Having A Difficult Climb

"Wow, this is rough!"

At Gravity Falls, Gnihzur was in the process of climbing the first earthen layer. With his wings propelling him upwards, he was now able to penetrate that hard gravitational wall that kept him in a lower density of altitude for a while.

Shortly after he broke through the gravity wall, Gnihzur noticed a group of slithering creatures bursting out the side of the structure with him being their target. They possessed a slug-like body with a humanoid torso sculpted out of rock. In the place of their heads were cabbage-shaped monstrosities. The many twist and folds comprising their visages were concealing acidic brain matter from spilling out.

"Huh! What are those things?" After Gnihzur's outburst, Origin manifested beside him to make him aware of the obstacles he was facing.