The Hegemon (1)

I, Sirius Moonreaver, have only been afraid three times in my life.

The first was the day I earned the title of Sirius. The Stardevourer and Sirius were synonymous with the cream of the crop. The best the Moonreaver House could offer. The day I accepted that title, I felt an innate fear of losing everything I'd earned and living up to what was expected of me.

The second was the day I became the Lord of the Moonreaver House. Not many could become a clan Lord at such a young age, and I felt utterly alone. There weren't many in the Moonreaver House that I could trust, and I feared being isolated.

And finally, the third time… was right at this moment.

This fear I had… It wasn't the fear of disappointment or the fear of ending up alone…

No, this was a far more primal fear.