Lilith Moonreaver (4)

Lilith's unannounced trespass into the Everwinter Estate went largely unnoticed due to the Matriarch's immediate intervention. Usually, an invader would have been captured and possibly executed after weeks of interrogation, but fortunately for us, Lilith was considered a friendly. And so, the days passed in relative peace.

Yes, there were the days when Irina and Lilith started to fight. Mainly due to them arguing over who could sleep in my bed at night. Irina wanted to continue our nightly activities, which included sucking both my blood and vitality vicariously with no end.

Lilith, on the other hand, just couldn't forgive Irina for stealing me away and hated the idea that her Bloodmate would be pairing with another woman without her consent. However, since we'd only just reunited, the girl was too shy to approach me just like Irina did.