The Angel And The God (2)

The High Elder was on borrowed time, and he knew it very well. Using the magic power of the souls he absorbed was a great idea in concept, but in truth, it was corroding his body every single second. That was the price of using forbidden magic without thinking of the consequences.

However, in exchange for polluting his soul into extinction, the High Elder had obtained a power that could rival Progenitors, albeit for a brief few moments. At our current level, both the High Elder and I were equal when it came to pure destructive output.

Which was why…


Detonation after detonation thundered across my reality marble, creating city-levelling destruction with every move. The High Elder would create a blood lance, which had the power rivalling that of one nuclear bomb. Meanwhile, I would counter that magic with my own Ring of Destruction, which possessed enough power to drill a hole through Eyghon's stomach.