The Second Night (2)

[NSFW: Warning! There will be an R-18 scene in this chapter. Please skip this chapter if you don't want to read stuff like this. All chapters with R-18 scenes will have this warning tag to help with your reading experience. Otherwise, to the ones who stuck around, please enjoy! ;D]

"And that's what happened after you passed out."

"I see…"

I nodded my head and started to summarise the information that Lilith had given me. Firstly, it wasn't a hallucination; I actually defeated Sirius in a duel and won Lilith's freedom. Which came as a huge relief, given that I was on the ropes during the last leg of the battle. I don't know how, but I managed to grab hold of the Stardevourer and land one single clean hit onto Sirius' chest. And while it seemed like Sirius had dropped his guard for some reason, a win's a win.