Members Of The Valter House (2)

My mother hurried along towards Rosa's private residence with a face filled with anticipation like a kid on Christmas morning. Perhaps she was bored over the past year without me, but she seemed keen on meeting the four girls who had shaped my life for the better.

Although I didn't really want them to meet right away, I had no plans to curb my mother's enthusiasm. Though, I hoped that the girls had fully woken up by now. If my mom were to see the aftermath of yesterday's lust-filled night…

Yeah, I should send a message to the girls before we reach.

Fortunately, I didn't have to…

"Esteemed mother! Esteemed father! Welcome to the Elven Forest!"

A breathtaking golden-haired Goddess stood in front of the verdant abode and welcomed my parents with a smile. Dressed in traditional Elven garb, the girl was literally the embodiment of the Goddess of Purity. She smiled ever so radiantly as she approached my parents and performed a regal bow.