The Mystery Of The Renne Bracelet

At the Noule's mansion, Kwaserah was still trying tirelessly to break her sister's Uber Shield but to no avail. She's been at it for days and she only managed to put a few cracks here and there in the barrier that mended soon after the damage was done.

"Ah! How can I even break this thing if it keeps on mending itself after each crack?"

Perceiving Kwaserah's frustration, Lounesha gave her a bit of advice. "Instead of wildly bashing away at it, focus your attacks at a singular point."

"I already tried that, but it didn't work." Said Kwaserah in a state of depression.

"Then figure out another way to retrieve the elixir." Lounesha retired her bottom to the bench where she kept on observing Kwaserah's progress while reading a Vog.

Zunyon came walking over looking as if she had just woken up. However, it seemed she was still feeling sleepy from the yawn she released. "Uh… Kwaserah, you haven't destroyed that stupid thing yet?"