Ysabelle Blackburn (1)

Twenty minutes had passed since Ysabelle began weeping in my arms. Nothing had changed within the depths of the chamber. Neither the Iron Heart nor the vast ceiling that drew a blanket of stars. My magic power was sealed, leaving me with nothing but my physical body. However, I was in no hurry to escape.

I stroked the back of the beauty, doing whatever I could to soothe her sobs. As her tears dried up and her shoulders stopped shaking, I raised my chin from her forehead and raised her eyes to meet mine.

"Have you settled down?"


Gone were the valiant eyes of the Amazonian. The indomitable warrior that wouldn't flinch against an army of Outer Demons had turned into a tame kitten. Ysabelle nudged her head against my chest and let out an adorable purr.

"Sorry… I got your shirt wet."

"Haha, you worry about the weirdest things."