Chapter 12- The Broken Pinky Promise

'You are useless and you don't even know' (Dally)

Lorrin didn't think over what was said, it were words said by a stupid trash,

feelings and emotions are very complicated they can take you from heaven to hell, without telling you that it is throwing you down but, when feelings change it is still better, to be honest, and speak, cheating is the last thing you could have done, isn't it?

That shit is gone but, Max isn't you still living well? I don't hate you; I don't feel anything towards you anymore it is just that I can't bear to see one of the cheaters living well I will make you miserable and pathetic.

I am still fifteen, aren't I? it is not the time for love but to play and enjoy these, little feelings can wait. Lorrin knew it was time to leave the safe zone she took her stuff and informed Shawn and sister Clara, they were quite sad but, they knew that it was something that was needed to be done,

'I will leave grandpa.... I informed brother and sister.' (Lorrin)

'Why so early? dear stay for some time more' (grandpa)

'No, grandpa, I stayed for 3 weeks didn't I?, I have things to take care of' (Lorrin)

'Young people nowadays are indeed busy... go ahead do visit this old man time to time ' (grandpa)

'Sure, grandpa' (Lorrin)

Grandpa was rather sad because of this, when Clara was not here grandpa was at home alone most of the time, so he might get lonely if she left, Lorrin was going to miss these days.

It feels like coming out of fantasy but, one can't live in fantasy forever time to get some work done.


Hans family Mansion, Lorrin - 7 years old, Lorrin's brother (Lorden)- 10 years

"ANN! ANN, Look it's so pretty" (Lorrin)

"Yes, my lady it is pretty but" (Ann)

sulking// "Prettier than me?" (Lorrin)

"No, my lady no one is prettier than you" (Ann)

"Pretty, she looks like shit to me, why the hell are you here?" (Lorden)

"Young master, please be considerate of lady she is still young" (Ann)

Lorrin's eyes are filled with tears, Ann hugs Lorrin and tries to calm her down

"You pathetic thing if not for sending you to school, mom would never bring you back to the mansion you don't deserve to be here" (Lorden)

Lorrin starts to cry, the cry can be heard by her parents who are busy with their as soon as they hear the sound their mother comes to the scene of commotion, as soon as Lorrin sees his mother he starts to wail.


"ANN, how dare you to raise your voice? and what the hell commotion is going on, can't you take care of Lorrin better, and why is she crying?" (Mother)

"Mom*wails* Mom, why did you bring her here, she *hic* she was being rude to me and that nanny is telling me to shut up *wails* mom Lorrin said I don't deserve to be here" *wails* (Lorden)

"Ann, How dare you?, don't you know who you are working for, do you want me to remove you if I could I would but, I don't want to go around finding a new nanny" (Mother)

" No, Madam that's not right it was young master...Madam" (Ann)

Mother slaps Lorrin, Lorrin's cheek swells and she faints.

"I shouldn't have brought that troublesome piece her, I should have left her there, take her away and make sure she doesn't appear in front of Lorris again."

"Yes, Madam" (Ann)

"From the time I brought her back only trouble follows she is a jinx, I need to do something about her" (Mother)

A few days later-


*hic* *hic* " I am sorry brother but, but, I *hic* didn't do anything...." (Lorrin)

"You didn't do anything who asked you to come in front of me?" (Lorden)

"But, but this is my room." (Lorrin)


"Nothing is yours; these are mine you sh..... Ahhhhhh" (Lorden)


Seeing his master in danger, Jim jumps on Lorden and Lorden fall down the floor, and in the moment their mother who was in the nearby rooms hears, Lorden's shout and comes up and Ann who went to bring Lorrin's Lunch runs up.....

"My lady, are you alright, Jim come her stop" (Ann)

On hearing Ann's command to stop Jim comes back to Ann and stands behind Ann and Lorrin.

"Lorden are you alright?" (Mother)

"No that dog pounced on me, that told him to do it" (Lorden)

"Miss would never" (Ann)

"Shut up, pack your stuff and you guys will be moving out to the old apartment of the uncle, I can't afford to keep that jinx here or she will kill my son" (Mother)

"Yes madam" (Ann)

The next morning in hush the little lady her nanny and pet left without a wish of farewell.

[Haah!!! out of those mansions, the air feels so good, walking home, feels good too these days were indeed rough Hmm... Why does it feel like I am forgetting something wait it's been damn good days since I went to that hell but wait hmm those high ends would have indeed taken care of it Indeed my father can endure being stupid but not accept pain in his pride, he would have given them some nice material.]

As I walk through the corridor, I feel happy and calm, opening the door I feel free and happy, the first time when I came here, I was afraid frightened thinking my mother had abandoned me I spent days crying in the small comer in my bedroom and Ann would always hug me and tell me it is fine, I feel stupid that damn old hag had already abandoned me after knowing she couldn't score any points by giving birth me. I should have been happy that day and hugged Ann and told her how happy I was knowing that she was with me, Damn it! I miss her She indeed took great pains to decorate this house, just to make me feel comfortable she always took care of me from the time I woke up the time I went back to sleep, she always asked me "Lorrin What would you do if I am not there anymore don't be so dependent on me." (Ann)*worried and concerned*

"But you will always be there for me wouldn't you" (Lorrin)*unconcerned*

"Yes, Lorrin" (Ann)*relaxed*

"Pinky Promise"

"Pinky Promise"

they said as they interlocked their little finger.