vs Cthulhu (4)

The fight with Cthulhu continued for a full half hour. Each time the Demon Lord seemed to recover from my attack, I would launch yet another meteor into its face. And if one meteor didn't work, I sent two hurling down from the heavens. And if two didn't work, I would send four. And if space rocks couldn't do enough damage, I would cast an assortment of spells, from blazing hells to lightning bolts of pure destruction.

Whatever I did, I ensured that Cthulhu didn't have a single second to breathe easily. Flames evaporated its water, and its slimy skin had been perpetually burnt. Through magic, the Demon Lord could recover its injuries instantly, but with each passing spell, the regeneration took a tad bit slower.

My plan was working. Even as a Progenitor, I wouldn't be able to constantly regenerate if my body was incinerated every few seconds. Still, there was a reason why Cthulhu was undefeated throughout its many years of invading our lands.