Chapter - 2

I never would have thought that I would really have the opportunity to be reborn. Turns out that old fart didn't lie about being a god.


- "Wa-a-a!"

What are you doing, old aunt, it actually hurt me when you slapped my ass. Come here, I'll crack you right now! Where are you going? Come on, let's fight.

- "Your baby is completely healthy, look how active he is, probably in the future he will be quite athletic! " - said the woman doctor handing the baby into the hands of the mother.

When the woman in the hospital bed heard her words, her eyebrow twitched and she looked at the man standing at the doorway. When he noticed her gaze, he immediately looked away, scratching his head.

- "My God forbid Katsu will become like his father.." - said the woman pressing the child harder, which made his face slightly flushed from the strong grip of the woman.

- "Hush.. Hush, dear.. Look at our boy, doesn't he look like me like two drops of water? Wait, what's wrong with his face?" the man asked in confusion when the woman also noticed the baby in her arms.

- "I'm sorry.. Forgive Katsu.. Your mom got a little overreacted.." - releasing a strong grip, which caused the child to immediately relax in his hands.

My God, woman, have you decided to kill me? Am I not your son whom you should love, not strangle? Damn, what a family. But looking at their happy faces, I couldn't help but smile, because I finally had parents!


5 years later...


It's been five years since I've been reincarnated in this world. I still can't get enough of this outcome. Thanks to this, I finally found a family and now I have no problems with my legs, so now I can walk down the street on my own two feet without any problems. I cried like a girl for a very long time, but realizing now that you are now physically healthy was really amazing

My mother's name is Saoru Sakura, she is a very domineering woman. Although she looks short in stature, she can easily scare even a bully. Her look is so scary that even my father, who plays sports and is a whole head taller than her, is afraid of her.

I don't know how it happened, but I really admire my father's courage.

By the way, my father's name is Akashi Saito and he owns a Taekwondo club and he's pretty strong. Once or twice he took me with him when my mother was busy at work, so I saw him coaching his students.

- "So Katsu.. I think it's time to go home, otherwise I'm afraid your mother won't be happy if we don't get back on time," my father said, changing into casual clothes.

His tall, statuesque figure was a delight to the eyes. And no. I'm not gay, it's just that my dad is really in good shape. I now understand why my mother married him.

- "Heh heh heh.."

"What are you laughing at?" my father asked, noticing my stupid laugh.

- "Oh, just remembered my mom.." - I replied, holding back my laughter. Respect to Mom for a good choice!

Returning home, we also went to the local convenience store, which was located next to the house. By the way, I also forgot to mention that I live in Tokyo, the capital of Japan.

- "What do you think is better, noodles with beef or with chicken?" - my father asked me, choosing which noodles to buy on the shelves.

- "No difference.. Mom won't let me eat it anyway.." I replied with a sigh.

It's true. She will never allow such poor-quality food to be eaten, according to her. But I have to agree with her, otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat her delicious delicacies that she cooks for me and Dad.

- "That's also true.." - Dad replied and went to choose what mom would usually do.

When we got home, it was already evening. Taking off her shoes, we were met by my mother Sakura in a housecoat and an apron. This meant that a delicious lunch would be waiting for us.

"And why are you so late? " - mom said when an oppressive aura appeared around her, which scared my father and me. Yes, this woman is really amazing, even though she is small, but I feel that one wrong move and I will get a slipper in my face.

- "I trained Katsu!" - my dad said with pride, but I felt that at this moment I should sympathize with him.

"I told you not to involve my son in your hobby! I don't want him to become a scoundrel like you in the future! " - mom answered and took your slipper to throw at dad.

* BAM*

Perfect hit!

My father, having quick reflexes worked out over the years, at this moment could not save him from his mother's slipper. I'm afraid to imagine what would happen if she started playing sports.

- "Hmm! Go wash your hands and go to the table." she said, grabbing her slipper to go to her room.

I love this family!

When I finished eating, I went back to my room to go to bed. I'm really tired today. My father is still a great coach. Despite his stupidity, if it concerns sports, then he becomes a real genius.

He started training me when I was a baby. But I liked it, because I love sports, especially when it comes to fights.

It's 1996, so we don't have a computer and Internet yet. To some extent, I'm not used to being aware of this news yet, but the manga still exists, so I picked up a magazine and started flipping through it until I fell asleep.