vs Cthulhu (2)

"Goddess… I've found him."

Cthulhu's words rang within my consciousness, forcibly raising my brow. Goddess? Found me? What was the Goddess? And why was she searching for me? Did the Outer Demons already know who I was? Has news of my ascension already reached the Demon Realm?

There were so many questions to ask. And well, there was only one way to find the answers.

"Cthulhu, you can understand me, right?"

"... Interesting, you're not affected by my presence, and you are able to keep your mind sane when communicating with me… No, I should say, it's expected from the nightmare who plagues the Goddess' dreams."

"Nightmare? Dreams? Explain yourself."

"... You might be the one, but your head isn't all that bright." Cthulhu insulted me with a narcissistic tone. "... Why should I explain anything to my enemy?"