Chapter 17- Digging up dirt.

What she did this year to her math teacher just blew the whole school away, this teacher was a male he tried to make sexual advances on Jen, she let it go for some time but, it crossed the line when he provoked her saying, that it would be better for her to sleep with him and gain marks cause, as a girl she is just dumb, this angered her to a point of no return and I don't know, how Jen learned hacking though we are close there are some parts of her I am unaware of but, nevertheless she has the right to keep things from me and I respect that. knowing that, he was just a lustful animal she tabbed his damn phone and recorded every shit from sex night with his wife to his other two sex partners and sent the voice recording of his sex partner to his wife and send it as an announcement to the whole damn school without getting caught cause she learned her lesson from 7th grade the teacher eventually resigned and rumor has it that he was later filed for assault by some of his neighborhood young girls and was never seen in the city again. Amazing you know.

After dealing with litter, I felt dissatisfied, I didn't want to settle for just some threatening and beating his ass, and Jen was the correct answer, I left the case of Max with her,

'I want to screw him up' (Lorrin)

'Yo, Let's do that, babe' (Jen)

That's what she said and I expect nothing less.

Blue Moon, I shouldn't forget that.

There are over two giant rooms on the second floor which no one uses but, Jen's room is on the third-floor, reason-

'Mom, won't come this high to check regularly'

Damn this cunning girl.

Grey hoodie and black shorts, sexy red hair tied in a messy bun, black is her natural hair color, black hair made her look sharp and hot but, damn red hair just makes me want to pounce on her, slim long leg, sharp eyes perfect face and body features, she is just a hot bomb and that tanned skin just hits the spot.

'Are you done appreciating me?' (Jen)*staring*

Lorrin was looking at Jen and staring at her, Jen noticed the gaze and quickly turned towards Lorrin, the sudden eye-contact caught Lorrin off-guard, as always she was extremely honest,

'As hot as ever haah' (Lorrin)

'Wanna pounce on me?' (Jen)

'Definitely do.' (Lorrin)

'You wanna do it now?' (Jen)

'Nope' (Lorrin)

'Idiot' (Jen)

It was a rather normal conversation between them,

'What visuals did you wanna show me?' (Lorrin)*back to the topic*

'Where are the cookies?' (Jen)*serious*

Lorrin stared at Jen's face, she was dead serious, Lorrin sighed and took out the box of sweet and handed it over to Jen,

'Indeed a food material girl.' (Lorrin)

Jen took out a cookie and had no reaction to what Lorrin said

Three laptops, one computer.... every technology a person would ever need, this girl a damn genius, even aunt doesn't question, perks of the youngest of the two and by far the only girl in the family...... Jen's mother's siblings all have sons no daughters and the same goes for her father's siblings, the whole family dotes on her, I am proud of her.

Jen stands up and take her cookies and goes back to her bed and lies down, Lorrin meanwhile takes the cloths from the chair she wants to sit, she puts them in the laundry basket and cleans up the table which is filled with snacks wrappers, and sprays some room freshener and finally sits down.

'Browse your heart content' (Jen)*excited*

*Lorrin browses through the files and images*

'Woah! naked pics his stuff is not that great, what is he flexing?' (Lorrin)*laughing*

Lorrin starts to laugh as she views some nude pictures of Max flexing his naked body in front of the mirror and camera, she suddenly stops laughing. Her eyes grow big, she froze in a state of denial, it took her sometime to process the information, Jen was fascinated as she watched the various amusing expressions on Lorrin's face and finally asked,

'Saw it' (Jen)*smirks*

'Damn hell! this dude crazy sending nudes to his own 10year old cousin, he is a sick pedo' (Lorrin)*surprised*

'That is just the beginning, after break up with you; guys gone insane' (Jen)*relaxed*

Lorrin further browse through some chats Max sent to his cousin and in her view, she is now horrified, it was another attack,

'What the hell is this?' (Lorrin)*astonished*

'I checked through his chats and call, Tranquilizers' (Jen)*serious*

'What are the effects' (Lorrin)*terrified*

'They take one's sex drive to its peak' (Jen)*calm*

'My God, what???' (Lorrin)*surprised*

Lorrin stumbles upon pics of Max with some men who were frequent to the bar they used to visit,

'You know them?' (Jen)*doubtful*

'Yes' (Lorrin)*tired*

'They are the suppliers of the Tranquilizers' (Jen)*worried*

'He never got close to them before' (Lorrin)*messed up*

'Now they are as close as siblings' (Jen)

Lorrin would go out with Max to the bar often, Max used to take care of entering drinks and others, no matter what, Max never drank past his limit and Lorrin enjoyed dancing and avoided alcohol, Max had always hated those drunk guys, they always appeared in the bar for hour or half an hour and left, Max was never interested in them so, the change astonished Lorrin.

Lorrin found more nude pics of Max but, this time he is with a bunch of naked girls, Pics are hot and erotic ones, one sucking his stuff, another one receiving his fingers, one fondling his nipples and kissing him. Lorrin turns away from the laptop, Lorrin feels frustrated and doesn't feel like looking any further,

'What more is there?' (Lorrin)*tired*

'Some hot video calls, gay-sex, erotic voice call that's it.' (Jen)*calm*

'Clean my eyes, what the hell did I just see?' (Lorrin)*terrified*

'He is really a handful' (Jen)*excited*

'What do you say? how shall we play with this dirt?' (Lorrin)*troubled*

'Wanna just throw this to his grandma, she will die within minutes, heart patient, isn't she?' (Jen)*excited*

Lorrin doesn't seem to welcome this idea, seeing Lorrin's reaction Jen retracts her suggestion,

'How far do you wanna go?' (Jen)*holding back*

'He should leave this city has Dally did and should go through hell in his newly transferred school, an outcast also, I wanna blackmail him' (Lorrin)*deep in thought*