Vampire Civil War (2)

"Miss! The Bloodborne House has begun their attack!"

Lisa rushed into the private chambers of her mistress and caught the two of us in bed together. While we were still fully clothed and there was nothing but cuddling going on, it did feel like we were caught with our pants down. The butler blinked, not knowing what to do. On the one hand, she didn't want to ruin her mistress' happy time, but the situation seemed dire enough to throw any caution out the window.

"A-Ahem," Lilith coughed as she separated from my embrace. "Give us two minutes; we'll come right out."


I couldn't help but emit a dry laugh. There was a reason why I was cuddling on Lilith's bed rather than training for the duel.

After talking about our future plans and my ambition to live together with the four women, Lilith's mood started to turn sour. She wouldn't be as clingy as before, she didn't talk to me for a few hours at a time, and she had even asked to sleep in a separate bed.