Rosalyn Shadowgarden (4)

This was… The power to control Life.

With one cusp of my hand, I unravelled the pesky, thorny vines that held me down. Standing up from the bed, I revitalised myself through Spirit magic, something that should have been unique to the Elves, and strengthened my weakened body. Magic power quickly filled my veins, and it didn't take long for my peak physique to return.

While I was busy recuperating, I heightened my senses and tested my new powers out. I could see the entire Elven Forest and all of its inhabitants. Any tree, squirrel, Elf or insect… Anything with a soul was visible under my new vision.

And that's how I saw…

The forest was burning…

Elves were fighting Vampires. Vampires were fighting Vampires. And the Spirits… They were all crying.