Teasha’s Bohn Clover Release!

"Those 2 together could spell trouble. Although it isn't totally an unfair fight since 5 of us make 1." This thoughtful observation came from Nero who was sizing up his opponents, Kennon and Sickrow who were both strong adversaries.

With his gaze fixed on Nero, Sickrow said to his ally, "Hey, Kennon why don't we make this a bit more interesting?" He was thinking of proposing a challenge.

"What do you have in mind?" Inquired Kennon.

Sickrow pointed his sword ahead of him at Nero then said, "Whichever of us spell our names first using his blood wins. This is the contest I came up with. What do you say?"

"Sound interesting." Kennon clenched his fists very tight until a popping sound rang out. He responded valiantly, "I'm in."

Sickrow was glad to hear this. "I know you were fun, Kennon. Let's do this."

"Here they come." Nero was prepared for them.