Pinnacle (1)

"The Archangel has fallen!"

"We need to restart the ritual again!"

"Will we make it in time? The Demon Lord will be here any minute now!"

Back in the Archbasilica, the thousand clergymen responsible for summoning and providing energy to the Archangel went into a frenzy. Their connection with the Archangel had been severed by Baishe's fearsome jaws, and their locations were now vulnerable to an attack. Desperate to make a play to save their lives, the members of the Holy Church all talked over each other. To stop the entire congregation from steering off course, the Pope stamped his foot down and roared:

"Quick, restart the ritual!!! We are protected by God! A mere Demon Lord is nothing against the wrath of our Lord and Saviour!"

"T-That's right! Let's not waste any time! Restart the ritual."