The Spikelees’ Nest

"I made it inside!" Gnihzur was relieved that he entered the base level of Camellia Fortress before he had been completely locked out due to its closing reaction whenever it rains. Glancing behind at where he had just come in, he smirked then slowly directed his attention forward.

"Wow, the inside is more expansive than I thought." His eyes beheld an otherworldly edifice of nature's making. Various types of fauna life forms comprised the foundational properties as well as the major portions of Camellia Fortress.

From where he was hiding behind a rock covered in moss, Gnihzur observed the natural operation of what was taking place around him. Numerous species of Spikelees were going about their day-to-day activities, tending to their young ones. The mothers usually nurtured the babies of the clan while the males do the heavy lifting.