle. I wasn't sure if involving them was a good or bad idea since, while these boys have moments of brilliance, they aren't the most ingenious. Their only idea for obtaining the hairs was to provoke a fight with them. And wow... it was fun to watch.

It was a physical fight that, as expected, they lost miserably due to the size difference. Plus, they earned themselves a day of detention. But at least they accomplished their goal.

On the other hand, there were the girls who would accompany Harry and Ron. They had to transform into other Slytherin students to avoid any suspicion and keep my group completely unrelated to the heir business and everything else. Their targets were first and second-year students, selected with the help of the Slytherin girls.

While the infiltrated group acted inside the Slytherin common room, another group was in charge of keeping the real students busy and away from their common room so that no one would discover the trick.

Of the group of girls, the three selected for this mission were Pansy, Millicent, and Hermione. The first two, being from Slytherin, were an obvious choice, as they knew the secrets and inner workings of their house, making it easier for them to play their roles. As for Hermione… well, she was practically pushed into participating by Pansy.

Since the incident in the infirmary, Hermione and Pansy had been in a sort of rivalry. Nothing serious, but their constant verbal arguments were not exactly discreet. Pansy, taking advantage of the excuse that Hermione had been the one who prepared the potion and her "history" with the chronic diarrhea potion, did not hesitate to choose her as a participant.

"She made the potion, so it's only natural that she tries it too. Or does she have something to hide and doesn't dare to use it?" Pansy said in a defiant tone.

Hermione, offended by the insinuation that they doubted her skills, quickly defended herself. However, Pansy was inflexible: if Hermione was not willing to drink the potion, no one else would. A silly conflict, no doubt, but one that did not help with the group's trust. What Pansy did not mention was that this idea had not been entirely hers. I was the one who asked her to ensure Hermione's participation in the mission.

In the end, Hermione accepted, not only to prove the quality of her work but also to make it clear that she was not a coward. However, it was decided that she would not work alone. She would go with Millicent as her assistant, as her superior memory could be key to remembering details that Millicent might overlook. Moreover, Hermione would also have the task of keeping an eye on Harry and Ron, as there were some doubts about their ability to carry out the plan.

The date of the mission was selected, and the plan was meticulously organized. Every step was reviewed from beginning to end, rehearsing movements, performances, and even simulated interviews to ensure that nothing went wrong. The necessary hairs for the transformation of the Slytherin girls were collected during this time, though I took the liberty of changing one of them, specifically the one meant to be in the vial labeled "Hermione."

Harry and Ron were explained how everything worked, including the signals to abort the mission. Since the potion would only last about an hour due to Hermione's current limitations with potions, it was made clear that when one of the girls accidentally bumped into them, it would be time to retreat. From that signal, they would have only five minutes before the potion lost its effect.

For greater accuracy, the girls wore magical timers attached to some part of their bodies. These vibrated subtly every ten minutes and began to heat up in the last ten, alerting them of the remaining time. Additionally, to avoid more issues, the girls provided Harry and Ron with Slytherin robes and explained the location and password of the common room, ensuring they wouldn't get lost.


The plan was set into motion one particular morning. The girls split into groups, with Daphne leading several to take care of those who would be replaced. Crabbe and Goyle were dealt with without much delicacy, knocked unconscious as soon as the first opportunity arose, and then dragged away and hidden. On the other hand, the Slytherin girls were invited by Astoria or Daphne to the hideout under the pretense of trying out the new massage bed that had been installed. Though some questioned the idea, the girls usually did not turn down my inventions, and anything that offered a bit of luxury was always welcomed.

Once in the hideout, the victim girls settled on the vibrating stretchers and enjoyed a spa-worthy treatment. What they didn't know was that sleeping incense had been lit in the room, making them fall into a deep slumber before the infiltration operation began.

With everything ready, Myrtle's bathroom was designated as the place for the transformation. As one of their own, Myrtle served as a guard and would warn them if anyone approached suspiciously. The girls and the two boys mixed the hairs into the potions and entered the stalls to undergo the transformation.

From inside, some sounds of surprise and discomfort were heard, but soon, four of the five participants emerged from the stalls looking completely different from before.

"Who's missing?" asked the fake Crabbe, noticing someone's absence.

"Hermione," answered Lavender, who was there along with other girls, watching the transformations with excitement. Already indulging in her mental fantasy as usual, she began spinning a story about 'doppelgängers, total distrust, and an inevitable ending where everyone ended up fuck each other.'

"Go ahead," a trembling voice was heard from one of the stalls. "Something went wrong."

"I told you there was something weird with your potion," Pansy teased maliciously.

"But it worked for everyone else…" Millicent tried to defend herself.

"Shhh…" Pansy interrupted her, clearly enjoying her moment of revenge.

"Just go, there's no time!" Hermione shouted, growing more anxious.

"You should go; we'll find out what's wrong with her," Padma intervened, checking her pocket watch to make sure they wouldn't run out of time.

Pansy nodded, prioritizing the mission. She led Millicent, Harry, and Ron to the Slytherin common room, determined to get something valuable out of their infiltration. Though curiosity itched to know what had happened to Hermione, completing the objective was more important.

Meanwhile, the remaining girls focused on their distressed friend. Unlike what one might expect, Hermione trusted them enough to open the stall door and show them her current state.

"The hair they gave me was… from a cat," she meowed sadly.

The impact was immediate. Everyone froze at the sight of a feline Hermione until, little by little, they shifted from shock to concern. Well, almost everyone. Lavender, instead of worrying, went from stunned to a kind of perverse euphoria. Her face turned red, a bloody nosebleed started gushing out, and her quill moved frantically over the pages of her notebook.

[Lavender's perverted writing: "...And so, she became a humanoid cat. Has the era of zoophilia arrived? Will she pounce on us to mate and spread her condition? Will we multiply and begin a new feline world order? What does cat fur feel like in mouth…? Oh, Hermione, my companion, my friend, have mercy on me. Don't let your bestial instincts dominate you. Resist your desire to fill me with kittens… No, I belong only to my lord Red… Don't lick me there with your barbed tongue… KYAAAAAA…" ୧(≧∇≦)୨]

