The True Terror (1)

It has been six days since we first arrived at the Blackburn House, and while the hosts were nothing but welcoming, I couldn't help but feel that they were purposely hiding Ysabelle from me. Whether it was her own decision or the family's, I didn't know. However, I wasn't going to simply wait around to find out.

Especially since we've heard the stories about the Warclaw Tribe's Alpha. From the stories I'd gathered through eavesdropping, the Warclaw's Alpha was a famous figure and a man who could provide Ysabelle with everything I could and more. Needless to say, just him taking an interest in Ysabelle was enough to draw my animosity.

Now, I knew that it was unreasonable to expect Ysabelle not to have any love interests. After all, we had been separated for fifteen years, and I'd completely forgotten about her until recently.