Death (1)

Fuck! Fuck!

Who was it?!

Who dared to disturb me on my wedding day?!

Angered by the sudden noise, I teleported out of the cathedral and adjusted my eyes skyward. The Solar Eclipse I'd called upon was gone, and a massive whirlpool of demonic energy was in its place. Magic power, one of the likes I'd never felt before, filled the entire planet as the vortex sucked in all forms of energy into one singular point.

And at the event horizon, a massive pool of energy ripped the dimensions apart.

"A Gate? The Outer Demons are still planning to invade?"

After I'd killed the Eyghon, Cthulhu and Baishe, all of the created Gates of the world had now faded away. Perhaps there were one or two remaining, but those were infinitely smaller than the major Gates that used to plague the world.

Rightfully, most of us thought the Outer Demons had been spooked by losing three of their Demon Lords and were going to lay low for the foreseeable future.

Alas, how wrong we were.