The Face Of God (1)

I was trembling…

Jin Valter. I heard he killed Eyghon, a Demon Lord that the Holy Church couldn't defeat. I heard he annihilated the Bloodborne House and killed its High Elder. And most terrifyingly… I heard he had become a Progenitor.

Sometimes, you hear something, and your brain can't fully comprehend it.

I've heard multiple stories of the horrors a Progenitor could cause. The legends of Dracula and how he dominated the planet. The fear that came with muttering his name. And the absurd power levels that a Progenitor could reach.

I had always taken those stories with a grain of salt and dismissed them as exaggerated myths created by the Vampires to strike fear into their enemies.

But my arrogance… My ignorance has cost me dearly.

I'd assumed that a Progenitor was nothing more than a powered-up Vampire. Perhaps a Vampire that was a little stronger than ancient monsters such as Matriarch Everwinter. But that was far from the truth.