The Third Night (2)

[NSFW: Warning! There will be an R-18 scene in this chapter. Please skip this chapter if you don't want to read stuff like this. All chapters with R-18 scenes will have this warning tag to help with your reading experience. Otherwise, to the ones who stuck around, please enjoy! ;D]

Jin… Oh, my dear Jin…

Even after fifteen years, you haven't changed one bit. You were just as gallant as the day we'd met. You had retained your overwhelming good looks and became even more charming with every passing year. Especially after you'd finally turned into a Vampire as we'd planned.

You are powerful and dependable, yet you possess a sensitive side that would make any girl swoon. You had a heart of gold and love for me that felt heavier than the entire ocean weighing on me.

You were… My unadulterated guardian knight.

Time hasn't changed you one bit.

But I shouldn't be surprised.

You were my Jin, after all.