Trapped! (1)

"Jin… Tired?"

"Hmmm? No, I'm fine."

Two figures sat under the moonlit sky, completely untethered by the world surrounding them. As if they were the only two people in the world, the two children lay side-by-side, watching the stars' movement as the world passed them by.

The younger of the two turned around to face his friend, who had her knees cupped together in a kneeling position. Like an older sister, the girl attempted to draw the boy's head towards her lap, seemingly wishing to ease the boy's fatigue through her own bodily warmth.

"Rosalyn, aren't you tired? You've been watching us from morning till night."

"Watching Jin… Not tired…"

"You're joking," the boy helplessly smiled. "I don't think I even saw you sleep once! You're awake when I go to bed and awake when I wake up. Shouldn't Vampires love to sleep?"

"Sleeping… Not fun."

"Not fun? What do you mean?"

"Sleeping… Scary…"

"Oh? Are you afraid of the dark?"

"Dark? Yes… Maybe… Darkness is… scary."