Leaving the Moonreaver Dimension (1)

"Chase after them!"

Deep in the middle of a rocky canyon, fifteen silhouettes leapt from rock to rock, chasing over dozens of shadows. However, those shadows weren't just formless entities, they were horrid monsters in all different shapes and sizes. Some of them were feral versions of apex felines like tigers or lions, while others were outlandishly overgrown versions of ostriches and other sturdy flightless birds. But no matter what their features were, they all shared the same, distinct attribute… They all weren't from this world.

"We can't let a single Outer Demon escape! Surround them now!"

The fifteen humanoids continued their wild chase, not willing to leave a single inch for the Outer Demons. Amazingly, once they'd reached an acceptable distance, over half of the humanoids started to change rapidly.