Consorts Of The Progenitor (2)

A week had passed since the Bloodborne House had invaded the Elven Forest.

After the High Elder's defeat and the Consorts' capture, the Bloodborne House's momentum completely stalled. At first, they were confused about how their supreme leaders could be taken down so quickly, but once it became clear that the ritual had failed and Dracula wasn't going to be revived, the troops' morale completely collapsed.

The arrogant Bloodborne Vampires went on their knees one by one as the Elves and the Shadowgarden House completed their capture. The Elves, in particular, were enthusiastic about meting justice to the idiots who dared invade their territory.

The vast majority of the Bloodborne House had perished during the raid, and less than half of them remained. Weakened and without a leader, the remnants of the Bloodborne House could only rot in jail while at the mercy of their captors.