Changes In The Everwinter House (1)

As the battle between Jin and Father Amorth settled down, so did the disruption within the Everwinter Estate. Jin's magic kept curious eyes away, and the vast majority of the Everwinter House couldn't witness his one-sided massacre. And while they were curious about the commotion, they couldn't go against Matriarch Innocence's decree to not interfere with the Progenitor's actions.

Even Magnus and Hilla, the Everwinter House's frontrunners to inherit the Winter Throne, weren't exempt from the ruling. They could only sit back impatiently and wait for the news. But truth be told, they could guess what happened based on the circumstances.

The Progenitor had attacked Damien's stronghold. Was there any need for them to infer anything else?

Damien had incurred the Progenitor's wrath, and thus, he paid the price. The remnants of his faction would likely disperse as well since their figurehead had been killed. There was no point in plotting revenge or holding grudges.